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Hey there :) Just stopping in to introduce ourselves. My name is Becca and I have a 10 yr old Congo African Grey named "Scooty". I named him that because after he had hatched one of his parents had bit one of his toes off and cracked his beak. As he was growing up he would tend to scoot along until he learned to walk around and eat with the missing toe. Now, 10 years later you wouldn't even notice it was missing and his beak has grown out beautifully. I've had him since he was just a few months old. I'm excited to meet everyone here and to see what we can learn. That is the awesome thing about Grey's...they are always teaching us :)

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Awww. Scooty is fantastic! I agree, always listen to your bird! Learn about diet, toys and cage. Learn stepup and stepdown. Once you get to the trust level and Grey " to make everything about her". manipulate their desires..... you can be a successful Grey parent! They are too fun, and Sophie has been such a joy in our lives. She is Way too social, but we appreciate her attempts to be " all about Sophie". Nancy

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Ok, hopefully these attach correctly...my ipad is being a jerk when it comes to attaching files. It doesn't like to do the drag and drop part so I'm on my cruddy netbook.


There should be a couple of his baby pics (keep in mind it was 10 years ago before cellphones had good quality lol). One is of his first bath which he is SUPER ticked off about lol. I can clearly see him with frowning eyebrows in that pic...but maybe that's just me. I'm telling you, they totally have facial expressions if you ask me. And the others are of him just messing around with toys. A lot of those are of his earlier years. I'll try to grab a few this weekend and maybe try to get a decent video. He's such a chatter box lol.


Thanks for such a warm welcome. Its so refreshing to be among good people and ones that act like adults :)





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Here is a pic of him after he got a bath. At the time, he hated bathing so it was a bit of a forced one. Anyone that thinks birds don't have facial expressions...this proves that wrong lol. You can even see his frowning "eyebrows" lol. I feel a bit bad laughing, but it is a bit funny...


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Here is a old pic, a little over 10 years ago :) It still makes me smile seeing him in his awkward phase. It cracks me up how big his beak is compared to his head lol. Sorry the quality isn't the greatest, you know, back when we didn't have those fancy smart phones ;)



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And one last one for now. He loves his bank. He puts those plastic coins in the slot and then gets all frustrated and starts tapping his beak on the box waiting for me to take them out so he can start over lol.


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Yes he looks quite annoyed, poor guy.


Yep, no doubt. That's what happens when he goes crazy with the sweet potato mash. He had that stuff dried all over his feathers lol. I figured he'd eventually get himself clean but I took it as an opportunity to get him used to the misting bottle. I was told by several grey owners as well as his avian vet that sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and make him take one for the health of his skin and feathers. Now he does some bathing on his own and I help him along sometimes....we've only taken 10 years to get there. And after all its done he says "love you buddy" over and over. That's his happy phrase. And of course he loves saying his own name but with a lot of "oooo's" so its like "Scoooooooty!". Makes me smile every time and when I smile he laughs at me. I wonder if he's laughing at me or with me.... hummm....

Edited by Scooty
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