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Ok so Chappie (3-4 months old) can get this way in the mornings after about 10-20minutes outside the cage.. And its very annoying..

It can't be from lack of attention either so that is why I am asking for help.


He pretty much sees and stays with us all day about 5-6 times a weeks and I mean 5-6 FULL days/nights and is out his cage 90% of the time, the other 2 maybe just see him in the morning because I got to go to the races.. But he still has people around him.

He doesn't do this every morning but what he does is start squawking/screeching and flapping his wings and starts flying all over the place and doesn't want to stay on my hand. Just wants to do his own thing.

I try to ignore but then I put him in the cage and he is quiet then I let him out after he really settles.


He will be keen to get out his cage but also good to perch in his cage on cue.


Am I doing it right??

Should I continue to put him in the cage and ignore him?

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I'm wondering if what you're describing is just normal parrot behaviour. While Greys are considered to be one of the quietest medium to large birds, most of them have a period in the morning and at night when they run through all their loudest sounds and, if they're flighted, fly around doing what others here have described as a pterodactyl scream. In the wild the whole flock would participate in this activity. It doesn't usually last long. My advice is to join in on the fun. What you're seeing sounds like a happy healthy African Grey.

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Mornings around here are a lot of shrieking and terrordactly bombing runs. Can be very scary to the uninitiated as I've had visitors here when the birds do this and the guests grit their teeth and hunker down. They don't realize how harmless it is with birds flying and shrieking all over the place.

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Birds shriek like that because in the morning, in the jungle, they come out of their sleeping places, and the flock gets together for the day. The shrieking is everyone saying that they've made it through the night. No predators have taken them, and the whole flock can gather again. It's probably a call to come together, and a celebration of being alive to make those sounds.

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HMMM, not trying to be a wet blanket or anything, but after being told by people on the forum that this behaviour is VERY NORMAL (and yes, mine still does this!) would you not wonder why he's stopped?


For me, I would be more concerned that he's not as vocal anymore ...


Just my two cents!


Echo still does this every morning, and I LOVE it ... if she was to stop doing it, I would automatically think that something is wrong.

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I often get a morning chorus from Alfie. He runs through a lot of his favourite sounds and words for about half an hour or so. Sometimes it goes on for longer. This is the best time for me to listen out for new sounds/words as he tends to practice them a lot during this time. He doesn't scream though. He's never really screamed...thankfully!

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Sophie has never been a screamer, or extra loud. ( unless she was imitating our Amazon!) She just talks alot! Whether imitating me or the kids, imitating the other birds, practicing her sounds, or just doing her favorite thing! THE PHONE! She dials her imaginary phone... has a two minute conversation.... laughs and gossips, then says " okay... alright... bye." CLICK! Sometimes she forgets to say bye... I remind her she didn't say bye...she calls her imaginary friend again and repeats it....I LOVE it! Nancy

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