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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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So I talked with my friend about Kane attacking me when it is feeding time. She laughed and said "remember when I said they are the hardest to feed? Well that is why, if you are feeding more than one, they attack each other over the food." Great. Yesterday she pulled the fork out of the bowl, tried getting into the bowl and then bit the crap out of me when I tried to move her so I could finish making it. Now I can not even mix the formula while she is on the counter. lol And if I try to move to make it, she follows me.

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If you are mixing the formula on the counter in the kitchen with just Kane, perhaps you could use this moment as a learning tool Watching for the signs of a bite... say NO and stop. Restart when the behavior has been " cut off". I can't imagine feeding as many birds as you do!... I am sure Kane is just biting from excitement from being hungry. I would help you in a heartbeat if we lived near each other!

I remember taking care of my friends birds... around 20... reading all the directions on each cage. Thank GOD I took my kids with me! It was so overwhelming Nancy

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She does give me signs, I am just giggling to hard. She hops at you and the look on her face, her eyes twinkling with excitement is just cuteness overload. We do tell her no-no but she is still a baby and learning what she can and can't do with that beak. Testing the waters so to speak. Having her since she was just 4 days old, watching her explore and learn is the best part to date. The little steps she makes. I can tap a finger where I want her and she will come right to that spot, ask for a kiss and I get one. Last night we did the toy passing. She had a water bottle top, her favorite toy, I put my hand out and she came over and set it in my hand. I played with it and handed it back. Just watching her learn things is exciting! I was told the most she may say is hello, the blue throats are not big talkers, but I think she will have a few more words. No-no bite and good girl Kaney-poo! lol

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What a night... Night before last we think Cocaba had a seizure. Walked really wobbly and let Pat pet his back and head so yesterday was dedicated to keeping an eye on him. All seems fine with him now, but for the last week we have been hearing this whine and couldn't figure out if it was Ixta or Cotay who picked up either the dogs whine or maybe even the fan we have that has developed a squeak while it oscillates. However finally last night I saw blood in Cotays poo. She hates me so I can't handle her and called Pat over, he picked her up, all seemed normal and she whined, upon further inspection poor girl had an egg that wouldn't pass. I can only hope this hasn't been going on for a week with her. Pat did some quick reading and felt confident he knew how to help her and he did! He was so excited he helped her that when he was showing her the egg, he dropped it. lol However she isn't bouncing back like normal and slept most of the rest of the evening. Going to keep a close eye on her and make sure there is no infection if this indeed was going on for a week.

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So last night hubby had an unopened can of beer and was standing by Koko when Koko decided she wanted to make herself a beer bong. (poking a hole in the bottom) She failed at it but did manage to spray herself with it along with half of her cage... That's one way to get a cage cleaned quickly I guess.

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So every year the Christmas tree gets recreated in our house. If you remember last year I made one on the wall out of garland because all the birds Christmas stockings didn't fit on the mantle anymore. Now with 18 stockings and a cage covering where the pin up tree went last year I was clueless what to do until I found the perfect artificial tree at WalMart. It is maybe 1.5' wide but 12' tall! Fit all 18 stockings and one extra for the homeless, neglected, suffering animals out there! Santa is going to need to bring a ladder to fill them up!



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So I was told last night, Santa wouldn't be climbing a ladder to stuff the stockings :-( but that he would make sure everybirdie got their gifts. Dinner got extremely burnt last night while we were outback in the shop counting and recounting all the toys making sure no one was missed. Yikes, I had forgotten that I had dispersed a few of the gifts when we got them (sometimes the excitement of new toys is too much for me to handle and, like a kid, I couldn't wait!)

Kane's favorite toy is a coconut half with the plastic chain and a bell hanging from it. She doesn't play with it, she puts her head inside it and wears it like a helmet. What I should have gotten her for Christmas is a set of mini blinds all to herself, she is a mess. For only having one toe on one of her feet she sure gets around, she scales the drapery rod in the bay window and gets anywhere she wants to go and destroys anything in her way. Bongo also has taken a cue from Kane, he has turned into a wrecking ball all of his own now. I have this 5 shelf ladder thing that he can't stay away from, he doesn't mess with the wood of the shelf, just the drywall all around it. When I move the thing I will have a perfect outline of it engraved in the wall.

Ah well, such is life with a parrot! Merry Christmas everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It has been a while, sorry for being away so long.

All the flock is doing great. Bongo has turned into Mr Terror. He is into everything now and things I use to leave around now how to be put up or they get eaten or destroyed. I am finding Tupperware to be my new friend. Like spoon rests with no handles and I have learned that actual spoons are stored on the floor, not in the half a spoon rest.

Kane has been growing up into a terror in her own right. Blinds and curtains are no match for her! She loves to slip down her cage in stealth mode a have walkabouts. She did not fare well on the last 2 she took. She tried to climb Chachos cage. He got her poor stump foot both times, she is tough for sure. Didn't even act like it hurt her until we had to clean the gashes. Bubba did the same thing and tried to climb up his cage and squealed like a baby and he just had a small scratch. Held his foot up for 2 days, lol.

Cochaba, our 60+ year old wild caught red front is making progress by leaps and bounds. This bird was a breeder all his life, never handled without a towel. Pat took baby steps with him and he got on Pats arm last night of his own choice. He is just so sweet with Pat. I can give him beak kisses and rub his head, Pat is able to groom his feathers on his head. lol

No change in the Cockatoos, they still compete for my attention and scream if I am not quick enough to get to them.

Vincent the goffins, he is a spoiled mess. Will not go to sleep unless I hold him like a baby in my arms for a few minutes, otherwise he screams all night. We tested this theory too, he would scream all night. lol


I tried to add pictures for you but when I click on it, I get "null". I will try again later! Hope all is well with everyone!!

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Here is Kane, baked yam is a huge hit! This was in mid December but she still loves her yams.



Bongo eating things that I "thought" was out of his reach..


Cocaba in his second condo. (if he falls off his area, we set a cage up with a ladder to this area so if we are not home he can still climb to food and water which leads back to his big play area.



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Hubby was at a job yesterday and he and the customer started talking about parrot sanctuaries and rescues, our flock and how we came to live with them. Turns out she is the editor for a newspaper, she asked Pat if it would be okay for a reporter to contact us to do a story on parrots and their plight. We will see if she was serious I guess, he said absolutely. lol Just in case they actually do, we started our outline of what needed to be discussed. Our list includes several sanctuaries including online resources like this one! I know without this group here, I would already have been placed in my own sanctuary!

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You know your plate is full when you are going to dinner and have to put all the birds in their cages, do a dog count and locate the cat. Then when you get home and find a bird sitting on your kitchen table totally mad at you for forgetting her. Guess we have to do bird counts now too. :-( We were so lucky, not that she would have gotten hurt by the dogs (they are scared of the birds), but she is my chewer of all things wood and loves to get on the floor and eat my cabinets. The look of total disgust she gave us, it was hard not to laugh after we scolded ourselves.

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Lol! Funny you say that. Last night we had to go out to meet a customer at a job site. Where were leaving, got our normal "i'll be back" from Cotay, the "l'm going" from Ixta. Bongo did his whistle and i stopped dead in my track at the door. I looked at Pat and told him i didn't hear Gabbys hello. Sure enough i went back to her cage and the food door was open. Found her hiding behind her roll of towels in the kitchen cubby hole.

  • Haha 1
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