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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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And they still are not done. Even I know that fill dirt only goes so high up and it should be graded for the water run off then you add clean dirt. There are areas where the fill is all the way to the top, a huge mound in the center and then they brought in cushion sand to finish it off. Hubby got home and stopped him. Now this is the guy who came to help the one we actually hired since he was with his wife having a baby. We are hoping the guy will be over today to get this fixed. The ruts they left are huge, our fence is still down and they left their machine in the front yard blocking our way to the back yard. Woo-hoo! Good times all around!

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Oh sure, after 30+ days, it rains. My fill dirt is clay and was like ice, the sand is everywhere including my bed. Let the dogs out before bed and spent a good 10 minutes brushing out the sand from the sheets before I could lay down. They helper came to pick up the machine, we asked him to at least clean off the drive way. He tried I guess, took him 20 minutes and he was able to smooth the tire ruts but not actually remove the clay. Still have not heard from the guy we hired so we put the fence back up so our dogs and cat could go outside again. I am at the point where I will be fair and pay the guy for 50 yards of fill dirt, $500.00, there is 10 yards too much in the hole and 10 yards of sand I will not pay for.

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What a big, messy, job. Sorry things seem determined to go wrong. Are the birds doing the heavy equipment noises, backup beeping etc...? Do the dogs pause at the door and let you clean them off before they venture into the house, or are they destined to track some of your new dirt into your home? I'm sure it will be worth it in the end when you're not listening to a bullfrog chorus next spring! Hope things settle down soon.

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We have had two years of contractors and sub contractors, messes, not showing up when they are supposed to be here. Worst day ever was when two crews from the same contractor got their wires crossed and showed up on the same day. The grounds crew didn't get along with the guys on scaffolding and one of the carpenters got in a huff and cut his leg with the circular saw. Someone came in and said "Ma'am, call us an ambulance." It was bad, six to eight hours of surgery bad, and I was in there with fresh flour sack towels for a compress. Finally when the outdoor work is looking lovely, the new neighbor clear cut all the trees in his back yard and filled in the dry creek and washed our work away. It is a never ending decision to just let it work out the way it is going to work out. On a happier note, your little Miss Kane is an adorable little daddy's girl. She will work her magic with you too Lisa... just more subtle and in more time. She is a beauty.

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Hubby got great pictures that really show the whole the mess they left. Have not heard from the guy since Thursday night so Pat said he was pretty much fired if he tried to come back and also most jobs people have if you don't show up for 2 days to work without any contact, it is job abandonment.


My little girl has had a set back with all the action and noise here, she is afraid of everything now, including me when I come in her room. She liked the ac guy who came this weekend. He put a UV light in our system to kill most of the germs that flow though the house. (Does seem to work too, can't smell much of anything even when you cook.) I had her out when he got here so I just set her on the floor and let her play around. Last night though, we couldn't figure out why Bongo insisted on flying to the floor. I had to put him in his cage because the dogs and cat were in, I would open the cage and he would go straight to the floor. It hit me this morning, monkey see, monkey do. He saw Kane on the floor.

As for the noises, they already had the beeps down, this just enforced it!

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Oh, that's pretty!! They all charge a fortune but it's so hard to find people who do the job w/minimal drama & on time! Someone please tell me why that is...?


On a much happoer note - it goes w/o saying that Kane is going to be a handful! She's going to have the very best of everything growing up & she will always have the world by the tail. Pat's hopelessly devoted & you're just barely able to be the adult when it matters. And, she's got an entire flock to learn all the very worst habits from. I cannot wait til Princess Kane leaves the nursery to start her long & happy reign of seduction & mayhem! :D

Edited by birdhouse
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We took Kane outside yesterday evening. Oh my gosh, she loved it. Ran around exploring everything and chasing toes. She is also now hopping when she is flapping her wings, trying to get air born. Just too cute. I was about to take her inside when Pat, who seemed hurt that I was doing that, told me he loved her to and wanted to play with her more. lol I just handed her to him and said "Yeah, it is almost 9pm and I have not even started our dinner yet so play away!"


Heard from dirt guy, he is coming Thursday to finish the job and clean things up. He swears the sand he brought out was sandy loam so we will see. It still isn't dirt, but oh well.

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Well it's Thursday. I hope dirt guy is there working away!

Oh is that funny! So Thursday morning Pat contacted him at 8am to let him know the fence was down again and that I would be home.(pre arranged he would be there at 9am) He said great he would be on his way. At 1:30 the idiot finally showed up, but this is after Pat got back home and called him asking where the heck he was. (With McDonalds in his hand eating while he talked to us.) Arrggg, I was not happy to say the least as I was here all morning waiting on him and couldn't even run my dishwasher because I was out of detergent and afraid to leave that he would show up. So now as you can see it is Saturday and my first update, SINCE HE CUT OUR CABLE LINE!!! (and broke our neighbors sprinkler head, obviously broken yet he is saying "it's fine". On the bright side, our hole is filled now and instead of soil, I have lots of sand with shells so when I get really upset thinking about this ordeal I can go outside and build a sand castle and relax!



I had to laugh, Honey and Sonny supervised this:


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Back to Kane. My little girl is so adventurous, she has no fear at all and no matter how many times she tries to fly she will not give up. At play time we have to start from the floor or she jumps! Yesterday her playpen was enlarged for the last time, it can't get any bigger so the next step will be a cage. :-( I may have some postpartum going on here. I don't know if this is a good thing or not but Bongo is very interested in Kane and last night I had Bongo chewing on of my feet and Kane the other. I tried to get a picture of it but Kane has a short attention span so when I moved just the fraction it took to reach my camera, she was off and running. Here are some other pictures from yesterday though. Look at how big she has gotten. She is also starting on some solids now, she should be at 2 feedings a day now also but isn't. No one to teach her and challenge her for the food so this is a slow process I fear.




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Ho-ly snicklefritz!! How did that happen? She does not look much like a baby at first glance, any more, does she? Wow, no wonder you're getting PPD.


But on the flip side, now the fun begins for real (... which is kind of like the parront's version of the Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times." ;) But just never mind that for now lol ).


She's already stunning. It will be a total mind-blower if she doesn't turn out to have a huge personality! As wonderful an experience as raising her to this point has been, bet you'll enjoy what comes next at least as much if not more.


And thank you again for sharing all the best parts of this !!

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We are trying to get Kane adjusted to a cage now. Yesterday she spent the day on top of one, which she did great with... Until all the other birds came in from outside.

:-( They were flying all over and she got the idea in her little head she could too. She hit the floor pretty darn hard. It was feeding time so I just picked her up and loved on her, I fed her and loved on her more then saw spots of blood on my hand. Now may hands and arms are full of little scratches and holes from the nails so I thought it was just me. Further inspection I noticed it was Kane's beak, she broke the tip of it. I must say I cried a bit for her, I don't see how mothers of daredevils survive this time! I am going to have ulcers!



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Just getting caught up on the Murphy's. Little Kane is looking like a big girl with a big personality. So sorry she chipped her beak but I am guessing it isn't going to slow her down much. The photo of her looking up is so darn precious that I get the MBS fever. I am happy you have this experience with her and hope it isn't giving you gray hairs. She is adorable.

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I understand the nose dive now. Guess who flew yesterday? Not far but upwards. She took a jump and started flapping, made it to Bongos cage. I stood there with my mouth hanging open while Pat ran to her telling her what a big girl she is and how proud we were of her. lol After a few minutes of this I closed my mouth and started crying. lol. I may be a little over tired, I cry at the drop of a hat anymore. I have a vacation end of this month and it can't get here soon enough. I am sharing a picture of her flight path. She made it from the edge of her cage to the flat part on the top of Bongo's. You can also see a few of the many pillows I put down around the bottom of her cage in case she "fell" again.


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She gave me a real kiss yesterday! I was putting her to bed and made the kissy sound and she stretched her neck up to me. She still couldn't reach so I bent over and she put her beak to my lips. Oh my gosh, she just melts me. She also climbed down off her cage yesterday, that didn't melt me as much. lol

I hope video works like the pictures because she was helping me make her formula:


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She gave me a real kiss yesterday! I was putting her to bed and made the kissy sound and she stretched her neck up to me. She still couldn't reach so I bent over and she put her beak to my lips. Oh my gosh, she just melts me. She also climbed down off her cage yesterday, that didn't melt me as much. lol

I hope video works like the pictures because she was helping me make her formula:


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