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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Good Morning My Loves,


I just wanted to tell you all how very special you are to us and that I am very proud of each of you.


I just heard last night that Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks, living with you all time just doesn't compute anymore. Our house was elected to host the dinner again, some of you will remember last year, the rest of you moved in after. I have sent out a memo to them all that they are to keep their fingers away from you and your cage. I told them you look pretty and sweet but have your moments. Bongo, Oliver, Bubba and Gabby, you were the only ones last year. Gus moved in the week after, then Lily, then Cotay. After that came Koko and Chacho. I was asked yesterday if I would pick up Ixta this coming weekend and I said I would but the weather is going to be pretty cold and chance for rain so I bet he will say to wait again, but just in case he doesn't I just want you all to know.


I know it seems like I have not been home very much, but Daddy has been sick and taking care of him is a challenge in its own. Then our dear friend had to have surgery and that was where I was yesterday. He needed me too. I will be going again today to pick him up and take him back home so I may be late again today. We will make this up to you, we have taken Thursday off so we get to be together all day. Daddy will be home Friday to but I have to work.


Cotay, daddy found your Christmas stocking, umm, not sure if it fits you but he sure thinks so. It is pink and lacy, a ballerina. Has he met you? lol Chacho, mommy feels bad. I can't believe I forgot yours. I will fix that and I see camouflage for you! That or an elf, not sure yet what I will find but don't worry fiddo, you will have yours soon! Gus I may have to get you a new one this year. I remember now that the snowman on yours had real sticks for arms and I am pretty sure you ate them off then pooped on him a few times. Gabby, yours is a high heel shiny red boot with big rhinestones around the top, I still have the rhinestones you removed so I will fix that for you to remove again. I am stunned that #1, I will not be able to put up the tree, just no room this year. I am still going to have a tree-ish kind of thing but... #2, all you babies and the doggies and cat have out grown the mantle as far as hanging your stockings! There will be 10 of you by Christmas time, and the 4 dogs and Cook the cat. Do you realize that is 40 feet not counting mommy and daddy's feet that walk on our floor every day? Yikes! It is no wonder I have blisters on my hand just where the broom and mop would sit.


Okay, so you have been updated on the pre holiday madness. I will update you on any changes.


I love, (Bubba, you have trained me very well, I now only say I love, even to Daddy. We gotta work on the "you" part!)



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Ok self diagnosis can be entertaining but I tend to follow in the same pathways myself. Took care of the Sanctuary dogs, cats, bunny's & birds before and after work last week. Now I have to catch up on my flocks cleaning and baking to say nothing of housework. Maybe we are all a little crazed. >;>

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Murfchck - since you're running a bed and breakfast over there do you have room for:


- three well-behaved parrots

- two dogs

- one cat

- two Gambels quail

- three Button quail

- two fan-tails

- two oriental frills

- three llamas

- two goats

- eight silkies

- oh about 35 assorted chickens



We're going on vacation. The quail, chickens and pigeons aren't fussy, everyone else will need 3-squares a day and most of that will end up on the floor and the walls. If you do it right, the chickens will cleanup for you - well, sort of. They do have a bad habit of crapping everywhere but I'm sure you're used to that.

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Sure thing! Why the heck not. No ducks or anything that swims or floats? I have this pool in the back yard that is just taking up space. Looking to rent it out to some ducks. Had some renters last year but they didn't pay and flew the coop while my back was turned.

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Awe shucks thanks for the duck offer, but I think we will be closing that portion of our rentals. Need to make room for more flights. We are going to eventually, in time, as money allows follow Sterling's design of a carport type of flights. We will be connecting it to the house though and enclosing it in and will add a covered walkway allowing us to put them right into their flights across from it. I will soon have 18 birds and they do not fit in the house we have so this will be a priority. (Sterling, ever wanted a blue and gold macaw? You are so close to us that a simple Sunday drive will get you one or two! Umbrella Cockatoo you say? Lily is a sweetheart, then there is Gus, but Gus is timid and would need time to learn. Not sure when these next four will be arriving but 7 macaws will do me in when it is just me and the hubs) I am seriously out of room.

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Oh yeah. Well I said that and then thought about Little Girl, she is the scarlet and Pat can hold her sometimes. The other one is Harley, he is just over a year old and is okay, needs working with but would be okay to handle for the most part.


As for that rooster, my neighbors are understanding of all my birds squawking, if I had a crazy rooster added to the mix I think they would kill me! But thanks for that offer!

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To my dearest semi feathered babies, and Gabby & Lily,


It is official, daddy got me sick. I am trying to push past it because I gave daddy such a hard time. For almost two weeks he moaned and whined and it was driving me nuts hearing that moan after he coughed, oh my gosh am I sorry I got angered. I found myself making that same noise yesterday. This is a chest killer of a cold, but I can't let on how bad I really feel, lol. I will try very hard to get over this so it doesn't interrupt our time together! It seems there are just not enough hours in the day any more.


We are supposed to be bringing Ixta home today, I was asked to bring a carrier and the truck when we go over to clean the cages today. It is really cold out though and I would bet he changes his mind and says we should wait for better weather. With that being said I did not prepare anything for her arrival because I didn't want to make any changes with you guys until I knew for sure. Since I didn't do anything, it will probably happen. Please guys, open your wings to her and welcome her to your flock. She has had a pretty tough life. Show her the ropes, but Gabby and Cotay, keep the bad habits to yourself please. It has been years and years since she has been out of that cage of hers so she will be very scared. Chacho, you lived with her before coming here and I hear you are the one who killed her brother. That is in the past and I will not bring it to the present, just know that I will have to move you out of the room because I don't want her stressed out even more. Plus, you want back out into the main living room anyways so I call it a win-win. Also, she will need that room so we can open her cage door and let her venture out and find her wings on her own like you got to do. This will be a challenge for all of us, but I know we can handle it, we wouldn't be asked otherwise. I am proud of you all!


I love,



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Sorry you're not feeling well Lisa. I hope you beat this bug quickly. Can't believe you're adding another fid to the flock. You're a braver woman than I! I hope the fiddos don't make you suffer for it. You really have a gift for taking on special needs birdies and I am in awe of you and Pat. Hope he takes good care of you while you're not feeling well.

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Good morning all my babies,


Well I knew if we didn't plan it would happen. Everyone will get to meet Ixta this morning, please play nice. She is very scared and very timid unlike the rest of you. Cotay, you got to meet her last night and it is going to be very hard telling you two apart. It was kind of cute though how when you saw her and she you, she backed up and you ran up daddys arm. She can't fly yet, right now she drops to the floor like a brick, hard as she tries.


We heard you greys calling to her last night, and she was replying to you. I hope whatever you all were talking about, it was nice. She has to get a bath today, for a girl without feathers, she sure is a dust ball. When daddy was holding her in a light grey colored shirt, the front of it was white when he put her back in the cage so like it or not she has to have a bath. There are a lot of feathers poking out so maybe this will help her.


It is going to be a tuff day here moving you guys around and making a little room for the holidays. I will be cooking for the family's Thanksgiving day and did a head count yesterday. After the count, I went and bought a bigger turkey, went from a 15lb to a 23lb. I have 2 kitchen chairs and a couch, the rest is your stands and a few cages. This will be fun, come on over but don't plan on sitting down! There will be at least 19 people here and this is if they do not bring anyone with them. Which every year, someone does. Our family is one who will bring a stranger in if needed. One year there was a homeless man that Pat's sister met, he had a pregnant dog so of course she brought him and his dog home to her house where he stayed until the dog gave birth. 9 puppies later he connected with his family and left, leaving the dogs with her. lol She rescues dogs and already had 6 or 7 at that time. Our 2 legged family is a mess! Pat's brother has a mini farm and their latest resident that moved in with them are 2 baby squirrels and 2 ducks. The ducks are full grown now but won't fly away, in fact they stand by the back door at night until they are let inside, in the morning they are back at the door waiting to be let outside again. They live in the city and luckily have found a house in the country and are moving at the end of the month, and yes, this house has a pond in the front yard for the ducks!


So guys bare with us today and things will be semi back to normal again real soon.


I love!!!





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That is our time out cage she is on in the kitchen. Well, we call it that but we should really call it our "save the house and the belongings" cage. It took us all day to clean, sanitize and put perches and toys in hers. 30 degree weather, we are both sick and Pat is outside with the hose trying to clean the bottom rack and pan. It was pretty bad, but spotless now. She is in overload, growling and running from us but she is eating. Only time will help with the rest.

We did bring Chacho out to the living room, I am hoping that him seeing Pat all the time will help with his aggression toward him. I had him out after the rest had gone to bed last night and he really enjoyed the one on one time. We still have not figured out how to have him out to fly and stretch his wings though since he goes over the cabinets in the kitchen when he comes out and I can't let him do that with all the wires up there. Eh, we will figure it out.

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With her attitude she may be our waitress or bartender, she could handle it. Gabby is the bouncer already and Bongo is the official jealous diva. Being the owner of this strip club, I needed a bodyguard and Chacho has taken on that roll. The rest work for peanuts! hahaha lol

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