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Introduction and story behind Smokey


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First of all, this will a kinda long story....


My name is Geoff and my feathered boy is Smokey, We are from Pa. And here is the story on how we became family.



About 2 months ago I decided to stop by a local "mom and pop" pet store I used to take my Indian Ring neck to for wing clips. Because I knew they had a bird room that people could go into. Well it was about a years since my IRN passed away and I just wanted to see some birds.. So I went in and there was a few napes and a orange wing and 2 amazons then I see a grey bobbing his head. So i walked over to him and starting to talk to him. By this time the owner of the store walked into the bird room and said looks like you have met Smokey.


Smokey is 3 years old, and he was owned by a older gentleman and they lived in his car for 2 years. Well the mans health condition really went down hill fast, so the mans brother from Pa drove to Florida to pick his brother and smokey up and bring them back to Pa. So the man ended up passing away and smokey was brought to the petshop to try to find a home.


So over 1 month, every day I would go over and see Smokey and work with him and started to bond with him, Well about 3 weeks ago I went in and the owner of the store told me it looks like Smokey will be going home with a guy that showed interest in him before i came over. So it was bitter sweet, I was so happy smokey was going to a home, but sad it wasn't to mine. So I left, Over the next week work was crazy busy so i didnt have time to go over and see Smokey, but i also figured smokey went to his new home. Well the next week I had to work out of my Philly office, my wife calls and says "hey the pet shop has been calling all week". So Last Friday when I got back into town I went over to see what was wrong.


I get there and they proceed to tell me the other person backed out. And since I haven't been there to see Smokey like I was for all that time he started to pluck. Man I felt horrible. So I walked into the Bird room and he started bobbing and looking like he was going to take flight to me. So he stepped up and but his head down into my hand for me to scratch his head. So me being the big tough guy, my eyes started to well up. The owner came in and said we know Smokey wants you to take him home. Get a cage and please take him home. So Loooong story short, it has been 1 week and 1 day Smokey is now part of my family. He goes right to my wife and my 2 of my 3 kids. Every day he is opening up more with talking and getting over a "left hand" issue he has due to living in the car for so long.


Thank you for who ever stuck thru this long book for reading and look forward to gaining alot of knowledge from this site and the members on it. I will post photos once i get them on this computer




Geo and Smokey:)

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Loved reading your and Smokey's story, and love the photo! You two look like to peas in a pod. I especially liked Smokey's little ruffled up face -- as if he is trying to match your beard :) You two sound as if you are such a great match. Can't wait to hear more about what I know will be a lifetime of great adventures together.

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When it's meant to be, it is the best of all worlds. I am so happy for Smokey to have met you and taken time to get to know you. If I was looking for a home for my grey, I would choose the right bond over the top dollar any day. Smokey's family is at ease knowing you and your family is loving him through his loss of his first companion. Your story is one of those things that makes me happy that good people are doing good things and life brought that full circle to our forum. Thank you for joining us and telling us the story of your beginning with Smokey. I am looking forward to every chapter.

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Hello Geoff and welcome to our family.

It was just meant to be how you and Smokey met and finally got together and I couldn't be happier for you both. I think something was telling you to go to the pet store for there you would find your lifelong companion, great story by the way.

Smokey is adorable and you two look good together, a match made in heaven, you are very lucky he is doing so good with most of the family but do prepared for a few setbacks as he unpacks his bags and fully settles into his new home but you are off to a great start.

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I know he will accept him once he grows up alittle, he is only 3 and has a fire cracker in his rear end. Smokey is okay with him by allow him to pet him but just wont step up and i know it will take some time. Smokey seems to have a little trust or feeling safe issue tho, he will not come to my shoulder or like if im sitting on my recliner he will not get off of my hand and hang out on my leg or chest. He has a very few times, but wants right back on my hand ASAP. But i can put him on the floor and he will walk around and explore with no problems and he seems to talk ALOT more when he is walking around the floor. Its only been a week and 1 day so We have ALOT to learn about each other... But its going to be a BLAST.. I will update often, so if you get tired of hearing Smokey stories everyday let me know..lol

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Gotta get used to this getting up at 430am to start his "chop blend" for breakfast. and god forbid if i walk out of the living room where he is, "hey" "hello" says smokey....and not in a 5am voice..lol

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It sounds so wonderful for both Smokey and your family. Yep, 3 year olds and Greys are rarely a great mix. LOL But, with patience I think you will make it work. I also think you will work out the 'on the hand' issue. I bet it was the safe spot when he was in the car. Smokey is one lucky Grey!!

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Just wanted to check in, work has been CRAZY.. everything is still going great. Smokey is opening up more and more every day. He says so many things from the past owner. only 2 bad words, but not the "major" one thank goodness.

Going to start working on his outside play area hopefully next weekend. out our kitchen door we have a area about 20x20' that im going to mesh/screen in so he can hang out there with us, since the summer time that is where we all hang out when we are home. Will post photos either when its completed or maybe while im doing it.

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