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Gus, our lil baby.


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Our Fred Fred unknown age has been through some rough times and is a self mutilator. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa264/Firefly_mom/DSC08254JPG.jpg

Wearing one of his jackets to protect his chest, he had two surgeries to close it prior to being with us, here he is visiting a guest. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa264/Firefly_mom/P1000723m.jpg


Fed is a cuddle bunny and when he arrived he walked every where, now he flies. This is Harry Too in flight. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa264/Firefly_mom/HarryFlies2.jpg


Love your Freddy & Tango!

Edited by Greywings
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Wow, what great photos! The one of the huge bruise, kinda scary, lol. Both you and Jay have set me back on track! Ear plugs in, i am ready for tomorrow! Car getting fix by a mechanic, I will work with Guster! On ward!


You were never "Off Track"....Luv ya

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To be honest, i was ready to run away when the screams started yesterday! I could hear my neighbors macaw screaming also if i walked outside. It was like i had no where to hide. I told my hubby to take me somewhere where i could drink a bloody mary and all he gave me was a cocked head sideway stare then ordered a pizza. Lol Not having to cook dinner was nice, it gave me a chance to sit and love on my monsters without having to jump up every few minutes. Gus was in heaven, he got into a ball all nice and round, dropped his head back and i swear he said, love me. I kept looking at him asking how something so freaking beautiful could be such a nightmare! Lol He was put in time out twice, we both promised to be consistant with it and made a list of reasons why would use time out. The screaming was number one, first time he started and wouldn't stop i went to pick him up to do our first time out and the stinker bit me. Reason number 2 for time out was then added to our list. Lol It wasn't a mean bite, but a bite just the same. We are going to keep this up and pray it works. What is the saying? It only takes a week to form a habit, but months to begin to break one. Do you guys think we need to move him out of the bird room? Could he be upsetting my other guys with his screaming?

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I fostered a Patagonian Conure who was to this day, the loudest bird I've ever met. These are normally loud, vocal birds that I think should only be kept in an aviary. Screech might actually have given Gus a run for his money! He'd been abused & was afraid of literally everything. So everything set him off. He had 1 decibel level & almost never stopped.


It was real clear he was upsetting the rest of the flock. Very little normal activity & body language 101. Phenix sat on the bottom branch of his cage, cried (Waahhh!!!) & told Screech to stop it, over & over & over. But that's the only time w/any screamer who has come thru, that it's ever had any seriously noticeable effect on the rest of my fids.


If you separate Gus, my guess is it could complicate things even further. I could see it going either way. But if your only concern is the rest of the fids, then ask them what they think. lol If you don't see them specifically reacting, other than in the moment, if it were me, I'd really try to leave him be & work w/him in a normal environment, first.


I know Too's have a rep for being dependent to the point of being neurotic. I've never worked w/one because I can't breath around them, though. So I'm only saying this in general. Not specifically understanding the particular quirks of the breed.


I know it already seems like a lo-ong time, under these circumstances. But it really isn't. Everyone also has their limits, though. If everyone can't get "adapted" to this, it's going to make the problem so much harder to solve. So be fair about it & do what's best for all of you.


This is a miserable problem to live with. I really wanted to drop off chocolate & alcohol after a couple of your posts. :( But I still think you're up to the challenge. Meantime & I'm serious, really good noise cancelling head phones are an excellent investment.

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Oh was he a pill and a half today! Not sure what was up with him, just an off day i guess. He didn't scream as much but he jumped from his stand trying for hubbys shoulder, however it was a face hit. Later on, he jumped at me from the back of a chair and hit the shoulder but grabbed my neck for security. Got a nice gash. Then later he flew over to me, much better landing although he was removed asap. I can't allow that. Gus has only been with us a few months, my other fiddos are just fine with his screaming. I was mostly kidding about them getting a headache because of it. They still talk and whistle away. I am starting to think it is just the freedom he has that could be scaring him, he was locked in a, what i would consider, to small of a cage for a long time. Thats my working theory this week anyway!

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You might be on to something in thinking that his cage is to big. Is there something you can do to make it appear smaller to him? Maybe some vertical sturdy branches made into a foraging station or a snuggle toy? Something that would let him think he is in a smaller protected space?

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He is actually not bad in his cage. He has his evening screamapalooza and the "hey, you woke me up" screams, those are okay. Its when he is out on the stand in the livingroom or on the chair in the kitchen. If he can't see us, Lordy Lordy. I am off on Mondays and thats my cleaning day, so every once in a while, i will give them their breakfast but leave them in their cages so i can work faster without chasing Gabby around. He is just fine, i got him out around noon and all was good. Pat however is our trigger, as soon as he gets home the screams begin. I mean, he belts out a few during the day but nothing non stop. Lol, that blows this weeks theory out the window i know, but i am at a loss. Other than Pat maybe giving him too much love and attention. Gus will hear the door when he gets home and starts chatting, but when he sees him, he screams. Not a fear scream, a you better come get me scream. It starts of with him saying, "pick me up, pick me up, pick me up" which slowly gets louder and turns into screams. He has tried the go to him first, the ignor him until he stops, go to him last... Nothing changes. This just started this bad a few weeks ago. We were letting him use Bubbas stand until we could get him one, now he has one, thats been the only change in the household. But he loves his stand, he even helped us pick the toys to put on it. Its really hard to admit but it has something to do with his obbsession with Pat. Maybe Gus knows his screams go straight to Pats nerves, Pat doesn't react outwardly but i know it really bothers him, maybe Gus knows too.

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Okay, so i had this dream last night. We went to Gus's first owners home to try and get some insight. We rang the doorbell and he answered the door, we explained why we were there. He said he had some notes on him and he went into his house, shutting the door behind him. We waited, then heard the door lock. A few minutes later, Pat got a text from him telling us to go away, that Gus was our problem now and we should never come back! Poor Gus. Made me so sad.

He had to be, what i call, manhandled last night. He was on the back of the chair and jumped for me as i walked by him. He missed and landed on the floor. He took off after my feet, grabbed ahold of my shoe laces then kept trying for the foot inside. No towel in sight so Pat had to get him from behind, time out time. He also had another sreaming fit while we were outside trying to pull some weeds. I couldn't take it so i went back in and could not get him to calm down. Finally i just said shhhhh, with my finger over my lips, the little bugger stoped right away. Had i not ever done that before? Something so simple and basic worked. Can't say it will work today but it sure did yesterday. Added Roudybush to their pellets Saturday, he loves them. Maybe he is hungry? Lol He normally slings his food out of the bowls but yesterday, he just picked out the roudybush and actually ate them.

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Oh yeah, i also got him a new puzzle toy that i thought would be hard for him to figure out. Ha. You drop a treat in the top and there are 5 "trays" that spin, dropping the treat to the next level until it gets to the bottom where he can remove it. Had the treat out before i was able to close his cage door. He didn't even watch me do it. That is three foraging toys he has and none are even a challange for him.

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Had such a peaceful day yesterday. I was off yesterday, got up and went to the store then came home and got the fids out. By 11 am i needed a nap, felt kinda sick. Got on the couch and all was good. Pat got home about 3:30, Gus jumped on him and nipped at him when he tried to remove him, Bubba started yelling. I begged Pat to just ignor Bubba but he said Bubba wanted to go to Olivers stand and play. About an hour later i told Pat to seperate them, they were beaking and squaking. He did and peace came back. Gus jumped on Pat again, but no biting for balance happened so he was able to remove him and put him back on his stand without incident. Very little screaming, was so nice but Pat and i start our vacation tomorrow so with Pat home all day, i am scared to think of how Gus will act! Lol

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New approach. Since the fids are well behaved with me, hubby is doing what i ask. No more patterens, no more habits, nothing more than head petting either! When he gets home and settled in, no more picking Gus up because his foot is up and he is sayingg "pick me up". If for some reason, Pat doesn't pick him up, he screams. So, yesterday our first attempt went well. Very few outbursts and only one biggie that resulted in a time out, to which worked pretty good. 20 more minutes of intense screaming but then he settled down and was able to come back out. The big scream fit started when i asked Pat if he noticed how good Gus has been, my mistake so i won't ever say that out loud again during this training! Lol What the heck happened to that cute lil baby clinging to my chest, dancing with me that first week? Lol He will be back, i am sure.

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So, we moved his stand from living room area right by the kitchen, to the kitchen. Thinking he just didn't like where he was at. All that gained was the loss of a beautiful mirror (frame) that he decided made a much better chew toy. We have only had one fly by which resulted in a quick duck from hubby and a somewhat ungraceful landing by Gus. He did have to go into time out for that, he was attacking us afterward. We just keep plugging along...

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Okay, heartstring pull. Pat was holding Gus after a small fit ended.( Very small, yeah! )He told Pat " I'm sorry, was i bad? Pat did all he could to assure Gus all was good, he isn't bad. Still brings tears to my eyes thinking how many times he had to have heard that to learn it and it be so clear.

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Okay, heartstring pull. Pat was holding Gus after a small fit ended.( Very small, yeah! )He told Pat " I'm sorry, was i bad? Pat did all he could to assure Gus all was good, he isn't bad. Still brings tears to my eyes thinking how many times he had to have heard that to learn it and it be so clear.


:( Bitter sweet post.:) But that would be "the mark". Any sane, rational person w/the patience of a saint would have long since run screaming & everyone would sympathize. People who are marked to rescue such amazing creatures are totally re-dedicated after one single moment when it's so blindingly obvious why they just have to.


You are going to bring him around. Pretty soon, you'll get to dance w/your sweet baby again.


One other thought, though? Maybe next time, swallow the lump in your throat & agree? Gus told you in so many words that he's finally starting to get it. So will it confuse him if you don't tell him the truth? Then you could move on to a separate thing & find any excuse to drown him in all that overwhelming love!

Edited by birdhouse
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He was just so good yesterday, even got to go outside because he let Pat put his harness on him. Very little screaming, no time outs! The screaming he did do was understandable and just a few. It was as if he were saying to us, okay now i am scared of that. Doorbell ran setting off the dogs barking, Gabby and Bongo flew at the same time causing enough wind to knock things off the table, we bought the macaws a pop up tent with a long tunnel which we had to assemble. Those things are what triggered his screams yesterday and didn't warrent a time out to us. My fingers are crossed that today will be another day of progress. Upper 70's today so we all get to go outside to play!

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So the vacation is over and all my fears of Gus screaming nonstop with Pat home were un needed! Gus has been doing great! He even spent alot of time outside yesterday while we worked in the yard. Even let Pat put on his harness for a walk. Its like all of a sudden, he decided to start understanding that the screams didn't get him anywhere. I am sure he will have his moments still but i sure will enjoy this while it lasts!

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