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Hello Everyone. :) I am glad this is still being updated. I continue to go to the gym every day. I still run every other day, and bike at the gym on the odd days that I don't run. I had gained 6 lbs....eating too much junk :pinch: :( but have recently lost 4lbs. and am hard at work on the last 2.


Thanks for all the updates! Let's keep going everyone, NOW IS THE TIME!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...





Well that is maybe tomorrow after I finish off the pie and cookies......:unsure: :blink: ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/27 23:27

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I took a long walk in the morning...I've never measured the distance, but I thinks it's about 3 miles. Then had dinner at noon (a relatively sensible amount of food). Then took the same walk again with my son (he has phys ed this quarter at school and it is required homework for him to do 30 minutes of physical activity 4x a week). So far so good right?

Then at about 9:00 pm we were all getting hungry again so DH ran out to White Castle. I had two sliders and one cheese stick. Aaargh. Probably ruined everything. *sigh*

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  • 4 weeks later...


Where is everybody?

Just wanted to drop a line into this thread about a fabulous book I just read called Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Harry S Lodge, M.D.

It goes into great detail about the benefits of excercise. How it basically destroys muscle cells, forcing your body to make new ones, and therefore you are essentially younger on a cellular level. Fascinating reading and an inspiration to keep at it!

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  • 5 weeks later...



I will report in, I am still going to the gym, but supplementing it with the P90X program by Tony Horton.


I am also enrolled in school to become a certified personal fitness trainer by the ISSA. I will keep you posted on my progress. It is an extremely in-depth and hard program, but I am determined to finish it and pass!

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Count me in on this weight & exercise support group! I am by no means overweight, but I really need to get firmer like the good ole days.


I've been extremely active my whole life, and I can really tell the difference when I take "a break" and that isn't in a positive way.


It's pretty hard to stay active year-round here in Michigan. All Spring, Summer, and Fall I was cycling at least every other day and I was in great shape. Come Thanksgiving the snow came early, ate a lot, and I got sick and lazy. Then I got real sick again at Christmas and had no physical activity. It was strange because I RARELY get sick...and to have it twice in 2 months was horrible. With no cycling and just moping around the house, I was bound to gain some weight.


I do snowboard which is an excellent workout, but the only good hills here are 4 1/2 hours away near the Upper Peninsula. So we tend to only go once or twice a season.


I love the outdoors and love working out in nature's setting....but it looks like I'm going to have to dust off that treadmill in the basement! Wish me luck because I'm going to start TODAY with 15 minutes. My plan is to start with a fast walking pace for 5 minutes, a light jog for 5 minutes, and then a 5 minute cool-off walk.

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luvparrots, As stated in the first page of this thread, we are here to cheer each other on, and to share our progress and down slides that we all experience. Anything you would like to share is great. It is a moral booster to know your not alone in our fight to satay healthy. Checking in regularly is what I had hoped for from everyone, but that seems to have stopped. Maybe we can pick it up again.


Goralka08, That's wonderful about the treadmill.! Dust it off, although you sound like an extremely active person!!


Let's all keep in touch here and share, it helps keep us motivated. B)

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Phew! I just finished my workout and I'm glad I got it done and over with instead of procrastinating. I even motivated my dad to walk 10 minutes on the treadmill! :woohoo: I didn't last the whole 15 minutes because I didn't want to be too sore tomorrow so I went 5 walking and 5 jogging. I added in push-ups when I finished to make up for getting off 5 minutes early! ;)


Now I think I'm going to start a food journal. I've done one before and it really helps make healthy choices because you don't want to write something unhealthy in your journal...ex. 6 chocolate chip cookies! I'm not going to deprive myself, but I just will watch my portion control.


I'm going to continue this treadmill goal to AT LEAST every other day.

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Okay, drug out my treadmill and stationary bike and dusted them off. They still work as I took about 10 minutes on each to try them out. My mistake is I always go at things gung ho and peter out, so this time I will take it slow and with the support of this thread I hope to do better!

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luvparrots: You are so right, starting out all gung ho is a recipe for failure. Start out slow and easy. If you get too tired, or too sore the next day or so, then you won't want to continue.


I started running for the first time ever in my lazy life when I was 47 years old. I was getting laughed at from my family who said I wouldn't last 2 weeks if that. I started out slow, and set my goals to the house just down the street a bit and told myself I would walk back. I did that, Then each day as I felt better, I would set a small goal, such as going to a different tree, or the next telephone pole, and maybe try running back a short distance. This kept me going as I wasn't getting discouraged. I was ACTUALLY making progress!!! I ran every morning first thing, and in only 2 months, I was running 2 miles!! I haven't stopped since.


SO keep up what you are doing, and please check in here with us!! I look forward to living your progress with you!

Karma for you for taking that HUGE first step and dusting off those machines. :woohoo:

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Penny, it snowed Saturday night so Sunday we had snow on the ground in the morning until noon. This morning, Monday, it was sunny with blue skies, it was in the 60's; mild enough to go for a comfortable walk, sunny with lots of fresh air. The temperature now at 5:30 pm is 42 degrees. I live in Southern Washington so we are use to mild temperatures and any time the sun comes out with no wind its great! I turned off my heat this morning and it is still 65 degrees inside my house. I just appreciate it and enjoy!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/01/27 07:11

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