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28 days and no updates???????


Okay, then I'll go first. I am still getting up at 5am to go to the gym and work out on 15 machines, then I go home and run 2-3 miles. I am taking the weekends off though. ;) B)


Anyone else care to update us? :whistle: :whistle:

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Ok, I'm game.


I work out on 15 different items too, first thing in the morning:


1 - I do my initial "Burn" on the Coffee maker. Lifting coffee can, carrying water, pushing buttons.... the whole gamut of possible workout modes on this high-tech machine.


2 - I then get those legs going walking over to turn the TV on (boy, I'm working up a sweat now, power lift the remote, push the buttons with such force it bends, doing atleast 20 reps on this guy Whew!!


3 - Then I jog full-speed into the kitchen, lift that coffee pot, poor that cup full, perform 20 reps of shoveling sugar into that cup and then stirring at high speed for atleast 50 Reps....Yeah Baby REALLY got things cooking now in burning those calories away.


4 - Jog back into the living room, do squats to sit on couch then do 20 reps with each arm of lifting that coffee cup up, tightening facial muscles and exercising those lips to do an additional 40 reps on facial toning.


5 - Do several "power lifts" trying to get out of the sink-hole called a Sofa, jog back into the kitchen, jump several times over the now awake and hungry dobermans and really get the burn on now. Man feel that blood pumping wooo hoooo


6 - Perform the hard can opening tasks, shovel out that protein and vitamin enriched canned food, then go do twenty squats with the 50 pound bag of dried dog food and shovel that stuff into the bowls. Do more jumping and hopping as I race out the door over the dogs and then do several more squats putting those food bowls down.


7 - Chase dogs around yard, lift the pooper-scupper and jog as I whisk those donuts on to the scoop, man got the cardio going now and breathing rate up to 80 breaths per minute, heart at 130 and feeling the burn now as it just pulses through my body eating up all those carbs and at cells.


8 - Run back in the house, wash those doggy bowls with a frenzy of action, dry doing hard presses and then some strectes putting them away.


9 - Run and wake Kim up to see if see wants to join in on some push-ups ;-) , run away at full speed to avoid being harmed severely, dog s join in the chase and we do several laps around the bloc, waiting for the coast to clear :dry:


10 - Jump in shower and exercise those vocal cords while at the same time performing Tai Chi in slow motion washing and scrubbing actions, dry off by running several laps around the block, neighbors chase yelling something that sounds like "There goes that crazy wet streaker again". :whistle:


11 - Perform several curls with laptop, briefcase and peripherals dashing out to car.


12 - perform several foot pumps mashing that gas pedal and slamming on brakes.


13 - get the burn going in the middle finger using it to also indicate my feelings towards all the idiots on the road..now even the juggler veins are visibly pumping, face glowing bright red as I yell "#$#HHH!!!!!" moron!! Which really gives those lings a good work out


14 - Dash into office, perform several aerobic exercises in hooking up all the electronics, bending stooping, pulling wire, forcing cables to plug into the wrong connectors and get those fingers flying on the keyboard barking out orders, questions and a few jokes to my few close friends....... :-)


15 - Cool down at the water cooler now, slow heart rate, breath in breath out, breath in breath out. Body is now returning to normal mode, heart slowing, but..... Blood pressure going up, the 911's start being reports by several employees and I'm back on the treadmill putting those fires out and soothing the disgruntled users......


Now, relaxing in office, PC just purring away, cup of coffee, posting to forum and enjoying the company :-)

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I walk. (and walk, and walk, and walk, and ..... )



I don't seem to be able to stop walking.. it's like I have no control over it. But it feels wonderful. The action of the body in constant movement (except when stopping for red-lights, grrrrrrrrrr ) seems to take you 'somewhere else' - lift you off the ground and make time pass in a fashion which otherwise would have been spent eating -out of boredome, or consolation-



so this is my advise:


walk ;)

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Dan, you're KILLING me!

Ok, here's what's happening in my neck of the woods...

You guys know I quit smoking, right? Yeah, I mentioned that once or twice didn't I? Ok so the first month that I quit I did not gain any weight. The second month (just hit the 2-month mark on 05/26) I gained five pounds. FIVE pounds! WTF? That's insane...

I'm so confused. Why did I gain weight in the second month and not the first? I thought I was in a smooth sailin' mode! Aaargh...

I'll just have to cut my chocolate consumption down to just 1 lb per day instead of the 5 I've grown accustomed to...Dang it.

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Yeah I haven't been very good myself lately, in fact just this evening I ate cake and had ice cream, I know I wasn't supposed to but it was my daughter's 40th birthday and we were celebrating and everyone knows you can't have a birthday and not have cake, jeez, I have got to get a handle on this or I will be sunk, I need some help guys!!!:( :ohmy: :whistle:

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LOL Laurie!! Now you need to "Wean" yourself off the huge quanties of Chocolate youve been consuming.


Congratulations on making the second month of a smoke free life. That is a HUGE accomplishment!!


Talon and Judy - Just follow my routine and you'll be fine.... look at me ;-)


Hmmm - something happened to the photo link...I'll post it the hard way.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/31 22:01

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