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New Aviary!

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Took 2 days but the aviary is built! We found a 6' x10' x 5' dog run on craigs list for $50.00. A little adjustments and we now have a bird safe 6' x10' x 8' wonderland! The boys love it! We took off the chain link and put in the welded wire so there could be lots of climbing with no lost toes! Put in a water feature they can play, bathe and frolic in! More stuff we will be adding but i couldn't wait to share this! I have one grey and one b&g macaw that are in heaven! Watching them in there today brought tears to our eyes. They were rescued 4 months ago and how their lives have changed!




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This was from a supply company. Bird safe, its called welded wire something something... Lol... Sorry to not know exactly what, thats hubbys job. Lol I am the builders gopher. "I need this" and i go get it! I get the ideas and he makes it happen!

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I posted a reply yesterday but it didn't make it on. Sorry.

Hubby couldn't remember the brand of the wire either. Lol i think the excitement took up most of the room in our brains. I do remember looking at the pictures on the wrap and asked Pat why they had a picture of a lovebird, a parrot and a rabbit on it, then i i had a duh moment when he said the parrot has its own picture because they are beak climbers. No, the home improvement stores do not carry bird safe wire. We both work ( well i retired in oct last year ) at one of those and we couldn't get it through them. We got ours through a feed store who has half their store devoted to parrots, even working with rescue centers.

After our cleaned and powerwashed crape myrtle branches dried in the sun for a few days, we were able to install them. Oliver (macaw) can not fly so Pat wanted to be sure he could get anywhere he wanted so i have started calling this the myrtle maze. Stewart (grey) almost got in the foutain with a little coaxing from me. Almost got in, lol.





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Does the feed store you go to have more of that wire? If it does, would you mind checking the name for me the next time you are there? I'd love to try and find something safe, and reasonably priced.


The project is OUTSTANDING! Lucky birds!

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Please please please watch that bird bath. There is no telling what is in the glaze. I was going to get a small birdbath for Isabelle the Quaker but she is such a chewer and the store couldn't say what the glaze/paint was made of. The store manager actually suggested I only buy the base and have a bowl made and glazed at one of the ceramics shops in the area.

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It is concrete, about 15 years old, i don' believe they glaze them. The place i bought it from is still in business, i will go there tomorrow and find out. They make them there so they "should" know. Lol I don't let them in there unless i am there. Which is easy since right now they are scared of it!

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