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Kaytee Exact hand feeding forumula recall

Mama CJ

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Kaytee sold out, quit their testing and close there labs, yes, baby's were lost...You can use Lafeber hand feeding formula, it's rice based, yum, good...Jayd,,P.S. it comes in a smaller amount and cheaper...


I will get a batch and see if he likes it. :)

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Hmm. I'll have to taste Ellie's pellets to see if I can tell why she loves them so much...


The best is "TOP's" treat, you'd be surprised how many people buy it for them selves. TOP is the best pellet/seed there is on the market...Jay

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Stop eating your birds food!! LOL


Xandir was fed some of the "bad" formula. He and his siblings have gone to a vet for blood tests, we're waiting for the results. His breeder has said I can wait for another baby if I want but I really don't think I want to. No matter who "owns" Xander he may, or may not, have related issues in the future. I have an avian vet and a credit card just for my animals. So I should be able to give him whatever care he may need.



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Ellie's food isn't too bad! A bit fruity (some apple?), a bit nutty, a bit toasty...


I don't think I'll make a regular habit of snacking on her food, though. I prefer my snacks salty...


Kim, was Xandir showing any symptoms? I'm not a biologist, but it seems like vitamin D toxicity (hypercalcemia) is not a long term concern if the cause is stopped and the bird is well hydrated to flush the kidneys.

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Ellie's food isn't too bad! A bit fruity (some apple?), a bit nutty, a bit toasty...


I don't think I'll make a regular habit of snacking on her food, though. I prefer my snacks salty...


Kim, was Xandir showing any symptoms? I'm not a biologist, but it seems like vitamin D toxicity (hypercalcemia) is not a long term concern if the cause is stopped and the bird is well hydrated to flush the kidneys.


Yes. Stunted growth, little activity, throwing up. He has improved TONS already. One vets report that I read said long term would depend on how much damage was done. ?? We should have the test results early this next week. He was the only one hand fed from day one but I don't know if he was on the "bad" formula the whole time.



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I get a lot of members/people asking me " If its bad for our birds, why do pet food makers put it in there products?" Money, their selling a product nothing more, all company aren't this way,just some, and in "Kaytee's" case, one we trusted for a long time. Sometime read the ingredents in a product and see the dangerous ingredients, one such product I'm aware of contains "Grit". Most Pet foods contains "Fillers" some contain over 50 %....In some cases it's the bottom line is the dollar... Peanuts are cheap, they add weight and bulk= Dollars, last year we test 20 bags of food from a store, 18 bags had mold on the peanut shells, no recall was made. That's why I'm so strong on peanuts, salt ,sugar, etc. I've seen the effects of all these, I've lived with it..

Thank you.


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