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Hello from Central Texas!

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Hi! My name is Dawn. I'm very excited to be a part of this forum. I do not yet have a grey, but I'm hoping that we will have the pleasure soon. I'm here to get as much learning as I can before we make our commitment.


I live in Central Texas. I am married to a wonderful man, who puts up with my love of animals with a smile. I also have 3 boys ages 15, 14, and 10, and my youngest daughter who is 8. My two youngest share my love of animals. We have 4 dogs, 3 horses, and a coop full of chickens. We live out in the country on 50 acres. I'm so taking advantage of it!


I'm looking forward to learning from everyone here!

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Guest candismalli

Hi Dawn, welcome. I'm a new Grey owner (and a fairly new Texan, lol). This forum has great advice, read as much as you possibly can before bringing a Grey home!

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Hello Dawn and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us.

Thats wonderful you want to learn all you can before you make the final committment to own one of these magnificient creatures, as long as you know what you are getting into it will go much more smoothly. Just take your time and read thru as many of the threads as you can as you will learn from firsthand experience from our members and do ask questions if you have any and we will help you in any way we can.

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Welcome, Dawn!


I've only had a grey for a few months. I read a few books, and spent a lot of time reading through this forum, before getting Ellie. A lot of it didn't really sink in or make sense until I actually had my own feathered baby, and I am still learning so much. It's a challenge, but OH SO WORTH IT!

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Murfchk, I probably sound a little bit like that! LOL Probably worse when I'm riled up.


Thank you for the welcome. I'm such a doof. There is actually one pet store in Austin that actually sells birds. I'm going to torture myself on Saturday when we go into town to visit family. At least I know that we do not have the money, the cage or anything else that is needed to take a bird home, so I won't be able to take one home...darn it.


I must say, my hubby thinks I'm a little nuts about this. It would really kind of stink if when I finally bring a new baby home, he or she bonds with my hubby instead of me. I think it would just make me cry. LOL Sadly, he's not as enthusiastic about this as I am, but I'm bringing him around with all that I learn here and showing him all the lovely pics of everyone's babies.

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I must say, my hubby thinks I'm a little nuts about this. It would really kind of stink if when I finally bring a new baby home, he or she bonds with my hubby instead of me. I think it would just make me cry. LOL Sadly, he's not as enthusiastic about this as I am, but I'm bringing him around with all that I learn here and showing him all the lovely pics of everyone's babies.


If he's not enthusiastic, then he will probably not interact with your bird nearly as often as you will. As such, it seems unlikely that the bird will bond with him over you. Of course, once he sees the real thing, he may change his evil (indifferent) ways...

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Thanks Doug. I think he will definitely change his "evil" ways. He's done it before. He just can't resist a cutie. He plays tough, but he's a big ole softie inside. Just ask my chihuahua, Gizzy. He knows first hand. LOL

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Greys pick who they want to like/bond with. There is nothing you can really do about it. My children do not like my parrots but my fids have choose certain kids they like best (all my kids are over 40) and they fly to that person and sit on their shoulder and steal their food. Perhaps that's why my fids pester the kids, they like their food!!!! LOL!

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I know the grey will pick who it wants most. And we have 6 peeps to choose from in this house. Have you ever noticed that the animal will always love, love, love the person that pays it the least amount of attention? All of my dogs have always loved my dad, just loved him, but he was so not an animal lover, and was always shooing them away. It annoyed him coming to my house. LOL


Oh well, with 6 peeps, I might just have the excuse to get more than one Grey, or maybe can add a different type of parrot to the home...hmmm. LOL I think Black-headed Caiques are beautiful. hehe

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Thank you Twix and AiSell.


I come to the forum everyday. I love reading about everyone's fids. I show my hubby all the pics and videos. This forum and group of people are just amazing. I cannot wait to get my grey and share our stories with everyone.

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