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Gilbert is home


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When I was small, I had lots of dreams of flying. Now, I have dreams that Gilbert is flying. LOL. I am giving him scritches and will mention Aristotle. Maybe that will give me luck. I put a fleece blanket on my bed and Gilbert curled up next to me and let me scratch his head for an hour and a half. It was awesome. I could smell that fresh linen scent and could feel his breath against me. It seems like time stands still when he has that surrender and trust. And then.... he nails me! LOL There is never a dull moment. He is such a Jeckyll/Hyde little character! Always. I am almost never without a fresh wound. He will be all sweet and you can see that he is wanting closeness, but he is always on edge and a the slightest noise in the house, a shadow or an unexpected (from his point of view) person walks in the front door, two rooms away and he strikes the nearest object and woe be if that is me. LOL. I seem not to have a good memory, because I go back ten minutes later and reach for him as if nothing has happened and there is my sweet boy all over again. I imagine if he does fly, I will forget to dodge or weave and I may even get the neck pinch that Dayo perfected.

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Somewhere on the forum I have seen Isaac's video of spinning and gyrating like Gilbert has started doing. It just seems to be an expression of joy. I do so love the little birdie games too. Every change he makes toward being more relaxed and joyful, I can see his free spirited grey little self emerging. I just adore this little guy.

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Wouldn't you know it, just after telling tales of our unpredictable little sir chomps a lot, I had him on my hand and was going to spread a fleece blanket on my bed to give him time to stroll about while I was reading and just to have some close time. My husband was in the bathroom off our master bedroom sorting some laundry or something, so I took Gilbert in there first to show him where David was so as not to startle him and give me a bite when he came through the bedroom. Well, Gilbert jumped right off my hand and glided to the floor. We are getting closer and closer to flight becoming a reality, I think! David got really brave and leaned in to Gilbert on the floor and offered him a step up. Gilbert stepped right up for him and allowed him to stand holding him and talking. I stayed very still and quiet and it only took a minute for Gilbert to be be looking over his shoulder to find me, but it was a magical moment for us. Then today he gave me quite a laugh. He has been doing what I can only believe is the pterodactyl scream I have read about on the forum. Today, I sneezed and he did the scream and it was only then I realized he was mocking my sneeze! Hahahaha. I hate to think my sneeze sounds like a prehistoric scream, but apparently the consensus with Gilbert, my husband and daugthers is that is the case. Hmmmph.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had another wild week of travel. When we went back to NY for the memorial service, my brother-in-law was life flighted to Rochester NY for complications with his cancer and mother-in-law moved into assisted living so we will have to go back again soon. We left our daughter to care for the pets this time. It is so stressful for Gilbert to travel in the car, he just holds on for dear life, so we decided for a short turn around trip, it was best for him to be in his own big cage. He was GREAT! I came in the door last night, went right in to greet him and he wanted his head scratched. He was luring me in for a bite, but he also let me scratch his head right away after his initial grumpiness. He has been jumping off the door of his cage and following me out of the room while I was trying to get unpacked. He has been talking and putting together new words. He must have been practicing while I was gone. "Come on Mick, wanna go outside?" Actually he has quite a southern drawl and it sounds like "Ka mown" He is so darn cute. He has a new silly way of saying "Hell---ooooooooH" and he calls the dogs with whistles and then asks if they want a treat. Today to my delight I heard him doing his little piggy's "wee wee wee" allll the way home. I really wanted to be solid and steady for his first year in our home to get him to a place of trust, but he just seems to be rolling with the changes and is the love of my life.

Edited by katana600
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I really wanted to be solid and steady for his first year in our home to get him to a place of trust, but he just seems to be rolling with the changes and is the love of my life.


... and maybe that's really the only solid, steady thing he needs.


I'm sorry things are still so frantic. But I'm really glad to know that you have Gilbert & the rest of your family to give you such joy to help you through.

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I really wanted to be solid and steady for his first year in our home to get him to a place of trust, but he just seems to be rolling with the changes and is the love of my life.


You have done a great job in doing that Dee. You are his "Rock" and as long as your "ok", Gilbert figures all is well. :)


You have done a wonderful balancing act in the long flurry of events and tragedies. Watching this thread over time has shown that you and gilbert have made it just through all this just fine together.


I must hear Gilbert's southern drawl. :)

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Thanks for your kindness and support. I was thinking today how nice it was to live in a very small apartment while we were away from home because Gilbert could see me for 24 hours a day. I had an air mattress right in front of his travel cage. In the night when I got up to help out, he would greet me with a low foghorn sound and I would reassure him, or he would reassure me. Sometimes I am not too sure who was the one who was the rock. I was so relieved he thrived in our close quarters. He was able to climb around on the outside of his cage and I think it did shorten the length of our acclimation period. I really have to watch his body language closely. He was perturbed about my recent trip without him and it took a day and a half to get close to him. Tonight to my great delight, he sat on top of his cage and gently massaged his neck and the top of his head and that is his usual way to show me he wants a scratch. I offered him a step up and he came and sat on my knee and we had a proper reacquaintance. I think it also did him a lot of good to meet many new people in our travels and then to stay with my daughter in our own home for almost a week. Now our busy-ness will be focused on home again. Just the way I like it. He has been saying new words and phrases and I could not be any happier to be home again with my sweet boy.

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We are loving being back at home again. Gilbert has changed some and is more talkative and trying new words and phrases. At least they are new to me, maybe he is recalling things he said in his previous homes. He hadn't said hello before and now he is practicing in so many different inflections and context that it is just adorable. He says it long and drawn out with a female voice and sounds like Mrs. Doubtfire. Then he does it in a voice that sounds like Madea. Funny it is a man imitating a woman in both those movies, just like Gilbert is a guy making a woman's voice. Hahahaha. I love it. He also is becoming possessed with following me or trying to come to me. Today he "flew" off the cage door and flapped and glided half-way across the living room, then skimmed the hardwood floor with his feet "running" and looked so much like an overloaded plane trying to land on a short runway. It also looks a bit like a goose landing on water for the first time. All I know is he makes me laugh and it is endearing that he wants to be close to me. My daughter was going away for the weekend, packed an overnight bag and left it in the living room. Both dogs and both parrots clung right to me today, so that is my cue that there will be no traveling for a while unless all four of them are going along. I have to admit I slept in an hour again today. Gilbert let me know it was time to get up and was successively more demanding of me. At first he was whistling and calling the dogs trying to entice them out to make me get up and take them outside. LOL. Then, he called "Get UP!". My feet hit the floor and I was brought running to him when I heard a plaintive little voice ask me "Coming?" It amazes me that his phrases and words seem few but he says the same thing in so many ways and in context to what he wants. I just love having him in my life.

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When I was introduced to Gilbert, I was told he is a stress plucker and that remains to be true. He will go a long time without damaging his feathers and then something will upset him and he will pull out a few of his flight feathers plus a bunch of the feathers on his chest. I try not to give it a lot of import, just go on with my day and hope as he builds trust, this acting out will fade away. With all the changes this summer, there were two or three plucking incidents which were certainly understandable from Gil's point of view. Today, I saw a change in behavior that I find really encouraging. Since we have all been home together, I missed Java so much, I have been giving her freedom for most of our waking day. She generally just flies to wherever I am and stays with me. I do think that is part of why Gilbert is intent to attempt flying from his open door trying to get to me. It has been when Java is back in her own cage with the door still open that it is almost as if Gilbert is trying to imitate her. He is still quite grumpy about my week of travel without him so he is very selective of when he lets me give him a scratch or a cuddle. Today was a little different. Java was looking to start trouble. She flew onto the open door of Gilbert's cage while he was inside. He immediately came to the bars to chase her off. I was watching carefully but standing back far enough to see if they would work it out between them before intervening. The funny thing was that Gilbert would act all big and tough and come after her, but he would stay inside the cage instead of climbing out where he could actually have gotten to her if he had wanted to do so. Then, when he got frustrated, I did go scold the little harrigan and chase her to her own cage. What I saw next was the part that gives me hope for change. Gilbert went to the spot where Java had landed on his door and reached over and started biting and tugging at the "cotton candy" preening rope threads rather than to pull at his own feathers. He is still a scruffy looking little scallywag, but I have high hopes of him getting even more settled and growing in his flight feathers so he can keep up with his pesky "little sister."

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Okay, so I couldn't resist the opportunity to put Java's picture in the "Other Birds" room. It was our beginning and she is the reason I became entranced with parrots and worked up the nerve to take on the ultimate long term commitment in the pet world. I searched the internet for information while trying to figure out how to accomodate our exotic new family member and there is little out there on her breed except that they are relatively new to US breeders and considered "nippy". She was the reason I was drawn to the big billboards welcoming in the Bird Fair. So off I went to bring home toys and for two more years wondered about the African grey babies, but I held my ground and kept my distance. It seems so long ago that I finally followed my heart and started looking for information on African Greys, I found this forum and the rest is a roller coaster of emotion, but here I am with Gilbert and Java and I am grateful for the community of parrot people on this forum to share and learn and be the best companions these complicated, intelligent and magnificent souls deserve. If I can only live up to the expectation my parrots have in me, I will be a success.... because if I don't live up to those expections, I will be a blood donor. LOL hahahahahaha.... That may be the true motivation to master the art of living with a parrot and understanding their body language... pure intimidation. LOL. I don't think so, but it sure is an idea with merit.

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If I can only live up to the expectation my parrots have in me, I will be a success.... because if I don't live up to those expections, I will be a blood donor. LOL hahahahahaha.... That may be the true motivation to master the art of living with a parrot and understanding their body language... pure intimidation. LOL. I don't think so, but it sure is an idea with merit.


I don't think it's the true motivation. But let's all admit that it can certainly be pretty persuasive!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gilbert has been grumpy for a couple of weeks and now he is getting back to his happy go lucky little self. I have more and more hope that he is going to be flighted some day. Usually at night he will say "ready to go night night" about eight pm. Sometimes he will start and stop with "Ready" and I usually say "ready-set-go" and offer him a step up and a ride around the room. For a couple of days he has been saying "Ready" and then laughing. Now he says "Ready" and attempts flight from the top of his cage. He can get across the room, albeit descending the whole while. A few months ago, he wouldn't get more than a few feet from the door of this cage. It is so cute. He makes a bumpy landing and then pulls himself together and comes scampering over to where I am. After a couple of weeks of luring me close with the offer of a scratch then trying to bite, I have really enjoyed that he wants to be close again. He has been trying out some new sounds and keeps us laughing. His latest favorite word is "Walter" He overheard me pass along a message on the phone regarding Walter, he heard it one time and decided he likes the sound rolling off his tongue and said it for two days. He says Walter is a good boy. LOL.

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Thanks Chezron, I have not been able to get him outside in the sunshine just yet. When I say he is a plucker, it is stress plucking all at once. He pulled fifteen to twenty flight feathers just before I came to pick him up from his foster mom caretaker after she put him in a travel cage. Once this summer he met one of my friends and immediately disliked her and plucked just a couple of flight feathers that day. Other than that, he doesn't pluck his downy feathers nor does he barber his feathers. I followed some of your posts about the wonder of sunshine and I did get him an avian sunshine lamp. We don't have a safe place to take him outside to get sunlight, but I sure am working with him so he could wear his aviator harness and go outside with me. It would be wonderful if he could sit on my shoulder and go on walks with me. He is still building trust with me and we take two steps forward and one step back as the rhythms of our life bring changes that challenge his coping skills. He isn't ready to be handled much. I wait for him to show me that he is ready and don't push him, he gets startled so easily and is really nervous and wary. He does have a backpack and I have used it to transport him short distances in the car, but his balance is not good. I covered the perch in vet wrap and it makes it a little better for him to keep his grip, but he isn't confident in there yet either. The little guy was rehomed a few times and hasn't been known to fly in the past 2 1/2 to 3 years but when I see him now flapping and getting across the room, I am very encouraged that one day soon he will get lift and our whole life will change, mostly for the better, but I do believe he will be a mischief maker when he gains his confidence. I am keeping the sunshine suggestion as a high priority because I know he needs it and because of your encouragement from the success it brought to you.

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Yesterday was the first "back to normal" routine for me since summer. Our quilt group came over to work in our basement workshop. Gilbert was in rare form on the main floor calling out to us, whistling and being playful and entertaining. I couldn't resist bringing him down for a little while to see the girls and say hello, then I took him back upstairs. I noticed he was being quiet, so I came back up to check on him and he was off his cage, on the floor at the top of the steps making his way back down with the ladies. I put him back on his cage, gave him some treats and closed his door for a while. When I came back upstairs, his cage was empty! I started looking for him and heard him casually say "hey" from the back of an armchair in the living room. He had opened his food door and came out on his own. Whats more, he had flown! The chairs are on long legs and he usually will scurry under there to hide, but he is showing more interest in getting out and about. It looks like I will have to take him everywhere in the house with me, I can't bear to lock down his doors if he is that determined to be out with us. Every day that passes makes me more certain that he will have his gift of flight again sometime in the near future.

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I am keeping the sunshine suggestion as a high priority because I know he needs it and because of your encouragement from the success it brought to you.


Thankfully, Marcus isn't a plucker but partially due to chezron's suggestions, too :) I've been making the effort to take Marcus out in his little carrier on sunnier days and let him get a few minutes of unadulterated sunshine. He really seems to enjoy it very much. I'm sure whenever you are able to take Gilbert outside, he will also enjoy it. I wonder sometimes at the things they (our parrots) must notice that completely pass us by...


It sounds like Gilbert was really a hit with your quilting friends. He must truly be a real entertainer! :)

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I agree that any sunshine at all is better than being inside all the time. We do have a screen porch, it is just on the shaded side of our house, but I think in the forests, they would be getting indirect sunshine through the shade too. I have read that their eyesight is in the UV range so they probably do have a wider spectrum of visibility even in the shade. I will make a point of taking him out on a regular schedule and give him this view of his enchanted kingdom. I so enjoy the forum with many suggestions to enrich the lives of the companions who give us the grace of their attention to the details in our lives that we might otherwise not have perceived.

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Uh oh, we are having a step back this week. Due to some jaw issues, I am getting braces. I was planning this to be the serious beginning of my second childhood. Well, one thing I hadn't counted on when they put on the wires Wednesday, then extracted two teeth Friday, I lost my whistle! It was quite a surprise when I tried to contact call back to Gilbert and I can almost get a whistle out, but nothing that he will accept. Gilbert has pulled back and I am giving him space and lots of treats but he has decided not to trust this voice change and whistle-less person. He is happy enough, he is beak grinding happily as he is settling in for his morning nap. Java has seemed not to even have a blip on her radar at the changes. I know our greys are more sensitive and he will take an almond from me and is fine when I change his food and water but he has been steadfastly avoiding any contact. I know he will come back around once he realizes it is all okay so I am not pushing him. Of course he is getting a lot more offers to have a spoonful of oatmeal, sweet potatoes and other tasty treats and he is just fine with taking them, just keeping a wary distance. I knew the dance of acceptance with a rehomed fellow would have these steps back and am not taking it personally, I just love this little guy and will figure out a way to understand what to do to ease his discomforts.

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Oh my how things change in just a couple of hours. My husband is traveling and I have a lull in my schedule and just was watching quilt shows on my computer while lolling about on the sofa. What do you know, but Gilbert just came off the top of his cage to come join us on the sofa. He didn't quite make it across the room in flight, but managed a graceful descent across about fifteen feet and then came strolling over to have a lift topside. Both dogs were keeping warm under the cover and were not even curious enough to poke out a nose to investigate our little visitor. Gilbert perched on my hand while I stayed in a reclined position. He was intent on looking in my face and although his chest was quaking, he was quiet and calm, so I talked to him and sang him a song and he watched my face. He is still a little unpredictable and considering how testy he has been for a couple of days, I was a little more curious than wary so I let him lead the way. This is absolutely bizarre, but he came closer and closer with his beak to my face and I just talked to him quietly and gently. He got off my hand to stand directly on my chest and he wanted to look in my mouth! I let him see the wires on my teeth, he scared me just a little as he was sooooo close, but he just looked politely and then put his foot up again to step up and gladly went back to his cage when I offered. I am not going to push my luck with him, I think he was just exploring and wondering what is the business with the change in my speaking. After shunning my advances, he came to me on his own time and he looked in there and said "Whoo". Whoo indeed. Here I was wondering over and again what I could do to jolly him up and just by giving him the space to figure things out, he came to me. My heart is still pounding that he had his sharp beak so close to my mouth and he was soooo quiet that I couldn't read his mood, but I decided to trust him and he amazed me once again.

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