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Gilbert is home


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When the decision was made to bring Gilbert home, I was prepared for anything. I was expecting the long adjustment period of a bird his age with all the expected issues. What I could not have hoped or imagined is how he is doing today, on his first day home. He is eating everything I offer. He takes food from my hand, he is calm and accepting of me reaching into his cage to move perches and add dishes. He bows his head readily inside or outside his cage to allow me to scratch his head. He gently nibbles my fingers as he tests and tastes. He is accepting new toys. He ate warm beans and grains from a spoon because he was getting into it faster than I could get the dish in the cage. He climbs in and out of an open cage and is brave and willing to explore. He is talking, vocalizing, preening, stretching, yawning and making happy beak grinding sounds. He must be exhausted after clinging to the bars of his cage for hours last night in the car. What a beautiful beautiful boy. As our British friends would say "I'm chuffed".

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Thats wonderful Dee but I don't want to burst your bubble but this is the honeymoon phase right now so maybe when he really feels comfortable he will show more of his true personality so there may be more of what Sarah told you about, not wanting to upset the apple cart but you should be prepared for him to back off some when the newness wears off.

Nothing would please me better than to have him continue to be as sweet as he is right now but this is more than you expected isn't it but this scenario has played out in so many homes before so I just wanted to remind you it could change some.

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Thanks Judy, I am keeping contact to a minimum. I am giving him space and letting him lead the way. He had a long hard day yesterday and I am sure he is exhausted. It is just such a relief that he is eating, preening and relaxed. I am definitely not going to push him to step up or try to handle him until he makes the first move. It would be a devastating setback if he were to lose the modicum of trust he is willing to extend to me right now. Those are the same words I used with Sarah and my family yesterday, this is the honeymoon period. Even though I am amazed, astounded and excited to move forward with him, if it is not on his invitation, it could jeopardize his emotional well being. He is an amazing little fellow and he and I both need a nap. LOL. Java is quietly taking all the changes in stride. It will be a while before they formally meet, but hearing each other doesn't seem to be an issue either. Thanks for your advice, it really pays to be putting grey time into perspective and take baby steps forward and keep the path clear for a big step back.

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Gil was accomodating enough to get a first day home photo. After exploring in and out of his travel cage, eating his breakfast and preening, he is sound asleep. Sarah gave me a travel cage that is bigger than some birds have for their permanent cage. I won't try moving him until he is ready. He seems relaxed and comfortable and as much as I would like to shower him with new toys and a new setup, we will keep it low key for a while. Did I mention, I couldn't be happier with our beautiful beautiful boy?

Gil day one.jpg

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This has been such a wonderful day for us. When I had some leftover mashed potatoes for lunch, he was excited, so I offered him and bite. He ate a morsel, then waved his foot at me, so I asked if he was asking to step up and to my wonder and delight he stepped up and came out of his cage! He was shaking with excitement, so I just lifted him to his cage top and he was more than happy to jump right off, but it is a start. He has already blessed my life in one short day together. And then... I took a nap. LOL So did Gil. I am so grateful for Sarah for sharing his journey and for patiently waiting for my to be ready while she kept Gilbert's best interests at heart while she cared for him when he needed her.

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It is all I can do to give him some space. I want to climb right into his cage and kiss his little head. I keep looking at his picture and thinking he is the most beautiful little boy in the world.... well, in my world anyway. I was resolved that I may never have a grey, but was open to thinking if it is meant to be, it will be. I just am so surprised that it did happen, I was ready and he is accepting of not only me, but Java, my husband and both my daughters. He acts like he is a brave little soldier and he is ready to take on the world. He has the cutest little face ever. Oh... and he has seen me at my worst, I am still in my pajamas and he has had the grace not to mention it. LOL. I am glad I have this forum because I want to call everyone I know, and only a small handful of people who know me would understand. Thank you all for understanding.

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Gil and Java are taking our life changes in stride. He didn't want to get back in his cage to go to bed last night at midnight. When I did coax him and get him in, he was not happy about the addition of heated perch. Just like in the car, he clung to his ceiling and threatened he might hold his breath until passed out and fell down to break his neck and boy, then I would be SORRY! Five minutes later he reluctantly climbed down, tucked his head under his wing and went to sleep. He is taking food and foot toys from my hand and talking some. If he sees me coming with food he says "I want a cracker", when I give the dogs a treat when they come in outside he asks if it is a cracker. If he hears a rustle of cellophane in the kitchen he calls out for a cracker. LOL. When I attached a boing to the top of his cage for a play area, he watched me intently from inside the cage. He was calm and interested in what I was doing and said "Whachoo doin'?" He did offer his bowed head to my daughter for a "tickle" and when she was lured in by his sweet siren song, he spun around like lightning and put a knuckle cracking chomp down on her. She won't be so easily led down the garden path again. LOL. He didn't break the skin but it was a bruising clamp. He is doing just beautifully, he is interactive and does a lot of vocalizing and sleeping for now. I can't wait until his personality blooms and he trusts me enough to sit near me to play. So far, so good though.

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Gilbert continues to simply amaze me. He accepts anything I show him, sometimes he pushes a toy gently away if I offer him something he doesn't like. I just leave them lying on his table so he can take a second look when he feels like it. I put a bell in for him and he rings the bell. He goes back into the cage when I ask for him to, and jumps on the bars eagerly when I come back into the house to let him out again. He does the cutest thing when I talk to him. He bows his head for a scratch, but bends over so far his beak is on his chest. Then he burrows his beak into his chest and holds onto one feather while he steadies himself on one foot and reaches up and puts his claw on my hand while he closes his eyes and just melts while I scratch his head. Sarah said he loves this. He also makes an unusual noise that is a little like a baby crying, just a little one syllable mewl. He eats everything I have offered him and it seems like he has lived here all our lives. I expected a long hard road and would have met him any way he needed, but this is bliss, I am totally smitten.

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Thank you so much everybody for your cheers and support. I am glad I had the courage to do this again, it is already a dream come true. @Judy... did you notice how much his head position looks like your avatar? LOL I will have to photoshop in a background for him. Yours looks like a professional portrait.

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I keep coming to stalk Dee's posts. It was one of the hardest decisions to let Gil go,I really worried about how he would adjust to a new home and new routine. I now know how wrong I was. He obviously is very happy with Dee and her family and I am so so glad that she opened her life to him

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Dee is doing a wonderful job with Gilbert, I think they are a good match, even though I have warned her he may regress a little as he unpacks his bags and his true personality unfolds but she is off to a great start with him, she knows how to handle him and when not to, I am so happy that she has another grey in her life for I think she is happy as well as Gilbert.

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Making changes and taking chances is scary for Gilbert, Sarah and our family. This has been a very exciting, happy time. Gil gurged for me yesterday and did his sexy dance. I told him no thanks and walked away. The next time he bowed his head to elicit a scratch, he quickly turned and bit me. Ouch! The honeymoon is over. I was able to supress a scream and softly chided him, that is not nice and encouraged him to be sweet. Then, I stayed away for a while even though he was chattering and making ammends. He did offer another sweet side for a scratch at bedtime but then refused to go inside his cage to go to bed. I decided to choose my battles carefully, put the dogs behind closed doors to keep Gil safe and left him on his cage top. I checked on him a couple of times and at four this morning, I asked him to step up, he obliged and allowed me to place him in his cage. I gave him an almond, stayed up with him until he finished, then turned off the lights and went back to bed. He is starting to test his boundaries, and I am prepared to meet him at the fence. LOL. I am reading up on hormones being in high gear during springtime, and he is definitely mature, so I am going to integrate showers, steady lights out bedtime and try to figure out how much is hormone and how much is new surroundings. He is such a delight that any of the unfavorable things are a flash in the pan compared to his sweet and funny antics all day long.

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Dee I know exactly what you are going through and what you will be going through. I did the same thing you did in rehoming a grey in Yoshi and every day still offers a different challenge. I'm so happy that you have YOUR grey now and that you are learning so much about each other. Bringing in a grey that has already established a personality is like Christmas every day, what a wonderful way to spend the year...lol. I wish you much much more happiness and joy and can't begin to thank you for taking Gilbert in, reading Sarah's posts made my heart break. Your willingness to open your heart has mended more than one.



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It has been heartbreak for Sarah and it does make it so much easier to be brave and take on life with another grey to know my home filled a need. I still think having him has been blessing my life a thousand times over what Gilbert is enjoying. It is exactly like having Christmas every day with him, only better than all my Christmas days added together. When I saw his willingness to step up for me, I don't know who was more scared, Gil, or me. His beak is very sharp and we have not even known each other half a week. I am beyond amazement with this little character. Today, he was calling out to me when I went to the basement to sew with my quilt friends. I came up and offered for him to come down with us, I could tell he really wanted to come, but he tilted and swayed and gave me the stink-eye, so back I went without him. A second time he called to me, so I tried again. This time, he stepped up willingly and I carefully carried him through the house, down the stairs and put him on a floor stand. He quietly talked to us and then, when it was time to go upstairs I asked him to step up and he willingly stepped up and was carried back to his cage. I have to admit, not knowing him, dealing with an adult bird where one wrong assumption could be a wicked mistake, I think I can feel my heart pounding in my ears, but each time, he has let me lead the way and he is willing to overcome his fears with me as well. I am in heaven. I am just loving his boy. With that said, I would love him if he took a lot longer and I know there will be times we step back before we can step forward and I hope he forgives me quickly for my mistakes as I will with him. Thank you all for joining this happy time with us.

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This guy is doing something to make us laugh every day. We tucked the birds in and went to bed early last night. One of our girls came upstairs and we said our goodnights. Gil murmured a little. The second one came up, said good night and I replied, Good night sweetie. Then a deep voice in the living room said "Night night". We were all laughing and then we heard the deep voice repeat "Night night" and then he regaled us with hearty laughter. He is awesome.

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