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Tinkerbell and motor bike


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Hi folks. I am pleased that greforums still much alive 💖💖💖. Vorna is now with me. For 13++ years, she had a chain on foot. She spend 5 years attacking and nailing the first keeper until she was sold for a song to my friend Charles. Then another 5 years nailing and biting him until he begged me to just take her. And then I gave her her first name Vorna. The good witch of Rigante world who saw Riamfada running for the first time to the Old Tree

I fought months for Vorna heart and mind and got myself chomped and nailed on. Waited 11 months lfor her to. Moult assymetrical clipping. Taught Vorna she a bird and can fly and bring back the gift of flight to her. 

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159553417533421&id=538743420.  Background summary 


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Thank you folks for still keeping me in your thoughts. 

I been keeping daily records of Vorna. I used to do that in Facebook but I was banned for a month so I doing that in Livejournal.   See the records up to 2022.March 22.   Vorna can fly somewhat now. But nowhere like that of Tinkerbell or Riamfada who flown when fledged.  Tink fledged with me. And Riamfada was a wild caught. I continued the flying exercises with Vorna so she can have nice cleavage for me to leer at.  And even more important that it sink into her soul that she is a flying bird.  Even if she use my gift of flight to her to taunt me with. I hope eventually she might use her gift to fly to my shoulder without my calling on her to do so. 


Edited by shanlung
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On 3/13/2011 at 8:16 AM, MarcusCAG said:


Shanlung, I'm sorry you felt so attacked here, but thank you for coming back to post again. I know I really enjoy reading about you and your Tinkerbell and other birds (and your Dommie kitty, so cute!). Your experience with your avian friends is so humbling to me, I know I have a long way to go, but I hope someday to be able to understand my boys rather like you do your Tinkerbell...


I'm sure everyone would love to hear about your little green leaf bird. I just did a search online to see what one is and they are very pretty!! Perhaps if it is an issue to post about your experiences with your new friend here in the Grey Lounge, you can write about him/her in the Other Birds section. :)

Sorry for this late reply on my little green bird. Libai the Greater Greenleaf bird. 

I saw an answer I made in another forum with many links to Libai. And for those that might just go on here last few years, on Riamfada as well. 


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