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Does your grey eat meat?


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I would never feed a hot dog to a bird, it is filled with salt and preservatives, in fact we as humans should not be eating them either, you know what they say, "that if you ever go to where they make the things you will never eat another one in your life" it has other things in it that you wouldn't think belongs in food meant for human consumption.

My fids especially Josey eats chicken, turkey, lean pork cuts, deer and other wild animals that we eat and she has eggs from time to time.

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I never think to give Rorschach meat really, I have given him a bit of chicken before and he loved it. I have also scrambled him some eggs with shells (I read it is great for calcium) He more or less picked at the eggs but seemed to like it ok. I think I am afraid to feed him some stuff I eat because of spices and added salt during cooking. Would this be a concern? How often would it be ok to feed him meat?


PS TeresaAnn, you and I have sort of the same name... My first and middle name is Theresa Ann, my family call me by both :)

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He does get some cheese from time to time he loves it. I haven't tried a boiled egg yet, I think he would LOVE that! do you leave on the shell?


Oh and it turns out that David has been giving Rorschach meat when he does the cooking.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Greyson eats.........Chicken bones(he gets the marrow from the middle) hot dogs. chicken, ham chunks, cube steak.. pretty much whatever meats I eat.. My vet said that it is really important that they get the protein from meat-- but every FID Ive ever had ate some form of meat---



as far as the "SUSHI" I would be really afraid to give Greyson raw seafood... Im just not sure their systems can process it very well not to say the bacteria that they could get-- Just my opinion tho--- (IDK I don't like sushi or any raw meats/seafood for that matter anyway)


This must be cultural.


Tink loves sushi, and must be the freshest of sushi.


Taste test by adoring sushi chefs always had her going for the best (and costliest) sushi each time.


Sushi stored in freezer by me and then thawed and given to Tink would see her flying in huff with that sushi to drop that offending piece in front of Halftail the kitty. Who ate it up immediately.



I get to eat her leftovers.

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Michelle, there is two reasons, one I don't give her an entire boiled egg when she gets it and second I think she will ingest more of the shell in the scrambled since it is crushed, I usually only give her a half of an egg at a time. I guess you could leave the shell on a boiled egg if you like but I am in the habit of always peeling them right after they cool off enough to handle.

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