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Everything posted by Butttaxi

  1. aww so cute, we had Rorschach camping this summer too but he isn't harness trained yet so he was in his travel cage whenever we were outside. He did have fun being away from home and met new people (who gave him treats that he isn't allowed to have at home like chips and pizza )
  2. I bought a shower perch at the pet shop but we never use it... Rorschach is a very clumsy bird when he is wet, he lifts his wings, leans on one foot and then puts his head under a wing then loses balance. I usually am able to catch him but he did have a few nasty falls so I gave up. I now put a little water in the tub and use the spray bottle... seen here>> yesterday I turned on the shower and faced it to the wall so it wasn't direct spray on him, he was running around with his wings out having the time of his life lol
  3. nice!!! I also want to get a tattoo to show my love for my babe I was thinking about something a little bigger, like a big grey on my shoulder or something. I have been trying to design it myself but my artistic brain has gone to mush lately.
  4. I am not a big fan of snow, sure it can be pretty but when you have to go out and do anything it becomes a pain in the ... We went on the trip, we rented this old school house that was re-done as a cottage. Had three bedrooms, electricity, indoor plumbing, hot water ... basically it had EVERYTHING. Our camp trip turned into just a vacation. Rorschach had the time of his life, he made some new friends and a new bff who shared her pizza with him. I had some difficulty with the pictures, a lot of them are way to large to upload maybe I can upload to flicker later and post the rest
  5. Here is the video It will give you an idea of the cage we got, you can sort of see the little dishes we added to it. [video=youtube;u2rBIT-72Eg]
  6. We are thinking Margaree Nova Scotia, we live on Cape Breton Island, northern Nova Scotia and there are loads of places to camp around here and is very beautiful. We haven't picked out a site yet or finalized the full detailed plans all we know is we are going next month. We are going with a few friends and are waiting on what they decide before finalizing the details. Here is a site with pictures of Margaree http://www.margareens.com/gallery.html SOO BEAUTIFUL there I didn't get any pictures but I have a video, I will try and upload
  7. Oh the Pak-o-bird I so want one, we have been looking at them for months but I am so frugal I haven't giving in yet lol Some day I will crack and get one. You better believe that if/when we get one he will be going everywhere we do lol Good news though, we were in a pet food store that just opened up and they were selling dog carriers and they had a perfect size and price they even had little dishes that bolt on to cages so we picked a few of those up. We will just take his main perch out of his cage when we go We are also thinking about renting a cabin rather then camp in a tent, I like this idea more for Rorschach so I won't have to worry about the temperature changing thought the night and if we decide to go swimming or something Rorschach can't participate in, we won't have to worry about predators or other campers. I am super pleased with the travel cage because I was able to take him out side the other day for a bit of fresh air and a little natural sunlight. After he got over the new sounds he relaxed and was enjoying himself A few of the neighbors came over to see him and one man was like "this must be the bird I keep hear whistling?"
  8. Haven't tried ebay yet but we have found some sites and are shopping around for the best deals as for the nature sounds I am cool with, Rorschach makes fart noises most of the day so hearing nature sounds would be very welcomed lol
  9. ok that site is US only it seems but we are going to shop around for these cages they are super affordable too, I hope they are similar pricing on Canadian sites I was expecting to be paying close to $100 or more.
  10. LOL @Ray, very smooth I would love it as well though, all the places you could go with somewhat luxury of home. @ Judy, This is exactly perfect!! Thanks so much
  11. haha thanks, we don't have any plans on getting a motor home... just old school tent in the middle of the woods kind of camping
  12. Hey All I hope everyone is doing greyt!!! Everything is A-Okay here! Rorschach is doing awesome being his silly self. He is currently bugging David as he tries to play a video game lol The reason why I am posting this is because David and I are planning a camping trip this summer and rather than sending Rorschach to my mom’s for a few nights or getting a bird sitter (both not so great options since they are all not comfortable with handling him and they are afraid of him biting) we think it would be good to take him along. We will be camping in a tent so we are trying to get ideas for a cage that would be large enough for him to be comfortable for a few days (3 the most) and also small enough for us to carry through the woods. I was thinking about those dog kennels, the ones that are more like a cage then a carrier; they can fold down flat for easy transport. I wanted to know if anyone here has ever taken their birds camping before and if so what do you use for bird housing and if you have any advice on making the trip fun for everyone of us including Rorschach. Any advice would be brilliant, thanks in advance. Theresa, David and Rorschach
  13. Oh my, I just read this and I am super happy you managed to find her and she is back home safe and sound. I know how you must have felt, I been through this myself and after 6 hours we got her back from the man who had found her. I still won't clip Rorschach but I also am very cautious and will do my best not to lose him again. We are trying to harness train him but it's a slow go.
  14. they say Neewer on the filters (I don't know much about them), I used a 10X for the shots I took. I wish I could get an actual macro lens but they can be pretty pricey but the filters work pretty good. I got them for super cheap on ebay, I paid like $13 for 4 filters. I will try getting more shots soon
  15. Thanks everyone, Bleeding Hearts were my favorite since I was a little girl and I loved how they always came back every year
  16. oh ok, Rorschach flies all over the place here too, I will run around and get him to follow me but I want to get him outside. I just got the Avatar harness and we are working on trying to get him to like it. He was ok with getting it on a few times but not fully and I didn't want to push him to much but the last time he let me put it on and then he lost his mind when I was done and flopped over. It scared me because he was tied in this thing, freaking out and I had to get it off as quick as possible. Luckily he sat nice when I was taking it off but was mad at me for the rest of the day. I was online and there are people who charge $5000 to train your bird free flight, I don't have 5 grand and from what I can tell they are self proclaimed professionals.
  17. Thank you so much, I am super glad you like them! I am also happy to inspire you, I haven't been doing much photography or art lately but once I got my macro filters I actually want to get out and take some photos. I also just recently got a wacom tablet so maybe I can get some sketches posted some day soon.
  18. I don't know if it is possible to get micro chipped here. When we lost Rorschach in the fall the guy who found him said he wasn't going to give the bird back unless we knew what was on the band. I have a feeling the man tried to remove the band which is why he had received such a nasty bite with Rorschach. The man didn't give us any problems and when I put my hand in the cage he was placed in Rorschach was kicking his foot to step up before I got my hand all the way in so the guy could clearly see this bird trusted me. Besides the band, Rorschach also has the spin issue which we can clearly identify due to the big lump in his back. Talon, I am very interested in free flight but I do not want to chance it. Could you let me know how you went about free flying your birds?
  19. hahaha this was hilarious . Rorschach's latest favorite thing to say is "OK" but he says it funny though like "Hookay" which is how David says it. It cracks us up when we tell him something and he responds with a "Hookay".
  20. Hey everyone, It's been a while since I have been on. Lots going on but I wanted to share some pictures with you. We just got macro filters for the camera and I have been playing around with it. Hope you enjoy.
  21. Thanks for the birthday wishes

  22. I think it's good to vent from time to time and I doubt anyone will disagree with this topic since most people are feeling the same way. It isn't any better here in Canada, the price of gas and food keeps going up, as well as electricity and oil for heating I am actually lucky that I don't drive and it's only about a 20 minute walk to work so I am not affected in the gas department but I have to heat my home and we gotta eat. my electricity bill is INSANE because I have electric heating...Canadian winters = cold!!!! I think I am more excited about summer this year because I know my bill will reduce several hundred dollars.
  23. he never does it out of the cage but he is flighted so I don't have to be his taxi lol He whistles all the time, the only time he really does it to get our attention is when I leave the room and he does his "you-hoo" whistle. I have to call back and tell him I will be right back lol
  24. awww good job Roy Keeping his family safe I hope you are able to find a better neighborhood soon so you and your family can heal from the loss of your dog and also start feeling safe in your home.
  25. So David was able to locate information on the behavior that Rorschach does, it is apparently a common thing in young grey's and is called digging. I was searching for the wrong thing. So it is not a special personality trait. Someone said not to re-enforce the behavior and they will grow out of it but it seems to be a great way for him to tell us he wants out until he decides to ask vocally
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