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Everything posted by Butttaxi

  1. Butttaxi


    I read on their site that it had natural and artificial colouring. I have also read other comments from people online who love it, I just wanted to check with everyone here. I think I will pick some up next time I am at the store, I'm sure he will love it, he is pretty great with trying new things and it will be pretty funny to see if he has a colour preference hahaha
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Nilah's shower pics are sooo funny and cute!!!(well they all are cute) but Nilah reminds me of Rorschach when I spray him, I was thinking he was starting to hate it but looking at these I can clearly see he is actually having a blast. The only thing I fear with Rorschach is, being a clumsy Grey he has fallen off his perch because he gets all goofy and nuts. The other day he actually rolled off and if he didn't catch my shirt he would have landed on the floor. I just got him a perch for the shower, he doesn't like it as much so what I think I will do next bath is take the spray bottle in with us. ... I wonder if birds in the wild act this silly when it rains lol
  3. Butttaxi


    it's the price is why I wanted to purchase at the pet shop because online I will be charged like an additional $10 or something for shipping costs. I am starting to love our pets Unlimited here because whenever I ask if they have something they don't but will have it my next visit Like the harness that everyone here loves... I asked if they had any harness' but they said they did not. When I went in the other day to get a shower perch I was talking to a man about his new baby grey and we were discussing harness', I was saying they didn't carry them here but he said they do and took me to where they are. I was excited and they cost the same as they cost online so I am not paying more or less for it. I didn't get it yet but hopefully will be able to get one next visit. I try going at least once or twice a month and I can easily spend 2 hours talking to Nibbler (Jardine parrot)
  4. Butttaxi


    hahah yeah Rorschach has his picky days and you will find more of his veggies on the floor then what he ate. Currently he is eating veggies, fruit and seed pellet mix and I am wanting to take away the seed and only use as a treat. Our pet shop doesn't have a lot of variety but they got the FruitBlend in and thats what they feed their birds. I have smelt it and it smells so good. I wanted to get other opinions because I know there are artificial colouring that some may disagree with giving their birds.
  5. Cheeky was the word I first thought before I read your message. They are all adorable
  6. Butttaxi


    Do you use the FruitBlend or the natural stuff?
  7. Butttaxi


    Hey All, I saw this stuff at the pet store and I was going to pick it up but I wasn't sure if it would be bad to give our birds. I wanted to get your opinion, would this be an ok pellet to get Rorschach? http://www.zupreem.com/our-food/birds/fruitblend™-flavor-premium-bird-food
  8. Wow all these play gyms look so incredible, kudos to you all I am very jealous.
  9. awww what a cutie I wouldn't feel embarrassed if I were you , I have a really old ugly chair that the bf uses for his computer chair and it is also a chew toy for Rorschach. The cats had also used it as a scratching post despite the fact they have 2 other scratching posts that were designed for that purpose lol This chair is ripped to shreds and I am completely ok with having this ugly chair in my home because it makes the animals happy. Rorschach's toys get destroyed pretty quickly so the ones that can be broken quickly are usually removed or , if possible, used as foot toys. We also offer him anything he can destroy or shred so we always have a happy mess anywhere he is lol
  10. So sorry for your loss
  11. I wish I could offer an opinion but mine would be bias because I have only met CAG's ex's parents have one which turned me on to wanting a CAG and then there is my own Rorschach and we love him to pieces lol
  12. We re-homed Rorschach, a young girl was leaving for College soon after she put the ad online so she needed to find a home for him ASAP so we ended up with a sweet deal of $800 for him, cage and the toys. I was told by someone there is a breeder who sells their CAG's for $900 but I was never able to locate the breeder. The pet shop here had 2 baby CAG when I was there a few days ago and they were selling them for $2200 but had a 50% off sale and both had been sold.
  13. Rorschach does this too, he use to do it all the time but I walk away saying "no thank you" and he would stop looking a little disappointed. He doesn't do it as much now I guess he is trying the hard to get approach lol or he knows that when he does this it makes mommy walk away
  14. Have you tried not sharing? lol Rorschach seems to want whatever I am eating so if I want him to eat something I eat it and pretend I am not sharing. It drives him crazy and he wants it even more.
  15. awww so cute! Rorschach loves his cuddles but being as saucy as he is I don't think I would be comfortable going to sleep with him near my face lol
  16. Hi-ya You have come to an great place, everyone here are awesome and very helpful! I didn't have a load of experience either when we got Rorschach. I knew people who owned a CAG who didn't always play nice with others but they had him in the cage most of the time. They only took him out when no one else was there but I would always go sit with him beside his cage to talk and offer treats. He would even let me scratch his head through the cage. Of course I didn't realize at the time how much of a big deal it was lol Rorschach is a completely different experience, he seems to only LOVE short females but the bf, with patience, was able to bond with him. It took a while but the time paid off.
  17. Well he played with it for about 5 seconds until I ran and got the camera then he was like eff that I am comin out with you lol so now he is chewing my clothes because the foot toys are not as interesting... gtg give this guy a bath
  18. Exactly, it's not that I mind having Rorschach on my shoulder if he is being good but he likes to nip at my face and ears when the mood strikes and you really have no idea when it's coming. You can clearly tell it's a dominance thing with him because he does not do this to David and he has started flying to peoples heads and shoulders as they visit knowing they are afraid of him. My problem is I have to learn to take back the control and it is not going to be easy.
  19. I do try to stop Rorschach with my hand, the little bugger does hop over and now that he is more confident with flying he will fly up to my shoulder. I have been step up training again with me and he is getting better but still have a long way to go. Now when he sits with me I will sit him beside me on the couch and hand him a toy. This will keep him off my shoulder for a while until he gets curious and starts venturing over to one of the cats then I have to put him on his playstation or in his cage.
  20. Oh my I guess you just never know lol I know how much he loves to destroy things and I have not been able to get to a pet shop in a few weeks because it's in the next town so I have been finding anything around the house I could give him to keep him busy like toilet paper rolls and yesterday I found a plush penguin that he happily removed the eyes from. So I am hoping this is a big hit because the last toy I bought him was a swing with lots of dangly string to rip apart and so far he just likes to swing in it. I was glad he enjoyed the swing but not very stimulating.
  21. I actually feel your pain I have the same problem with Rorschach... he is ok to sit on Davids arm but he HAS to be on my shoulder. WHen I get him to step up he will sit there for a second and you can feel him leaning to move up and then makes a run for it. I wish I could help, I hope someone else could add some options because It could help me too lol
  22. So today on my lunch break I decided to hit up the dollar store for some things Rorschach could destroy. I picked up little whiffle balls, willow balls, straws and yarn thinking I could somehow create some sort of toy lol well I truly failed. It has to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my life. Normally I am a pretty creative person but I guess it’s only with pencil or paint because this is not very nice at all lol I guess I really won’t know until I give it to him. I am still at work and by the time I get home he will be in bed. I guess I shouldn’t down myself yet, Rorschach might love it and in that case it was a success. I will update you all tomorrow if he likes it.
  23. Their laughing is hilarious I remember one night I was watching a movie and a phone rang, Rorschach usually will say hello when he hears a phone ring but this was priceless... Phone on the movie rang... Rorschach: "Hello....what??? HAHAHAHAH!" I was in tears because it sounded like he was actually responding to someone on the phone and whatever it was they said must have been funny hahaha
  24. Oh I love the beak grinding!! They look so cute all fluffed up and they kinda look like an egg if you look at them front on. CLosing their eyes with every grind Rorschach does the quiet chatter in the morning if one of us is still in bed. At night he will chat but in his normal volume and he also has been known to have a mid-night snack lol I heard him the other night and was a bit confused because he should have been asleep so I had a peek and sure enough he was at his dish chowing down lol
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