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Does your grey eat meat?


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My vet says it is important for Brutus to get sufficient calcium, so I give him a chicken drumstick bone with most of the meat gone. He LOVES breaking it apart and eating the marrow. Since he started eating one drumstick a week his feathers have gotten really beautiful.

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Cleo LOVES meat! Any kind of beef, whether it be steak or ground. Chicken is also a huge favourite, and as others have mentioned, a well cooked drumstick with a bit of meat left on it. She will gleefully crack the bone and eat the marrow, which is rather disconcerting to watch. She goes crazy over egg as well, scrambled, from the microwave only, she turns her beak up at stuff that's been made in a pan.

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Josey gets a little of whatever meat we are eating and that includes deer, elk, bear, wild turkey, pheasant, dove, rabbit, squirrel plus some chicken, turkey and a little beef from the store, my husband is a hunter and we eat what he kills though I do cross the line at ground hog.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Kali_the_Destroyer

I'm a veggie, but my partner eats meat. Kali will occasionally have a tiny bite of chicken or tuna, but she isn't that keen. She prefers porridge :)

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Moussa hasn't shown much interest in meat, so far. But then I seldom prepare meat at home. He loves hard boiled eggs. I will have to try the chicken bone thing, as it sounds like it's really good for them. So there's no problem with splinters from those chicken bones?

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Every chicken drumstick I have given him breaks into fairly large pieces of bone and marrow, that he scrapes off. I have never seen an alarmingly sharp piece of bone yet.

I mean, if they were in the wild they would eat animal protein in the form of insects on oil palm seeds. I think they need it to function properly.

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  • 1 month later...

Sam loves flank steak medium rare, hamburger... I just don't have the heart to give him chicken, it's like cannibalism! However, he loves eggs, especially cheese omlets, and peanut butter on a Ritz cracker. Likes rice, both fried and white, but hates Chinese and Seafood.

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Dixie has a preference for shrimp scampi and chicken bones. I have to cook shrimp just the fids when we make scampi since I don't want them getting the wine/butter sauce that accompanies the shrimp and pasta. Beau plays with the chicken bones and prefers hamburger, well done.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pakoo is a vegetarian all these time. I have heard we can feed them meat. But I'm scared to give her. I used to give her fresh fruits and nuts. But her all time favorites are cooked rice and red chilies. But I don't give her much of those because I'll have hard time in cleaning the place as she drops most of it.


Is there any other supplement food to give her instead of meat or how can I make her like meat? I just can’t give her a chicken leg piece and the next day to take her to vet. :confused:

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Greyson eats.........Chicken bones(he gets the marrow from the middle) hot dogs. chicken, ham chunks, cube steak.. pretty much whatever meats I eat.. My vet said that it is really important that they get the protein from meat-- but every FID Ive ever had ate some form of meat---



as far as the "SUSHI" I would be really afraid to give Greyson raw seafood... Im just not sure their systems can process it very well not to say the bacteria that they could get-- Just my opinion tho--- (IDK I don't like sushi or any raw meats/seafood for that matter anyway)

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Cooked salmon and Tuna are both safe and our Avian Veterinarian recommends feeding some once a week or so. Chicken and Turkey bones (cooked) are also safe. I would avoid hot dogs they contain high sodium levels and preservatives, most Ham is also high in sodium and sometimes sugars as well, the cube steak should be low fat if fed at all.

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Cleo LOVES meat! Any kind of beef, whether it be steak or ground. Chicken is also a huge favourite, and as others have mentioned, a well cooked drumstick with a bit of meat left on it. She will gleefully crack the bone and eat the marrow, which is rather disconcerting to watch. She goes crazy over egg as well, scrambled, from the microwave only, she turns her beak up at stuff that's been made in a pan.


Issac loves the chicken drumstick too. He will splinter that thing into bits. I totally understand watching this and thinking, "Is this right?" Issac also loves eggs so much. I can say, "Ya want eggs?", and he goes nuts. He can bearly let me scramble and prepare them before trying to get at them. I scramble in some red palm oil too for an added treat. Pan or microwave, Issac loves em.

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