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Whats YOUR Grey's Diet?


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Ice is on a seed based diet :( and I am trying to convert him! So I mix the pellets in. He doesnt like oatmeal and baby food or anything offa spoon/syringe. So he is really difficult to medicate.


I also feed him fresh fruit and veg in the evening. They Ice and Mindy both love apples to they have those. They have scrambles egg once a week!

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My parrots get cooked beans, raw carrots, broccoli, chili peppers or other veggies in the morning, always a slice of apple, rosehips, grapes or other fruit, ans always walnut. I also give Harrisson's HPC which they can eat during the day. Fernando, my TAG, is the only one that really likes palmnut, so he gets one when I put him in his cage when I go out for work. In the evening Fernando is released from hie cage, and all the birds get a little biological seed before I bring them to their bedroom. I always give water with 1/2 tsp of apple vinegar in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The main staple of Whisper's diet is Harrison's pellets. I supplement this with a few Zupree pellets in the evening just for variety and because she likes them.


She loves cooked chicken and steak with she only gets occasionally. She goes nuts for french fries which she only gets rarely.


She also likes raw sweet potatoe, mashed potatoes, grapes, orange slices, watermelon,corn,and popcorn which she makes a big mess with.


Surprisingly she does not care for seeds or nuts. Go figure.

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Cosmo used to eat "Zupreem," however, his taste changed, then I switched him to Harrison's food, but it felt like trying to get a three year old to eat his spinach. He lets me know that his palette was unhappy by throwing the food on the floor, so I started the adventure of trying different parrot food. Well, after much deliberation between Cosmo and myself (believe me when I say we tried it all) we found "Jungle Munchies" Conure/African parrot food, I mix in some Quicko Classic Egg Food supplement, and a wee bit of Quicko multivitamin/minerals supplement (just a tad). For a treat, he loves "Fruit to nuts," which has fresh dried vegetables, fruits and different kind of nuts. I don't give Cosmo any peanuts. Any treat that he likes that has peanuts, I take them out. He also loves occasionally spicy Mexican beans (simmered until cooked for 30 minutes, cool and serve), "Brown's Spicy Santa Fe parrot treat" (peanuts removed), pasta with chopped broccoli/marinara and lasagna. Once in a while, I'll give him a candy-like parrot treat call "Delectable Munchies" which are like rice covered malted milk balls, except the malted part is peanut butter. (no, I don't deprive him of the real, tasty treat every now and again... Eat, drink and be merry applies to our friends too.) Of course, I don't feed him the foods we know are harmful or fatal to birds. You may want to conduct a Google search on the Web using the key words "parrot+diets" to find these out or, even better, just ask here, this forum is the Mecca of Grey facts and ideas! Oh, by the way, Cosmo is on my shoulder critiquing my verbiage, he sends his regards!

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I feed both Tiki and Roswell on a variety Basics pretty much always in the house would include Zupreem Fruit and Exact organic pellets Lafeber Berries and Beak appetite, Organic baby food vegetable mainly, pine nuts and peanuts...others are pasta, oats, millet, beans (sprouted, dry and cooked) the odd box of jiffy corn bread mixed and cooked with the baby food lol...many things off my plate..they force me to eat healthy and watch my salt...my vet told me meat was fine but watch out for fats and be aware that meat can occasionally contain parasites...he also said regular ie: maybe once a week yoghurt will mostly combat any possible parasite..we feed mostly lean chicken, beef, and other fowl...I don't feed much pork as it is naturally salty, maybe a bite if I am eating it...I don't feed meat particularly as in I don't make an effort to make sure they have it...if I am eating it and its ok for them to have they will get some...I am also told fish and shellfish is popular with some birds...Mr Tiki likes catfish and some shrimpy things which is a staple here in the south...I am not sure about Roswell yet...they both like eggs which I make often so they may get a little scrabled egg a couple of times a week...just a teaspoon maybe...Tiki is fussy and Roswell is young so a few things are summarily refused by them...we are still learning to "try just a bite" like toddlers lol


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Yes, Harrison's is the best. Cosmo ate it for a while. He really likes this Pretty Bird Conure/African mix. it seems to have all good stuff. I don't know what happened, he just started rejecting the pellet type food all of a sudden.<br><br>Post edited by: Journeyman, at: 2009/01/01 22:00

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My rescue Tiki (amazon) is a stinker we have been through almost every commercial pellet food available...before me he was fed a diet rich in junk food and seed...lots of sunflowers I think and lots of peanuts...I do still buy peanuts separately and give for treats as he is pretty much addicted...he wont try any new foods so I keep giving until he tries at least a bite he is slowly broadening his horizons...I am going to try the Harrisons as we have not tried it yet..also the corn bread mix with baby food and other (inserts)isn't as readily rejected add a little apple sauce on top to make it more interesting and sprinkles if you like a little bashed up peanut worked for me lol...I monitor the seeds so I buy the lafeber berries as it helps portion control and I hide them or put them in a toy where he has to work for them...he also will eat things if I hand feed them...hence other posts where I refer to him as special or short bus bird...poor love 16 years cage bound and ignored fed seed and other menaces he gets really excited if he sees a fizzy drink particularly Dr Pepper...I don't drink them so luckily its not often...another thing I have found is puree often works where they don't favour pellets also hiding pellets in birdy bread

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My rescue Tiki (amazon) is a stinker we have been through almost every commercial pellet food available...before me he was fed a diet rich in junk food and seed...lots of sunflowers I think and lots of peanuts...I do still buy peanuts separately and give for treats as he is pretty much addicted...he wont try any new foods so I keep giving until he tries at least a bite he is slowly broadening his horizons...I am going to try the Harrisons as we have not tried it yet..also the corn bread mix with baby food and other (inserts)isn't as readily rejected add a little apple sauce on top to make it more interesting and sprinkles if you like a little bashed up peanut worked for me lol...I monitor the seeds so I buy the lafeber berries as it helps portion control and I hide them or put them in a toy where he has to work for them...he also will eat things if I hand feed them...hence other posts where I refer to him as special or short bus bird...poor love 16 years cage bound and ignored fed seed and other menaces he gets really excited if he sees a fizzy drink particularly Dr Pepper...I don't drink them so luckily its not often...another thing I have found is puree often works where they don't favour pellets also hiding pellets in birdy bread

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ok also I meant to say...a book I came across has been really useful to help experiment and is really worth having.


The Healthy Bird Cookbook by Robin Deutsch


another since I amon the subject of books (not food related)


Parrot toy and play areas by Carol S. D'Arrezzo and Lauren Shannon-Nunn


I got both at Amazon but I am sure you can get them elsewhere

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes well I am not sure I fully believe that...they will often look at me eating something and be begging for a bite...then they get a bite they will either eat it happily if they like the taste or throw it much as to say eww yuk you are seriously not eating this...they are like us...some things they like some things they don't...they are more likely to try something if they see you eat it though as its a flock behavior thing

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I think greys are just very cautious about everything in general including food. They are edgy about trying new things and are creatures of habit. But they are curious as well and when they see you eat something they cant help but want it too. Atleast thats my theory:laugh:

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  • 1 month later...

We feed Dr. Harveys Perfect Parrot and Exotic Parrot and also feed lots of fresh fruits and veggies daily.He gets to eat some of what we are having too in small amounts. Some very healthy, some other stuff ... not so much. :) We also supply a bowl of Herb Salad for him to medicate himself if he needs to. GREAT Stuff!

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I refuse to feed any pellet foods or colored kibbles. Hard to tell whats really in that stuff/junk. We only feed food we can see, touch, smell and eat it ourselves and feel good about it. Most of that kibble type food comes from China or elsewhere anyway and I do not have any trust or faith in the food safety system for ANY of our pets. My dogs eat a fresh raw diet. No kibble for them for 7 + years now! :)

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I've been trying to find a good balanced diet for Cosmo. He definitley will not eat pellet food. I don't really care much for the seed, nut, whatever parrot foods that are out there. He seems to like nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and the like. He's kind of funny, though... He'll only eat nuts that are de-shelled. He likes fresh broccoli, peas and uncooked corn. The only fruit he'll eat are (sometimes) apples and he likes bananna chips. He won't eat any "citrisy" fruit at all. I sent away for Dr. Harvey's perfect parrot food and I'll try that to see if he'll eat at least most of it. When Cosmo dosen't like something, it always ends up on the floor. Like with, for example, Katee's Fiesta, half of what's in it gets thrown out the side of his cage, claw full by claw full:pinch:

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Harrison's Powertreats

Dried fruit and nut mixture with NO sunflower seeds or peanuts.

Avi cakes - Lafeber

Nutriberries -

Almonds, walnuts, pecans, pinenuts,

Homemade oatmeal with ground of flax seed... not the instant kind. This is my BEST way to sneak in fruits and vegetables. She LOVES oatmeal.:P


Every day she receives at least 2 fruits or vegetables.

Apples, mangoes, papaya, pear, bananas, blueberries, kiwis, romaine lettuce, peas, corn on the cob, brocoli, celery, yellow beans, cauliflower, sweet potato, fennel, carrots, whole grain toast with organic peanut butter, ordinary unsalted ricecake


That's it for now.:)

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Ollie is a very picky eater, he came from the breeder eating seed and it has always been a battle to get him to eat anything else. At the moment, I am trying a mash and spoon feeding it........through the bars of course, as it would be mixed with my blood otherwise.:laugh: I don't think he is actually eating much....just playing with the spoon....but a little is going in.


Can anyone give me an idea, by volume of what he should be actually eating each day...ignoring the waste. He will eat grapes and bananas.

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What is the volume of food and adult grey should eat? Im trying the Harisons pellets as soon as he wakes up when he is really hungly. Kookie would take 3 or 4 pcs, grind them into powder and Im not sur how much he is eating out of them. ive tried few versions of the powder pellet, with juice or with veggies, but thats not interesting to him. he eats veggies, shreds them into small pieces and throws them down. Im concerned abou the quantity he eats, and Im not sure hes getting enough. He wont come near the scale so I can weigh him. Its too scary and I dont wanna make him so uncomfortable cos he is starting to bite me when he is so nervous (he didnt bite before). he likes popcorn (no oil or salt)and will eat a lot of it.

He likes grapes, aples, capsicum, banana, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts... but how can I be sure he eats enough?

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Unless he is sick, he will eat enough.


It will take time to get him on to Harrisons, if that is your goal. Try soaking the pellets in some apple juice to flavor and soften them, it might help.


Don't give him too much apple, grape or others types of fruit. 2x a week is enough and in small quantities, like just a few small mouth size cubes or a grape cut in halves.


Get him used to seeing and being close to the scale by leaving it out and near a place he perches a lot. You really can not tell much without being able to weigh him. Does his scale have a perch mounted on it? If not, it makes it mush easier for them to except it and step right up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My TAG is ten months old and as a staple she gets Harrisons Adult Fine, that is available to her all the time.

In the morning she gets warm mash, which consists of a base of Organic 7 whole grain cereal, mixed beans,brown rice, palm oil, some dried chili peppers, and some rice milk. To that I vary it every morning, sometimes mashed banana, or a variety of Organic baby food, vegtable or fruit. She also gets cooked vegtables at this time, she LOVES cauliflower and broccoli and frozen mixed veggies, all warmed up a little. I also make her a granola from scratch with many goodies in it that she snacks on as well. I sneak sweet potato in where I can as well.

For lunch she has some fruit, Papaya or apple or, or, or...and although I vary it from day to day it is usually something like Quinoa with some greens mixed in when it is cooked, like finely chopped Kale or Collard Greens or brussel sprouts, all cooked. I sometimes add cinnamon and or garlic to her meals too.

Nightime she gets an organic instant Oatmeal with a little rice milk, sometimes a little sprinkle of mixed cheese, and a baby food vegtable mixed in. Once a week for breakfast she has scrambled egg (not a whole one!) with shells, and I vary that with different spices to flavor too.

She eats tofu mixed in to mash here and there, she loves whole grain toast with Almond butter on it, I make her a bird bread that she loves and also she will devour anything if it is in Polenta. She goes nuts for Polenta!

And then I give her a couple of sunflower seeds, and some sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds in a separate dish each day.

She also eats a little sliced turkey breast (all natural) occasionally, she also snacks on uncooked french beans, she has fun ripping them open to get the little "peas" inside, same as Sugar Snap Peas.

I try and change it up a lot, and make sure that all nutrient requirements are met. This little girl is an eater! Not much she will turn down. She doesn't care for strawberries or blackberries yet, we'll keep trying. But almost all other fruit is OK with her, but I limit that too, and try and get her to eat a lot of vegtables.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ozzy was brought up on mixed tropical seed mix has seed nuts dried fruit this is his staple food.


he then also has a little of anything we are eating

i also share fruits with him but he is not a salad fan he likes some veg though

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very interesting stuff here. I like to see the wide variety of foods that greys thrive on. And so nice to know Nickel's not the only finicky grey who looks askance at anything new I try to offer her. Even green grapes, and I know she loves red grapes! Just the change of color and she turned up her beak.


Anyway, she likes Lefebre pellets and Cheerios, dried spicyhot veggies, edamame beans, and apple. She doesn't like anything mushy, like oatmeal & yogurt. I offer her a dish of veggies (either fresh or cooked or both) and a little fruit every day, sometimes 2x a day, and sometimes she eats it and sometimes she doesn't. The vet said she's doing well, though, and said to continue with her diet (such as it is), so I'm not really worried. Oh, yes, and sometimes she'll eat off my plate, though she really seems to prefer eating in her cage from her own bowl.


Finally, her favorite treats are gray sunflower seeds and almonds, which I give her very sparingly by hand when she learns something new or does something I particularly want to encourage her to continue doing.

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