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Everything posted by dennisandholly

  1. That funny the ladies i got cody from said pellets are a waste. she said that food for pets unlike people have no standards. She has a nice seed mix she sells and said that in the wild these bird live by the seeds & leaves they find. Seeing how alot of the birds live 100 years and us living on man made food are lucky to hit 70 there must be something to it.
  2. <br><br>Post edited by: dennisandholly, at: 2009/01/31 20:31
  3. i read the reason they won't eat different things the strange things is they don't trust them. if you eat it first then they know it won't hurt them. you know like the guy who takes the bite before the king lol.
  4. hello BaxtersMom i'm lucky with my grey she is a baby and i can set up her Diet. but with my amazon i got him at 25. he won't eat any greens. i have tried them all. so i give him the dark fruits in hopes to make up for it. he eats very lil pellets should i be worried? the vet said i should get him on all pellets but he just won't do it.
  5. welcome steve and Charlie. may you two find many joins together
  6. hello markb68 isn't great how sweet the greys are !!!!<br><br>Post edited by: dennisandholly, at: 2009/01/30 20:08
  7. no lucky hold up his foot like that to say back off. cody wants to play . lucky isn't ready yet. he's is getting a little better about her. we found this huge cage for only 125.00 still in box. the place was closing. lucky loves cody new cage i'm hoping they will share one day lol. and speeking of toys we got a bunch of them for only 50.00. it was like christmas. i'm calling the guy to see if he'll send us more. thanks for the warm welcome and wishes all
  8. thank you casper. i added a note under my first reply for an update. i did add pics of my babies they aren't real good tho i'll have to get better ones. as for lucky like i said he is our blessing.
  9. just to update. the spoons was a no go lol she didn't like it tho i'm still useing it some to help her with change over. thanks to the post about the bibb i think that will help she doesn't have to get cleaned up 2x's a day that should make it better. i think the food was getting too cold for her and thats why she wasn't happy eating. so i have to warm it & thin it as we go. she is full happy and not upset. thanks all for the help
  10. thanks to casper giving me that link i'm sure we'll be okey. the spoons sounds so much better i have to wait til 3:00 to try it. thank you for your concern and i'll let you know how it works. as for lucky i think they really didn't know any better. there wasn't all the info out there 25 years ago as there is now. plus he is mean alot of biting i just don't let him get away with it. even my hubby and son wait for me to train him then try it... he scares them too lol plus if not for him i never would have thought to get a bird they are so much joy. always thought dogs and cats where cool... boy was i wrong lol so he really is my blessing.
  11. <br><br>Post edited by: dennisandholly, at: 2009/01/31 20:29
  12. ok i think i have the right info now i will add a feeding and use a spoon man did that lady tell me all wrong. she also said pellets aren't good. i have a blue beek amazon that we found almost dead the past summer. the vet really wanted him on the pellets but he won't eat them. i later found the owners who wanted us to keep him, they got him from their father who was too old to care for him. he was in a cage for 25 years and doesn't like being touch or held. didn't play with toys and only say hello. he didn't even know how to walk ladders. he won't eat any greens... i do get him to eat fruits and some pellets but mostly seeds. the shop owner said it should be seeds and not to change him . so now i'm lost as to what i should give my new baby.
  13. Thank you so very much !!!! I will try the spoon i think thats better then shooting it in her mouth. i'm willing to take all the time she needs i was worried she would be upset and i don't want her to be unsocial because of me. i'm sure glade i found this site. thank you for the help
  14. Thank you i'm going there now she is 2 months old and won't eat anything eles she only plays with her food and shakes he head when i try and give her a taste of fruit
  15. OMG !!! i did just buy a baby grey and no she's not weaned. I am having trouble feeding. they told him she should get 2 droppers full 2x a day and it takes me and 1/2 hour to do it. the first day i did okey but since then it's harder. the ladie said her food is too thick and she doesn't like it but i have tried thinning it and it doesn't help. I did heat her food but i know it has to be well mixed and tested I checked it on my pinky and arm. having 3 children i know of the danger ... but after reading this i'm scared
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