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Posts posted by paleale

  1. Radar sounds adorable and like a very mischevious little guy! Congratulations on your new little one and thank you for the post. It is reassuring for me as I was curious about our CAG (scheduled to arrive mid-February) and our 6-year-old son getting on.

  2. Our CAG is in the process of weaning and due to come home mid-February. Today we visited the bird store recommended by our breeder to check out cages, toys, etc. We had a brief conversation with one of the employees who has a CAG at home. She took one look at my 6-year-old son and suggested getting a Cockatiel for him...


    Unfortunately, she had a couple of crying babies in her hands waiting to be fed and said she'd be back to chat. We waited around a while, but had to leave. I'm confused as to why she'd recommend this. I'm wondering if I'm being naive in thinking that our Grey will be a family bird for the entire family... not just me. Our breeder has an older CAG (I think she's about 4-5 months) at her home who is happy to sit with our son and allow petting and playing. Yes, I have read they tend to bond to one person, but I didn't think that meant the rest of the family would be off limits. Was this lady trying to make a sale? Any clue why she may have made this suggestion? I wish we could've stayed to find out. :confused:


    Thanks in advance for any suggestions, tips, concerns regarding children and Greys.

  3. I'm so thankful to have found this forum! It's already answered many questions and concerns of mine and I am looking forward to reading much more.


    Our CAG baby was hatched on Thanksgiving and currently being cared for by our wonderful breeder, Tammie. She has a heart of gold and has opened up her home to my family for visits, phone calls, and emails (plenty of them) since I started researching in early December. Our family currently consists of myself, my husband, our (almost) 6-year-old son, and Dozer, the 3-year-old English Setter mix. We're still discussing names, but being that the baby's projected date for arrival in his or her new home is around Valentine's Day, "Crush" is currently the number one choice. <3


    Here are a couple of pictures of our recent visit at Tammie's with our newest family member!


    This is our son with one of Tammie's older babies:



    These two are just adorable. Our choice is the baby on the right (probably tipping over as I snapped the picture :eek:! Sorry for the blur...):


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