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Posts posted by paleale

  1. I've noticed a common trend in the gazillion videos and pictures I've seen. The insides of cages seem... (for lack of a better word) cluttered. Do CAGs like stuff? Toys all over, perches all over, ropes hanging? It kind of seems to me the typical cage or playtop is overloaded with all kinds of shapes, textures, colors. We don't have Pearl for another few weeks and let me tell you, her cage is looking bare! Sure, we will accumulate more over time (and the breeder will be sending us home with some of her current favorites), but are we being boring parronts? I was concerned about overwhelming her, but maybe she would prefer some more stuff! Or maybe it will just be something we have to wait and see on... :cool:



  2. Sterling, this is the same decision I battled with for weeks and weeks. Fortunately, I found the breeder we chose not long after the babies hatched (11/22/12) and being that I was the first to put a deposit down, she left the choice up to me. The breeder did not put any pressure on us to choose until she had another interested buyer. About three weeks ago, a buyer came along and she needed me to make the decision. Initially I thought we'd go with the male because he was the more playful (although at that time we didn't know he was a male) of the two, but when it came down to it, we chose the female. They are both really as sweet as can be, but she is just a little less... pushy. I went back and forth like you are thinking, "Will he be too aggressive? Will she be a big baby? Who will be better home alone while we're working? Him because he's more independent or her because she seems to keep herself occupied? Will he be the smarter? Will she change once she's away from her little brother?" Ugh, it's agonizing and SUCH a long term decision. I understand the pressure of choosing "the right one". When it came down to it, the breeder led us in the direction of the girl. We are close enough to the breeder that she's gotten to know our family a little bit and simply thinks the female will be a better fit.

    She is absolutely the best choice for us. I've noticed in just the last visit or two that she's becoming more brave. She sits with me and cuddles a while then parrot struts awat to explore and comes back. She really isn't overly needy, but I know she likes to be reassured. I guess I don't have a real suggestion for you, just throwing in my two cents. I have never owned a Grey so I have no past experiences to compare to. Maybe if you're already having flashbacks of "impatient grunting" you should try the other personality this time around? :) Cuddly and dependent baby sounds like she's already chosen you.

  3. Judy, there are a few we are tossing around but one hasn't jumped out at us yet. I'm anxious to get her named so the breeder can talk to her by name before she gets home. We'll see what we can do! (And yes, you're right... she's no poor thing. :) )

  4. An idea my hubby came up with to "recycle" the cardboard boxes our k-cups come in. We like the coffee and apparently the birds like their boxes. :)




    Take 1 empty K-Cup/tassimo pod/other box. Stuff it full of old foot toys, treats, sisal, treats, straws, etc. Tie it or otherwise attach to perch (this is just stuck in one of their play boxes but will probably need to be tied down.) Let your birds tear it apart! ;)[ATTACH=CONFIG]23061[/ATTACH]


    Awesome! Can't wait to start making toys with the family for our little girl. Is "sisal" the colored hair looking stuff?

  5. Here's a couple of pictures of my last visit with our little girl (yet to be named, poor thing):






    And I had to include this one our little 6-year-old boy drew. He's very excited for her to come home as you can see! That's him on his snowboard hanging out with her. :D Check out the little red tail! ;)


  6. I just finished putting the cage together and it's next to perfect! And HUGE! My husband had to make a couple bends here and there, but nothing major at all. One of the holes was a little smushed and he easily bent it back into shape using a screwdriver. For the deal I got it was totally worth it!


    We can't wait for our little girl to come home! Here's a look (sorry for the icky cell phone quality):


  7. I love all the responses!!! murfchck, I think it's hilarious they wait around near the cutting board for bites! Timbersmom, I'm going to have to look into making some of the foraging boxes for our little girl. That's something I'm sure our 6-year-old would like to help with too. :) Ray P, that is the answer I was looking for! I was really curious if there are "restrictions". Your traveling adventures are so cool! aw64, thank you so much. I agree, the forums are a huge help. The experience is invaluable. kins2321@yahoo.com/Nancy, that is great advice and also very reassuring. I will keep in mind to never feel guilty. DanielaWelborn, thank you! Jayd, excellent advice as always! Wingy, sounds like you two have a pretty laidback schedule, which I like. Everyone- thank you so much!

  8. Our little girl is due to come home in the next 3 weeks or so. I'm still reading and viewing as much as I can before her welcome home. What I'd like to know is what a day in the life of your fid is like. I've seen everything from bathtub perches to videos of the CAG on the robotic car to opening birthday gifts to wearing tiny hockey jerseys... I've read tons of experiences here on the forum, posts, suggestions, precautions. As the big day gets closer I find myself wondering what a real day will be like with her. (Before anyone says it... Yes, I'm aware each has their own personality and every parrot will be different...) For example, do you get up and go to work each day? Does your parrot hang out in the bathroom with you while you get ready for work, kitchen while you prepare breakfast, living room while you have coffee? I will certainly find out soon enough what a "normal" day will be like with her. Probably the obvious activities I do in daily living now can include her as well? What do you do with your fid? :D

  9. Thank you very much for posting this. I have a (now 6-year-old) little boy who sounds to be much like your little J.J. when he was that age. Although a person can be protective and safeguard against risky situations, accidents do happen. I hope I never have to experience what you have gone through, but your honest and purposeful post will be in the back of my mind if I ever have a similar experience. Thank you again and cheers to you and Cappy! (And I hope little J.J. is okay too... I know my little guy would've been very upset.)

  10. We've been visiting these babies since the beginning of December and recently got the DNA back. After careful consideration, we have chosen the baby GIRL! :D


    From earlier this week (Baby Girl is in the back):



    From our visit last weekend:







    We really had a difficult time choosing. I would take both if I could! In the end, Baby Girl is coming home with us partially due to the breeder's suggestion and otherwise because she's the one I seem to be drawn to when I visit. Now for the name... If our 6-year-old had his wish, we would call her "Toothless" as per his suggestion. ;) Number one name right now is Sway because of her cute little klutzy parrot baby swagger when she "walks" and second place is Crush because she's due to come home around Valentine's day. I will keep everyone updated! We are shopping for our travel cage and some other items this weekend and tomorrow's project is assembling the cage to be sure we have all the pieces. Wow, mid-February is approaching fast!

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