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Posts posted by paleale

  1. Our amazing breeder was kind enough to share a video of Pearl with us every week. We thought we would do the same. Funny, I just mentioned here on the forums and to my breeder that she seemed to not be playing too much. Today she was making silly noises and very playful. Guess all I had to do was rat her out... :P


  2. Of course it has only been 4 days since Pearl came home. Lots of big changes for her and I certainly don't think we're even close to seeing her let loose yet. She hasn't been doing a lot of playing though. When we put her on a table with her toys, she might take a quick nibble our inspection, but she usually comes right back to me.

    Today I tried about 10 times... taking her from my chest, placing her back on the table and saying in a fun, quiet voice, "It's playtime, Pearl!" I also tried to make dinner prep fun. I let her hang out on the countertop while I cut her veggies. She didn't try to sneak a bite, or toy around with an empty yogurt container I showed her. She was only concerned with getting back in my hands or cuddling on my chest. I am happy to cuddle her, but I have other things to do and am trying to be as fair as I can with my time. Pearl is getting a little more attention than everyone else in the house because she's still adjusting, but she has to know she can't be on me 24/7.

    I'm sure Monday and today have been especially hard on her with it being the start of the work week. I get up an hour earlier every day to get time with her in the morning. Not much cuddling in the morning, but she gets on her playtop and eats and eats while I get myself and the rest of my family ready. I don't have anything against morning cuddles, but being that I'm gone during the day M-F, I guess I feel like I don't want to spoil her with something she can't have for 8 hours.

    I need your suggestions, guys! Thank you!

  3. Thank you all for the great responses, stories, and reassurance. They are doing much better! No more growling or squawking! Dozer is a very sweet dog and can probably read her body language better than I can. If he's stepped too close, he recognizes it and backs away immediately. I think he misinterpreted her broken pellet on the floor as a peace offering. ;) I'm sure it won't take her long to realize he likes the stuff either...

  4. Today we had a big break through! I love how smart they are. Dali figured out that when I cup his chest, he's going to fly. So I no longer have to run around with him until he jumps...I just say "wanna fly" and cup his chest and he puts his feet back and we're off! He's like a kid that can't get enough...you can tell he was tired and a bit hot (80 degrees out!) but he wanted more! LOL I had to put him back in his cage inside so he can cool down and relax.


    So cool!!!

  5. Yay! Welcome home, Sterling! I feel ya... leaving this morning was hard. I'll be home in about 20 minutes and I'm anxious to see how her first day went. All day long I had the same feeling I did dropping our little boy at the babysitter's when he was tiny. I'm sure it will get easier. Can't wait to get home to her!

  6. Pearl seems to be transitioning really really well into our home which makes us all very happy! :) She is (I think) preening, but I wonder if it's nervousness? She seems to be messing a lot with the part of her wings that was clipped. Is she just getting used to the feeling of them being clipped? The breeder did this about one week ago. I hope this isn't beginning stages of plucking... :confused:

  7. We've sent Pearl to bed for the evening... She crunched on her pellet off and on for at least an hour and has now settled at the bottom of her cage. She has been off and on on one foot. Should I be concerned that she's sleeping on the floor of her cage?

  8. Thanks for the great advice, Carolina! Pearl seems to be doing fantastic! She's up high on her play top taking a little nap. She's been watching Dozer from afar and doesn't seem nearly as scared. I'll upload a video in a bit! She was even inside her cage preening and having some apple. Has had some water to drink and is playing with her toys. We love her already!

  9. Just brought Pearl home and the breeder suggested leaving her in the travel cage in the middle of the room for an hour or so to get used to the room, movement, voices, etc. As soon as Dozer (the dog) approached her travel cage on the coffee table she started squawking and growling at him. Obviously this is a HUGE day of transition. I moved her to the dining room table where she could be a little higher up without Dozer staring her square in the face. Good idea or bad? Should I try to keep the dog away from her until she's a little more at ease?

  10. We can bring our beautiful Pearl home any time starting, well, now...


    I feel like I'm bringing home a newborn baby! Everything seems out of order. Do I have all the supplies I need? Do I have the right food? Should I pick up more baby things before I get her? The list goes on.


    I have only been able to visit her about once a week. Does she know who I am? Does she like me? haha I could really go on forever.


    Being that my birthday is this Friday, it would be the perfect gift... having her here and getting used to each other. We do have family coming in town this weekend who will be staying with us. Should I wait until next weekend when it's more "normal" here at home? Ugh, I don't know! I'm just being a spaz! :eek:

  11. Love it! So excited for you guys! We just received word that our Pearl can come home this weekend too! I was hopping on to post in the forum about being so nervous and then I saw your thread. I guess it's totally normal. As Timbersmom said, it's like bringing home a newborn... you can only be so prepared and the rest (I guess) just happens. I'm interested in the equipment you got for a live stream. I'll PM you about it. Happy happy day! Congratulations to you two and to gorgeous Mr. Sterling! :)

  12. Nancy, I'll let you know how it goes in a couple weeks when Pearl gets here. I don't have any concerns. Our 6-year-old son has visited with Pearl since she was brand new. He knows how to talk to her and hold/pet her and they really like each other. We'll see what life is like once she moves in!

    • Sad 1
  13. Our little girl, Pearl, will be coming home some time in the next few weeks. Not only does she have to adjust to a completely different home and people, but schedule too. Our breeder is home with her most of the time. We work full time jobs Monday through Friday and are almost always home right after work and of course weekends except the typical errand running, special events, etc. I considered taking a long weekend (Friday and Monday), but wonder if this is the right thing to do being that it will not be the norm. I just want Pearl to feel comfortable and make this as easy as possible on her. Any full timers who can give input... It would be greatly appreciated!


    Here are pictures from my visit Friday (rather than starting another thread):


    mmmm broccoli



    fluffy baby!




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