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Everything posted by Timbersmom

  1. Wow, I had no idea they weren't making them anymore! That is Timber's full time cage (per vet) since he is not considered handicapped. I'd better take better care of it. I'll keep my eyes open.
  2. Wow, so glad Jako survived! I wish I had an answer but I don't. I would keep trying to tempt him with things he likes. I might even try feeding him cooked sweet potato or some other thin foods by syringe to whet his appetite. Other than that, no ideas! Good luck
  3. Happy New Year to my friends here on the forum! Hope everyone is well. We are currently in the ice/snow/cold misery of the midwest, but this too shall pass. I miss hearing from many of you, but still appreciate that this forum is still here! God bless you one and all.
  4. Yes! Look at him standing proud on there. Timber won't step up on anything but my arm (and only in the hoodie). Good for you!
  5. I can't see the pics, drat! Glad you found a solution though. Those picky, picky, picky birds. Timber has decided he only wants to step up if I'm wearing a certain navy hoodie, so it permanently resides on my snack bar stool.
  6. From everything I've read, when I was researching safe cookware, I wouldn't think teflon would offgas at 300 degrees. The problem comes when the temps are high, like 400 to 500 if I recall. I'm not sure what happens if the tape becomes degraded though.
  7. I don't think the results were ever posted.
  8. All I have is my experience. No matter what I say or how I try to correct the behavior, Timber will still bite me occasionally. It's rare, but it happens and always takes me by surprise. You seem to know the problem (cause) of the bite, so avoiding a repeat of that will surely help. With Timber, I have yet to determine why he seems compelled to take a plug out of me once in awhile. I'm sure he has his reasons, but I can't discern them.
  9. Prayers that your birds are unaffected. Keep you chin up and believe for the best! Scary stuff though.
  10. Yes, they do see new things and change as evil, at least initially. That is the way Timber is anyway. Good luck!
  11. After numerous attempts to convince Timber he would enjoy the great outdoors (I have the same backback neoow mentioned) I've given up. He does NOT want to go outside, is vocal in his objections, then just looks terrified until I bring him back in. Good luck! I think it probably varies from bird to bird.
  12. Timber loves to attack a paper bag also. I don't think it makes him more aggressive in general though, I see it as more of a way to play and get rid of some frustration at the same time. Better the bag than my body parts at any rate.
  13. Glad I'm not the only one with a nosy cat! Funny thing is, when it comes to his cage, Timber is like a small dog. He seems to have to concept of his size (lack of) or his intruder's superior size and strength. He was headed down to the bottom like he had no idea he wouldn't be the victor in a confrontation. Scary!
  14. I've had more near misses than I like to think about. In this case, all's well that ends well, and I suspect it won't happen again. Things like this will happen, but when it does I think it makes us even more vigilant. I have two maine coon cats. For the most part, they seem more curious about Timber than predatory, but that can change in a heartbeat. Timber on the other hand, is frighteningly fearless when it comes to the cats. I remember once when Timber was in his very large cage (about six feet tall, about 6 inches off the ground. Timber was out as usual and I had went in the bathroom, which is only feet from his cage. I thought the cats were confined to another area as usual. I came out of the bathroom and there was Wilson (one of the cats) inside the bottom of Timber's cage. He was not looking for Timber, just curious about what was in that "forbidden" area it seemed. Timber was rapidly making his way from the outside of the cage (he was on the playtop) to confront the trespasser. I grabbed Wilson and returned him to the other room. I think I was more terrorized than either of them!
  15. That is so cool! He looks like he's enjoying it
  16. I think there is a lot to the "unsteadiness" of an arm. Timber has a hand thing so hands are out. It has to be my forearm. I've noticed when he's on my arm he's adjusting to keep balance and fight slipping. I usually grab the bottom of my sleeve and make sure the surface he steps on is tight, which really helps. I can see that being at least a part of it.
  17. It isn't Timber's warning sound either. We "click" at each other all the time, and he will also do it when I give him a treat he wants.
  18. I try to tell myself that it's my fault if I get bit. I swear though, sometimes it seems intentional, even planned. Like "I'm going to lure her in and take a plug out of her." I see no warning signs, everything is going as usual, then bam, bite.
  19. Others may know more, but I'd ask your avian vet.
  20. Timber doesn't fight being on his back when he is in a towel. I value my digits too much to try for a scratch. Maybe I need to be braver!
  21. Wow, that looks great! We have nothing like that around here, I live in a very rural area. Green with envy!
  22. Great news! Glad whatever spooked her is receding.
  23. I'm sure she will get over it, but it's frustrating now to now what scared her. Of course it is probably something out of your control anyway. Good luck!
  24. That's a conundrum. So nothing has changed? No new furniture, lighting, nothing moved around in the room etc.? That's all I can think of unless something really spooked her while she was inside and you were gone. I would think you would have seen that on the camera.
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