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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Vet says she's doing fantastic. Her skin is all healed up. She has tons of pin feathers both regular feathers and down feathers coming in. He wants her to stay in the cone for another two weeks so more feathers come in and they come out a little farther. He also wants me to give her frequent baths and spray her with a special spray. So two weeks and then a recheck.
  2. Hey everyone. Neytiri is doing great. All the scabs have come off and there is nice new skin all over. Her feathers are all growing in too. I haven't seen this many pin feathers since she was a few weeks old. So my question is that since she's still in the cone and can't preen should I help her with these new feathers? I don't want to have her get the cone off and go totally bonkers preening and get carried away into full on plucking.
  3. What you are probably seeing is the crop. It's nothing to worry about. We will confirm when you gets pics loaded. Congrats on the baby.
  4. Sassy

    Neytiri update

    Got good news and bad news at vet. Ok not really bad news for me anyway. Neytiri is healing up great. Her feathers are coming in nicely. And her infection is all cleared up. She does have to wait two weeks to get her cone off though.
  5. Sassy

    Neytiri update

    Hopefully. We will see what happens on sat.
  6. Sassy

    Neytiri update

    Janelle we will find out sat at her next apt. Hopefully her new feathers will mostly be in by then so future discomfort is minimized.
  7. Sassy

    Neytiri update

    Of course more updates as things progress.
  8. I'm happy to report that Neytiri is making great progress. Now that we've curbed her picking and chewing and have an awesome cream she is improving. The scabbing is coming off and lots of new pin feathers are poking through. Her preening glad is producing oil again. She still not thrilled about the cone and collar but she's learning to maneuver with it on. I'm so happy she's doing better. It's such a relief. I'm hoping that by her apt on sat we can remove the cone.
  9. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Not really sure how common it is. But it's like getting a pimple. I think the infection itself is on its way to being healed. Now to heal all the damage she did to herself. She was very cuddly today and even laid on her back wrapped like a birdie burrito on my husbands chest and fell asleep. Currently she is eating from her pellets bowl in her cage. I've also heard her grinding her beak so she must be in a decent mood.
  10. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Still haven't seen improvement with her skin where she plucked. It's still crusty. Called the vet and they prescribed an ointment for her. Hopefully that will help. Fingers crossed.
  11. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Yeah. It is stressful that's for sure. On both of us. I put her in a small sleep cage last night and had her next to the bed last night. I think it made both of us feel better.
  12. Sassy

    I want to cry

    She's been on the meds for a week. Before the really kicked in she did more damage to herself. so its like starting over. There is also some concern she may have broke her tail.
  13. Sassy

    I want to cry

    She chewed up the cone pretty bad. Went and got a different one that prevents her from picking. Hopefully this works.
  14. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Poor baby doesn't like the cone. She's picking all the feathers around it at the neck.
  15. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the well wishes and prayers. I have a four day weekend so I will spend lots of time with her.
  16. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Hubby has her at the vet. They are putting on a cone or collar to prevent the picking so she can heal. (Hopefully only a week) I plan on keeping the appt tomorrow with the main vet that saw her initially. She ended up flying to hubby for protection while they tried to put the collar on her.
  17. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Omg. This am she was covered in blood. She chewed holes in side of tail. I cleaned her up and put cornstarch on it. Of course this is the worst timing with a major customer presentation today. Hubby who normally doesn't handle her said he would stay with her and take her to the vet. I will call them as soon as I get in the office. I really just want to cry right now.
  18. Sassy

    I want to cry

    Thanks. I'm going to try and give her a warm bath in the am before work. And then I will juice her. Lol. I just thought that after the meds that she would stop the picking. If you know anything about energy healing (reiki) I'm also doing that for her. Hopefully it will help as well.
  19. For anyone that hasn't been following the past week Neytiri has an infected preening gland. Unfortunately she has taken to picking out all the down feathers. Tonight I noticed she's going at the backs of her legs now too. All the skin around her preening gland is very dry and crusty like. I'm putting aloe gel on her but I don't know what else to do. It breaks my heart to see her like this. We have another apt with the vet fri afternoon. I feel bad my little baby has to go through this. Sassy:(
  20. Sassy

    Urgent help

    So do I. But seeing her on pain meds is hilarious.
  21. Sassy

    Urgent help

    The gland isn't as red and angry looking but it's still very hard (not sure if it should be soft and mushy or not) I think it is also still painful for her as she screams when I get near it. She started picking at the feathers a few days before I noticed the issue with the gland. I was informed that is a normal response to pick at the outside of where something is bothering them on the inside. I am noticing her preening normally more often. Which I hadn't seen her doing. ( I will be watching for that again in the future) the good part is that it doesn't appear that she's pulling any actual feathers just the down. But it still worries me. In a couple days I have to call and give the vet a progress report before seeing him next week.
  22. Sassy

    Urgent help

    She started ripping the down out prior to the meds. Also I was told to do the daily baths and hot packs to treat the gland. I'm trying to monitor the best I can where and when she's picking. And see if its letting up at all.
  23. Sassy

    Urgent help

    She's normally at the very top of the cage in the arched section. So on the water bowl is about 2/3 down for her. Last night se was on the normal perch when I went to bed and when's checked on her in the am via the camera she was on the water bowl. Maybe the medicine is making her really thirsty. What concerns me about the down feathers is that she's ripping them out. I can actually hear them tearing. Not a sound I really want to hear. I'm giving frequent baths and using aloe gel on anything raw looking. I'm thinking of spraying her down with aloe juice tonight to see if that helps. I really don't want her creating a bad habit.
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