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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy


    Hey everyone.... I need some ideas... things to do really to get ready for my new addition... and to keep me from going bonkers... I'm trying very hard to be patient... still haven't heard when the babies will arrive... but they should be some time this month. At least at that point I'll be able to see them and spend a couple nights a week visitng them before they can come home. Currently on the list of to do items: CLean used cage and replace perches. sell hermit crab stuff (extra money and more room) rearrange den to put in the cage get airfilter get additional humidifier Any other ideas on how to deal with the waiting or things i need to do to prep is appreciated. thanks Sassy
  2. Sassy

    seed catcher

    thanks for the idea.... maybe i could get hubby to make it for me... help him to feel connected in some way... Sassy
  3. Sassy

    Used cage

    thanks!!! hopefully I will have time this weekend to get the cage cleaned up... right now it's sitting in the garage... I have plenty of time though as I haven't even picked out a baby yet... hopefully they will be in soon... i'm soooooooooo anxious.... Sassy
  4. Sassy

    seed catcher

    I already asked and they didn't know... Didn't know if there were universal kits that could be used...
  5. Hey everyone... I want to put a seed catcher on my cage that I picked up... there are square holes on the outside of the base for somethign to slip into. I am having trouble finding anything though... any ideas?? thanks Sassy
  6. Sassy

    Used cage

    Simple green is ok to use though?? (no bleach) Rinsing the area with plain water afterward?? Sassy
  7. Sassy

    Steam Cleaners

    I'm also curious about this...
  8. Ok... due to my computer eating my presentation last night i'm postponing till our next meeting in two weeks... so if anyone has any other ideas let me know. thanks again to everyone for your suggestions so far... I can't wait to be a parront.
  9. thanks for the ideas everyone... keep them coming... If i have an opportunity I may post my speech for all of you.
  10. THis is half off topic but not really... I'm a part of a public speaking organization called Toastmasters Inter. We practice making speeches to improve our ability to communicate in a competent manner in our professional and personal lives... It's tons of fun. I'm due to give a speech next Tues (4/17) and it's a project where you have to do research. THis is where I need YOUR help... I've read SOOOO many things I can't seem to get a good starting point on what to talk about... So if you only had 7 min to talk about the African Grey what would you talk about... and what do you think is important to share with others? I appreciate the help!! Thanks! Sassy
  11. thanks everyone... now the long wait... first for the babies to arrive and then the wait to bring one home... ARGHH don't know if I can be patient.
  12. Sassy

    Used cage

    thanks... fortunately the bird that was in the cage didn't die... the owner was relocating and needed to get a smaller cage... luckily i have lots of time to get everything prepped.
  13. Sassy

    Used cage

    Hello... Last night I purchased a used cage for my future baby... The previous owner gave me some rope perches and toys. WHat is the reccomended way of cleaning these (as well as the cage itself) prior to bringing home my baby? THanks Sassy
  14. I'm only getting one... just don't know if it will be a boy or girl... As far as messes go.. our house can be a bit messy now (mostly clutter) so I think by having to keep up with the bird mess it will have the overall affect of keeping the house clean... from now until I bring my new addition home I'm going to be working on getting into a cleaning routine. I'm also going to continue to read as much as I can about the CAG as I don't want to mess this up. Sassy
  15. Greetings from a potential new owner. Long story short... Hubby's not totally thrilled I'm doing this but I've tried to explain that I need this and want this very much. With that said I bought a cage tonight off Craigslist. Hubby was with me and helped. I think it will be a great home for my future addition. I'm patiently (ok I lied) awaiting word from the bird shop that the babies are in (any day now). They wouldn't be able to go home till sometime in July. I can't wait to meet them and finally bring them home. I look forward to everyone's guidance in this new endevour. Till next time take care. Sassy :cool:
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