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Everything posted by TWIX

  1. Wow, amazing story! I am sure the human owner is missing the bird, but if i am the original owner and i know my bird is with someone "I would never wait for a month"!!! I would drive, fly or do anything to get my bird back. It is also sad that you may lose the bird after keeping it for 14 months. I hope all goes well for all parties.
  2. So this means we can give them bones without any meat on them?
  3. Nice photos, but i can see a lot of toys hanging around! Is that fine?
  4. After reading this thread, i tried something new with DJ and it's working out slowly slowly and i though i would tell you about it. I was sitting on my desk which is right next to his cage, and DJ was hanging up side down from his cage door. I immediately placed my hand under his back and lifted his body slowly. He didn't let go of the door, but he kept on playing with my other hand. I did that time after time and he slowly accepted my hand. He managed to let go of one of his legs, and i hope he will let go of the other soon
  5. hhhhhh i was wrong after all, congrats Happy for you guys. Now we have 2 DJs in da house
  6. lol, DJ will have no doubts anymore, that i am his Daddy hhhhhhh
  7. Mine is a bit darker than yours, also handsome. I love how yours look like, still young and seriously good looking They are fun to keep for sure. My Susu doesn't stop talking and he keeps learning new words now that we have DJ next to him. Fingers crossed for a male then
  8. Shocked me when i found him outside his cage just now while the cage is completely locked! He came to me suddenly and without making any sound, i was freaked me out (2 AM in Dubai now). I went to his cage to see the food door opened! It is not easy to open that door, especially from the inside. If he keeps getting out like that in the night, he may hurt himself exploring the house without supervision. I guess i should secure the doors from now on. My IRN has never done something similar, CAGs keep surprising me
  9. TWIX

    Aloe Vera

    Hi, I have few Aloe Vera plants at home and i was wondering what to do with them! Think of my DJ health and maybe the Molt period he is going through. Please let me know. Thanks Ismail
  10. Very beautiful and i still believe it's a female (I know it's too early to judge)
  11. Ohhhh that's a beautiful baby you got there Congrats
  12. DJ does hang upside down when he is in the cage, but will never do that when he's on my hand. I guess it's a matter of trust maybe, i tried rolling my finger several times but he freaks out. Maybe one day he will learn to trust me more.
  13. It could be a case of possession lol
  14. TWIX


    I did go through the same situation you have already, and DJ had to stay more time in his cage lately. I was worried just as much as you are, but then i noticed that DJ has accepted his limited time outside the cage. What i did was simple and it all depends on the amount of love you give your birds when you let them out. As soon as i come home and before i change my clothes, i go to his cage and tell him HELLO BABY. DJ gets so excited immediately, all fluffy and full of energy, step up on my hand and i give him a hug for a minute or two. The same thing with Susu too. Then i go to the kitchen and prepare a double treat for both of them. My maid keeps telling me how excited they both get as soon as i arrive home I then move to my room and change my clothes, but i keep calling them the whole time and they respond saying (Hello and I love you). Then spend an hour or two playing with them along with my daughter. I can tell you they have not changed their behavior at all, they are still the same lovely parrots i know. From spending most of the day out of their cages, to spending 3 to 4 hours a day only! So i guess it's not the amount of time they spend outside their cages that makes them happy, but maybe the amount of love and attention they get. I hope this will help, and this is my own experience only.
  15. hahhhhhh love it, Susu does the same
  16. Amazing! I have not seen that before. There is a lot of love in there
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