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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Not a big fan of greys and cockatoos. Just my opinion. Nancy
  2. I have a very expensive cage that I purchased for around 1000. I am more than happy to donate to anyone that desires an African Grey, but can't afford the cage. My boys coming home at Christmas, the cage is getting dismanatled. I will donate to anyone that truly desires getting a Grey, but can't afford the purchase price of a cage. Nancy
  3. I have a very large cage that I am interested in getting rid of.Free... to a rehomed grey! Nancy
  4. Poor baby! As it stopped bleeding on its own, should be fine. Watch for any signs of infection such as redness, drainage, loss of appetite.Fix the issue in the cage, so it can't happen again.
  5. It is awesome as the last test did not pick up the Aspergillis. Tough disease to fight, but can be done! Watch appetite, fluid intake, and droppings. Nancy
  6. I understand what everyone has said. I believe in full flight, developing muscles, confidence. Once in terrible twos and out of control, I dont have an issue for parents to " trim back!" Meaning....birds can still fly quite well, but have to land ocassionally. I don't agree that birds that can be full flighted, don't chew their feathers. Do your own research. Many that chew their feathers, can fly. What I DO believe in, is having an " open cage". Their doors are never closed, they have jungle gyms galore. My birds have their own room. I have NEVER had a bird chew their feathers, and I believe it is because their doors have never been closed or locked! I wouldn't have birds if I couldn't deliver on the " open cage concept." A LOT of work"... kids were committed, and it worked for us. Nancy
  7. Aerial... LOL! A Grey gets all the sounds down. Coughing, sneezing, farting, burping. Just the basics. They imitate EVERYTHING! Even a party! Sophie was always sworn in for secrecy.... but I knew when kids had a party if I was away. I got a " first hand seat about the party, by Sophie." LOL Nancy
  8. Dayo, is amazing!I think it is time, for Dayo to learn that daddy is importantant too! He loves his mama. Dad has put himself on the back burnner Nancy
  9. Ask what tests came back " positive", that required deworming! Sounds fishy to me! I never have issues with my birds... just zoey, my dog. She has thyroid issues and seizures.All under control... but they dictate when she needs to get her levels checked. I get it.... but if I am a week late... she can't get her meds. Nancy
  10. Talon is doing great! I like your plan for Piper. Nancy
  11. Baby is young. Sixteen weeks is average for weening. Always satisfy the " oral stage", as long as it takes. Some birds take longer. No big deal! Nancy
  12. Another way of thinking about clipping is... number one... it is not a clipping, but a trimming. The " timing", is what works. When you have birds and owners, miss out on the opportunity to learn, you find experienced owners, with birds that " bite". A bird that wants to be " higher" than you? Majority say " no big deal!" No way, will any of my birds be " higher than me!". I've tested it. My first serious bite. Nancy
  13. Sounds to me, your vet knew what he was doing! Which means.... the vet can trim so your bird can fly. I think it is important for babies to develop flighted feathers and chest muscles.If you ignore this opportunity to learn to fly, it may take years for bird to learn to fly, as it did Sophie. New babies need to learn how to fly, and should practice with two family members. One to send off... the other to receive. Once babies get into " terrible twos", I believe in trimming, meaning bird can still fly, but are more limited. It takes an awesome trimmer, to understand what you are asking for.It is very important to work closely with your trimmer, as to what your goals and expectations are. If you don't handle this stage well, you may find yourself with a biting, nippy bird. Nancy
  14. The first words are soooo amazing, and you never forget! Now have paper and pen ready, so you can write down everything else that is coming. They are sooooo amazing! Thirteen years later, Sophie still amazes me. New words, new behavior. Nancy
  15. All is good! Now remember, you have until Thanksgiving to fix the bad language! LOL! My sister visits around every three months. She is scared to death around Sophie. Sophie has tried over and over to meet with her and be friends. My sister freaks out! Sophie finally had, had enough, and called her an " asshole", last visit. I almost choked on my drink!She hasn't said that word in a decade! Nancy
  16. I LOVE that you are called woo woo! I'm called rom. She is growing in leaps and bounds. The developing trust is evident, and thats what its all about. Nancy
  17. judygram had an excellent point! Birds can be very terriitorial regarding their cage. I never put my hand inside their cages. I opened the door, let them climb on the door or play gym in front of cage, then worked on stepup, step down.We also as a family, played board games in front of Sophie's cage, or read books to her. She loves poems.Dr. Seuss was her favorite, and remains her favorite to this day.She climbed down to us during the game of "Trouble". She soooo wanted to pop that bubble! LOL. She just climbed up after two days, had to get passed around to whom ever's turn it was to " pop the bubble!" She has been stepping up to all of us ever since. Nancy
  18. My birds go to bed at 8pm, no matter what my work schedule is. I work days, as well as eves. Sometimes, when I work late, birds have put themselves to bed, Sophie will be waiting for me. She will call " Rom?" I grab her and snuggle. Just a few moments of kisses and we are both happy. Nancy
  19. Don't think of it as a mistake, but an experience! Birds adapt, and trust.They also know when things are not the same. Nancy
  20. Flying takes practice. We trained our birds with two people. One to send off the bird, the other person to receive. A baby was easier, since they adapt more quickly to liking two people from the family. Getting Sophie who was trimmed thru age two, was a little more difficult. It wasn't a problem of her loving two people, she just didn't " get it!" In the end, it was our Amazon, who was a baby, grew up quickly to be an amazing flyer, decided it was time to teach Sophie " how to fly!" Kiki taught Sophie how to fly. Oneday Kiki took off, waited for Sophie... Sophie followed. Kiki took a moment to wait for Sophie. They did this over and over.I found this amazing and butted out. Within a week, Sophie's wing flapping pattern changed, more similiar to Kiki's and she was flying like crazy! Nancy
  21. Muse...excellent post! Cage covers should always be a " comfort thing". Some birds Love them, some can't stand them.If you can raise a kid, you can raise an African Grey. They are soooo similar in their behavior. Timeout worked with us also. I originally started with one minute per year, just like kids. Shouldn't exceed 10 minutes. Ryan my son and Sophie bonded in their timeout sessions. Ryan in his chair, Sophie in her " timeout cage". Now I know why they are so close! LOL! Ryan now 22, Sophie 13. They are still best buds. Neither have been in " timeout", for many years. Nancy
  22. Yikes... home from vacation after a week... no punishment, but house was a mess! I couldn't even unpack, until I washed floor twice, Sophie was all over me while I cleaned, dogs were smiling ear to ear that mama was home! My sister didn't undersdtand my happiness to meet my family. House was a mess, which is what she focuses on. I could only focus on my kisses from my pups, and Sophie saying " Hi rom!" Nancy
  23. Birds have their own room. Two cages and two jungle gyms with hardwood floors underneath. We have painters plastic, that i get at walmart. Sweep daily, change it weekly. Newspaper under grate in cage, gets changed daily. nancy
  24. Kiki our Amazon, always screamed between three-four pm. We never encouraged her to be quiet. It was a Zon thing. Sophie can get loud, and encourage others to do so as well. A quick " be quiet!" did settle them down. Nancy
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