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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Sophie's favorite contended sounds is.... She asks a question, I give an answer. If she doesn't like my answer, she can't process my answer, she doesn't say anything. If she LIKES my answer.... she says " AWWWWWWW". Sophies way of saying " I get it!". Nancy
  2. You CAN have a relationship with your bird... Teacher/Student/ Mother/Child. My relationship with Sophie has been all four. From being clipped and a lousy flyer,to being a bird that could fly ( takes time and practice). When she was naughty... time out. Socialization, was a must ( trusting many other people in her life). She knows several colors, and can count up to three. The number one thing she learned... Is I keep her safe, and deliver on all her needs. Being a parent, firm on my expectations, has always been my first priority. I am left with a bird that is ridiculously amazing! Nancy
  3. I for one, struggled with the " higher perch thing." I would get bit if they were taller. But it doesn't matter what others experience. If it works for you... thats what you need to do. All birds are different. Do what works for you! Nancy
  4. chezron... excellent regarding Brutus! Sophie tolerates being put in a situation where she is in my arms and belly exposed. She doesn't like it... but will tolerate it. Nancy
  5. Radar is adorable! Right on track for age development. Awesome, you have such a huge family. His progress will only get better. Make sure you are all on the same page regarding expectations and progress. Punishment, is a family affair. Nancy
  6. Jeez... I don't have any tattoos. I USE to have six holes in my ears, but Sophie took care of that! All earrings were her own personal gym! She could snatch them out faster then I could feel it. Many of us have MBS.. as well as MDS ( dogs), or MGS, ( guinea pigs). Sophie gave up the moment she walked in our door. Within a week of moving in, she was on patrol to help us find a missing guinea pig Teddy. She was walking around yelling " Teddy!" Dogs were sniffing everywhere... Sophie was checking the vents. She found Teddy. Nancy
  7. Timbersmom you are tough! Sixteen? We have mirrors all over our house. Sunny has a ton in his cage. I guess he is vain! LOL Sophie will regurg to the mirror when I am getting ready. I guess she is regurging to herself! She got use to mirrors when the other birds were in the shower. Started talking to them. I wish she would go in the shower instead of having a conversation with the mirror. Nancy
  8. It takes time for a Grey to adjust to a divorce, just as kids. Sophie came here after my divorce. Your bird WILL talk again... but also look at it in a different way. Your bird lost a friend, YOU lost a husband. They pick up on your loss and empathize.Work together towards a new relationship. It can be amazing! Nancy
  9. I am about to get crushed also. Ryan coming home from college. It has been a year. I have gone to visit him and luckily Sophie hasn't punished me. She had a great caretaker.... but she couldn't give me the cold shoulder, as I am the only one here! I am ready for the moment Ryan walks in the door to be an after thought. MAYHEM is about to happen! He is bringing home a dog he has had for a year, just had knee surgery.We already agreed their paths are not to be crossed. Pup kenneled when Sophie out, Sophie's door closed when pup out. I broke my foot, so out on disability. The good thing about that... I can be " air traffic controller." Nancy
  10. Greys definitely cough... when they hear it! Sophie will also wheeze and let me know someone is wheezing. My boys ignore asthma symptoms... Sophie lets me know someone is wheezing. She is better than a stethoscope! Nancy
  11. taking care of terrible two"s, and committing 100%, can make a real difference in your birds behavior down the road. Six months here for commitment. Now, I have two teenagers and two birds, two dogs, that care about me. Being injured..... they all go to extremes to help me. Nancy
  12. Tough to say what was going on in your birdies mind! Whether it was nerves, or love, always just support your bird, reassure you are there for them. Nancy
  13. BaileysPapa... hope all is well! Birds know when you are ill, or injured. They adjust! I broke my foot three days ago... home on disability. Dogs have slowed their pace so I can keep up with walking them. Sophie is " out of control", with kisses, hugs, and regurg. Today, she hung with me all day. Preening me, trying to clean my teeth, that I don't allow.... it was too much! Kids will be home from college soon. Hope they can distract her. I shouldn't complain about being " too loved"... she needs to give me space! Nancy
  14. Sophie recognizes herself in the mirror! She sure won't shower, but she and I talk with each other in front of the mirror, while kids shower with other birds. She has recognized herself just as a youngster. Never an issue. Nancy
  15. I can't say that any of my birds are homosexual, or heterosexual. Sophie loves Ryan. Sunny loves Ryan, but also was in love with Kiki a girl Amazon.There was a time that Kiki and Sophie were an item. Next, Sunny our boy, was a hot item, for both Kiki and Sophie's attention.I can't keep up. Nancy
  16. Cinnyminis... Total baby stuff! Thats what they do! Sophie and gang did so, until around the age of four. Ignore the behavior, refill 1/2 the way, make no comment. They DO outgrow it. They unscrew, try to unlock the doors. Make sure you have child locked kitchen cabinets, no drawstrings for shades. TOTAL safety is the most important thing age. Nancy
  17. No big deal for those fatties! LOL! Many greys aren't into toys... BUT they love to shred. Get them walking( remove animals that threaten their safety!). Its all about them! Encourage them to walk at first. I always said " come on... lets go!". Sophie would walk... ( more like a waddle) We would tour the entire house. I always explained something fun about each room. She was always curious, and I let her investigate something she was curious about. Progress to practicing flying. Two people always! Always end with a snuggle that they love. If a bird needs a snuggle, they should have a snuggle! Nancy
  18. Michellic... GREAT exposure for Nala! It will benefit her, as well as your students. Nancy
  19. JeffNOK.. Are you a NERD? If soooo.... YAY! Ryan is " hiphop cool" Sean is " Nerdy" physics. Driving down to NYC during Thanksgiving... it was just me and Sean. He was giving me several scenarios of planets colliding, etc. I was " yawning!" He asked me " aren't you the least bit excited?" I laughed... I've got NOTHING!!!! We laughed and laughed! I LOVE that Sophie knows what each kid brings to the table. She loves them both , but knows their personalities. Sophie is a hiphop rapper... with an interest in physics! Nancy
  20. Muse... Forget bathroom policy! Once you adopted a grey.... its the same thing as raising kids. I haven't been able to go to the bathroom alone for 22 years! Nancy
  21. Give Gracie an awesome shower! Remove the smoke and dander that has been there a long time. Then see how you feel. I am an asthma pro. After testing kids for allergies to birds... everyone was negative... we got out birds! I don't encourage anyone with asthmatic symptoms, to keep any animal. I am severely allergic to cats. So are my kids. NOT just allergies, but wheezing.I remember at the age of nine, a cat came to live with us. I still remember sitting in our living room trying to breathe. NEVER EVER again, was I going to suffer that way! Nor were my kids. If your allergic with asthma... it will NEVER go away. Nancy
  22. monax... Terrible twos for sure! You are following an " open cage concept". Thats what I call it. We did as well as we had 24/seven coverage for our grey when two. Not many can do that, since we all work. I LOVE this concept if able to do it, but it is alot of work. Birds need boundaries. Sophie was trimmed when we adopted her at age two, so certainly it was easier, but it took her a decade to learn how to fly great. I believe all babies need to develop their flight muscles, and this happens at your birds level. I also think it encourages confidence. We were lucky that Sophie came here thinking she was a " Goddess!" She STILL is at the age of 13. NOT all birds have the confidence that Sophie had at the age of two. I credit her previous owner. He realized he was too busy to make her a forever home and wanted a family that could care for her 24/7. Always believe " wrist status" only, is very important. There will come a day, when they " get it!" and earn shoulder status. Some do, some dont. You will know. As far as the " twos", when naughty, say a firm " NO!". Many return their bird to cage. I didn't. I put Sophie in a " timeout" cage. Must be spacious, away from their home, and no toys. No more than five minutes. Rest of family must also be consistent. For six months, Sophie found herself in timeout four or five times a day. Within six months... she GOT IT! She was DYING to bite my ear... bit the air instead... she said NO! NO BITE! I did a little dance... screamed to kids! She thought I was crazy! Last ear bite. That was eleven years ago. Now Sophie on my shoulder all the time. Kids as well. Persistence, boundaries set, does pay off! Nancy
  23. I am so sorry for your loss! also proud of you for your " quick thinking!" Nancy
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