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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Dave is the person to ask! Sophie never showed sexual aggression adopted at age two. she HATED my sons girlfriend, and did a mating dance with his feet when he was sleeping. Thats it! Nancy
  2. Good to go! No chewing. I may be ignorant at times... but whats with the strappings around your bird? Nancy
  3. GREAT video! They are doing what they do best.... DESTROY! N
  4. Interesting! So Sophie is " loving " the movie, because she is hanging with us. I always suspected that, but kids always ask her if she " liked it", and she gives her cluck of approval. They will pick a movie together, thinking Sophie may like it or not. I'm not going to tell them what Dave said. I want them to still pick movies with Sophie in mind. Nothing scary.... as it might affect Sophie.... nothing witrh bad language... as it might affect Sophie... I want them to continue to think of Sophie as just another family member. It works for us Nancy
  5. So I get home from work, tell Sophie " we've got mail", which makes her run, and she is ignoring me. She is busy on her phone, calling her imaginary friends and talking. She will dial a seven digit number and have a two way conversation...laughing and gossiping! She called three friends and totally ignored me. Geez!!!! I LOVE listening to her conversations. When she runs out of words, she makes them up. Tons of laughter! She always ends with " Alright, okay bye!" I've been put on the back burner! Nancy
  6. Gotta wait till Spring. They never put down " flashing", whatever that is! Roof has been replaced.It is an extension of our house that they missed the flashing. Sophie clucking and dancing to the music. NO rap thank goodness! Sean coming home this weekend, and I'm sure Sophie will be in heaven. She and Sean have this weird routine they go thru when they " meet". I can't even explain it. Head bobbing together, they make this weird dance and say " witchoo". Alls I know, if I am handling Sophie, she is super excited and I get a hard chomp! I wouldn't call it a bite.... BUT... I'm putting her down! Nancy
  7. Breezy sounds awesome. Greys will take over the animal kingdom no matter how big other birds will be. They will rule the dogs, cats other animals. If other animals accept the Grey as the leader ( as in my house), they will find a Grey who truly cares. When I go and buy toys in bulk for dogs and birds, Sophie will give a " cluck" of approval. Once we divvy up the toys and everyone is happy.... I present her with toys that I saved just for her.She is always pleased! I remind her.... " I know you love everyone, and take care of the family... but I am your Rom, and I take care of you!" She understands Nancy
  8. What a beautiful picture of a very happy bird. Kudos! Nancy
  9. Oh No! I have a leak in the ceiling next to Sophie's favorite spot. The gate separating family room and kitchen. I have a metal pot collecting the water. You hear " drip drip." Sophie has been fascinated by it for past two hours. I have been watching Sophie and I am getting a little worried. She is starting to head bob and clucking. I know she is about to repeat the sound, break into rap which I absolutely HATE! Nancy
  10. I agree that Greys love and pick one owner. BUT.... there is a reason that Sophie loves us all. We all were involved in feeding, cleaning cages and " timeout", when she was younger. We all followed the " rules" that we made out for her. We are big into playing games as a family that she so wanted to be part of. She had to " stepup" to the person whose turn it was. If you asked me today, who does Sophie love the most, I couldn't tell you! Sean my youngest coming home from college this week. She is going to go NUTS with happiness! Nancy
  11. YAY Bongo and Gabby! You go guys... show your mama how you can work it out. Nancy
  12. Sophie likes watching other greys on video as well! Not sure if she is happy to watch a grey video, or just because she enjoys " movie night" with us. She will watch anything! I agree it couldn't hurt. As far as eating fresh fruits and veggies, Sophie learned to eat them since we had three birds of different species. Our Amazon was always the designated tester. Once she approved... they all enjoyed. We also let our birds eat with us when they are interested to try new things. Just a suggestion.... move the cages away from the walls... raspberries and blueberries takes the paint off the walls. Greys will fling their " dislikes". Remember, veggies are the most important. Nancy
  13. aerial.2000 LOL! You must be in trouble ALOT! LOL I wonder what pthhhh sounds like! I hope murfchck doesn't get mad at me... Nancy
  14. Sophie has a trimmer that does her nails and beak. She also has a vet that she sees for " well child visits". Both, are important in her life, and she will stepup to both. I can't imagine life without either one. I am lucky, Sophie is healty and happy. Trimmer will let me know if she is losing weight or concerned. Then, a vet visit. They both know, I am crazy, that I wont sit in any waiting room. Call me on my cell phone out in the parking lot, I will come in. I'm really not crazy! LOL Nancy
  15. Dave knows what he is doing. I trust him immensely! Listen to his advice. Nancy
  16. Sophie always goes to bed around 8pm. She desires to get up around 8am. There are days I have to leave for work at 6am. I give them their food... Sunny is always up and ready, but Sophie just wants to snuggle and not think about food. I will snuggle a half sleepy bird, because she wants to see me and wants to cuddle. A quick kiss " up"... after 15 minutes, a quick " kiss down". Minimal conversation, just some cuddling. After this routine was established, there was a time that I decided she wouldn't notice. Boy, was I wrong! She was immediately alert when I skipped our " routine". She was so mad at me... instantly awake and MAD! I had to call into work that I would be late! I learned my lesson. Nancy
  17. Its also important to see a picture of your bird! Nancy
  18. For New York State, Dr. Balonek in Rochester, NY is amazing. Specializes in exotic birds. Nancy
  19. murfchck LOL! LOL! I remembered your bird called you pthhhhh. I found it so funny! I also would rather be called " that girl!" I'm called ROM. Now my kids call me that as well. The point is, your birds have acknowledged your presence. That is what is important. Nancy
  20. Home again early. She is ruling this house with a " clad iron fist!!" Poor Ollie and Zoey! I've decided to not intervene, let her do what she has always done. I'll get the pups revved up after 6. LOL! I know she is very much into " routine ", and I don't want to stress her. But heck.... if I were Ollie and Zoey, I would think of a coup! She is very kind and considerate though, always brings a peanut out for Ollie, and when Zoey has a seizure, she is right there, always concerned, but in her face where I have to shoo her away. She loves the pups and they love her. Nancy
  21. I am so sorry for your friend! Absolutely don't let anything into your house related to her household. Go visit and support your friend... when you get home, strip in the garage and head directly to the shower. Its never an insult to your friend. Its protecting your fids and I am sure she would understand. I have been in the same situation and have done what I suggest. Nancy
  22. I LOVED that Bingo said " Ouch Bingo". Conflicting thoughts, as he grows fond of you. I would be proud to be called " That Girl!" ( reminds me of a TV show years ago). Bingo is starting to love you, doesn't like it, but can't help it! LOL! Nancy
  23. So I get home from work early....very unusual for me. Working different shifts this week that I am home by 4pm. Of course, open birdroom, Sophie comes running( literally), and we sort the mail. She gets the junkmail to sort and I get the bills. Ollie and Zoey are wrestling in the kitchen which they do all the time! I always tell Ollie " go get her" and they rev up their game of tag and wrestling. Truly not aggressive, but playful. Once I said this today, Sophie decided they shouldn't do it after I told Ollie to go get Zoey. Sophie said " NO OLLIE! NO ZOEY! They immediately stopped. WHAT was that about? Of course they stopped playing. I am usually home by 6 or 7 on a Monday. Could just a few hours difference make her be so pissy? Nancy
  24. Greys will pick one owner if allowed. It is important for birds to witness how the family interacts and can be accomplished by including them with family interactions. Sophie has learned to love our family including kids and dogs. After several years... she loves and trusts us all. Nancy
  25. Gracie will be just fine! She is a smart girl, has a dad that LOVES her to death! STOP enabling her. ( don't be mad at me!) It is time to let Gracie understand that she will be on her own. Let her know who will be checking up on her and they will call you if needed. She will give you a big fat kiss.... and will be happy when you return. Don't let her see you are stressed! Birds stress when we are stressed. Sophie knows and understands I work unusual hours and loves people that check on her. The worse thing you can do for your bird, is to let them see you are not comfortable with your arrangements. While they may be comfortable, if you are a parrent that is not... they focus on that and can make your like miserable. Nancy
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