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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Total regurg. Let her put it in your hand and say " thank You!" Truly a sign of love. Birds work hard to deliver a regurg that is meant to show love. The response is very important. Sophie still will regurg to me after several hours of bonding. I always thank her, let her know how important her regurg was to me, give her a big fat kiss on her head! She is happy. Nancy
  2. Timbermom... there is also a difference in " being mad at you". as Timber is, as " not trusting you again!" The trust is there, will NOT go away. Timber will not always be happy with life events. You can only say " I love you and understand you are not happy right now." May take him a few days to forgive you, but the trust level will not change. I go thru that all the time with Sophie. When she gets her nails trimmed, she is mad at me. She continues to trust me, but she needs her space to forgive me As she gets older, she cares for herself quite well. If she requires nothing, trimmer does nothing. More and more, he has to do nothing. A quick car ride for Sophie, that she enjoys. Nancy
  3. Great job with Alfie! Nancy
  4. babies will make their own decisions whether to sleep on the bottom of the cage or a perch. Whats most important, is sticking to a bedtime that is reasonable and acceptable for the entire family. 8pm is our bedtime. Nowadays, they put themselves to bed at this time. I wish I could help you with bathtime, but Sophie HATES water. Nancy
  5. I usually don't have an issue with my birds whistling or contact calls. I am half deaf, so it doesn't bother me. BUT.... when kids are home from college, Sophie or Kiki are very loud.... I say SHHHH! They know what this means. They become much quieter. I whisper... " good job", give Sophie a quick kiss on her beak showing her my approval.Its just another way of a bird connecting the meaning to the word. Nancy
  6. I use both as well. A perch or play gym... is what they are. A cage, is their home. A place to feel safe and go to sleep.I takes time for a bird to adjust to cage. Try putting fun toys inside the cage and encourage exploration. Nancy
  7. Jayd... it didn't work for me trying to open up Joe with Salsa and Tango. Any suggestions? Nancy
  8. 12 seconds is good! LOL! Sophie also goes after dogs bowls to make some music. Dogs are very tolerant with her antics. Nancy
  9. Greywings ... I LOVED the picture Nancy
  10. greymom... install knobs for hardware in kitchen. They can't land on them. I have all new kitchen cabinets... so my kitchen plans were based on" what I know Sophie will do!" Its a pain in the butt... but I have plastic taped on the lower cabinets, the ones Nancy she is interested in. Of course when I have company, I remove the plastic, noone knows what I go thru and everything is good. Nancy
  11. Awww Gracie understands biting. I think when they say " no bite", they get it. I did truly have to squeeze my wound to get it to bleed. LOL! I pointed it out to Kiki, she knew my feelings were hurt. She knew I was offended. While discussing this with her, I watched her eyes. Her pupils were dialating and constricting, but not in a defensive mode. She knew I was upset. I told her I loved her, gave her a kiss. We were good. Nancy
  12. I learned a long time ago, Kiki has manners, Sophie has none. Sunny just wants to be loved and given his favorite toast in the morning. Nancy
  13. I think it is amazing! For me, it is a personal success, but for other parents, it means, " you have no idea what your bird can do in the future." Nancy
  14. While Sophie has always been our flock leader over three birds of different origins, she has always been fair. I think Kiki knows Sophie is wanting to learn how to fly better. Lots more takeoffs and landing for Kiki. She doesn't need to practice. Its new behavior for her. I think she is really trying to help Sophie. When Kiki takes off, so does Sophie. A room or two away, Kiki lands and waits for Sophie. A few minutes later, Kiki takes off again, Sophie follows. I know just by sound, who is flying into family room. Sophie three wings to Kiki's one. Now I can't tell whom is coming. Sophie is adopting Kiki's flight pattern 100% with serious results. While I am very proud of Sophie, I am proud of Kiki even more. Nancy
  15. LOL! They are too much! They know how much we hate the " cold shoulder!" Its amazing how they know what buttons to push. Nancy
  16. I am certainly smiling! LOL! Sophie has been doing a happy dance past 24 hours. Sitting in Kiki's window.... oops! Kiki AND Sophie's window,,, singing like crazy. I can tell she is proud of herself.I'm concerned that she feels very empowered and sure of herself, I'm worried she may get hurt. When I get home, I open birdroom door. I go upstairs to change. Kiki follows me many times. Sits on my bed while I change. Sophie tried to do this today, landed 3/4 up. Sat on the stairs until I got her. ( right away of course, told her how proud I was of her). Thinking I should reverse everything. Change first, then open birdroom door. Nancy
  17. What I find amazing... is Sophie focusing on how Kiki flies and starting to immitate Kiki's flight. For me... this is truly mind blowing! nANCY
  18. danmcq never thought of it that way! I think my feelings were more hurt since its been ten years since I was bit. I'll have to think about that, since I know when Kiki molts she is a woman on steroids! She will run across all the cages, but stop short of biting me if I am taller than her. She would have bit the crap out of me if I was shorter. Nancy
  19. Past history, Sophie adopted at age two, fully clipped. A true " plop!" Grew her feathers, but did trim them so she could fly within three rooms. ( for the groomer, that was basically clipping the air). She has been fully flighted for over a decade, but I'd give her a C for true flying ability. Lately, she has been watching Kiki our Amazon fly. ( she's amazing). Whenever Kiki flies out to family room, Sophie follows. When Kiki leaves, Sophie follows. I noticed two weeks ago, a difference in Sophie's takeoff. More like Kiki's. I didn't think about it again, but since boys home, she has more free time and what a difference! For the first time today, she flew up to Kiki's favorite window. Sophie has NEVER been able to land in a window high up. I'm so proud of my little girl Nancy
  20. pippin sounds like she is adapting quite well. We are here for you whenever you need us. Nancy
  21. Sophie is at least honest about it. " Give me that!" Kiki flies to me... sits nicely on my shoulder pretending to want to " hang" with me. I know she just wants what I have! LOL! I should consider it " good manners!" Nancy
  22. Birds MAKE the rules! LOL! Sophie tends to remind everyone.... but she is gentle and kind to all of them Nancy
  23. Carolina... my heart goes out to you for your loss. It truly must feel like losing a child. If you ever want to talk... I'm here for you. Nancy
  24. Sarasota... mmmmm... we have a rule. If you need to swear, go in the garage and let it loose! Maybe Clarice needs to join my boys in the garage! LOL Nancy
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