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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Ollie and Zoey run! LOL! Sophie rules. No animosity amoung them all. Dogs respect her, let her rule! She is who she is! The leader of the flock. She is a kind flock leader, and thinks twice, about everyone's needs. Nancy
  2. It was always my expectation, that if I adopted birds ( I had no interest in the beginning), birds and dogs would get along. I adopted Sunny our sunconure, because he loved my son ryan, at daycare. He was 12 years old. Sunny was out of forever homes, our daycare worker was a foster mom. Sunny took one look at Ryan, fell in love. I didn't want a bird, but I couldn't argue with any animal choosing their owner. Ryan is 21 now. They still have that special bond. Kiki came home as a baby, when Sean felt he was ready to have a bird. When we went to the petstore, I told him to let the bird pick you! Kiki was all over him! LOL! Sophie came along six months later. My bird. We are lucky they all love each other, get along with the dogs as well. Believe me.... it wasn't as easy as it sounds. It was alot of work. Nancy
  3. So glad you found a great vet! Sophie has had a great avian expert vet since we adopted her. He has been amused by her antics from day one. ( what did I know!) He told me " I had an absolutely beautiful bird who would make a great addition to our family". We just needed to adjust. LOL! We have. She remains a beautiful bird with a fantastic sense of humour, and we all love her to death. Nancy
  4. I think they deserve the chance to see how it goes! Of course, be there for supervision. I know they can empathise. Sunny our sunconure who is a rescue is very old. We don't know how old he is. Kiki is bonded with him, but several months ago, he was losing alot of weight, vet couldn't find anything wrong. It was determined old age. Kiki stopped sleeping with him soon after. For a week, I found Sophie sleeping next to him, which made me worry even more he was dying. He started putting weight back on, Kiki is sleeping with him again. Sophie ignoring him once again. Back to normal! YAY! I have encouraged their friendship thruout the years, but know it is unusual for birds of different species to get along. I am lucky they care about each other, and have worked it out. Nancy
  5. Thank goodness everyone is safe and you have a backup. I would have been freaking out too! I adjust my heat accordingly to if anyone's beak is cold. Usually 68, but I have increased it at times. Kids laugh at me say " I care more for the birds then them!" Hey... kids can put on a sweater. Sophie can't. Nancy
  6. I'm not sure why my birds of three different origins get along. Sunconure and Amazon are bonded. Sophie the grey is the leader. Kiki the amazon will be out with sophie my grey. They keep space between them, but never fight. If sophie is annoying kiki, kiki lets her know with a certain squack! Sophie will stop. All cage doors are open 24/7, but birdroom is closed when I'm not here. I've had them for over a decade though. Maybe it takes time to develop the trust between them. Nancy
  7. Unfortunately guys, If someone is allergic to birds, nothing can change that! When I was put under pressure to adopt Sunny, I refused, even though this bird loved my son to death! Both my kids had asthma, and their was no way I was going to adopt a bird until I was sure they weren't allergic! They were tested, and not allergic. Sunny was adopted.We can never have cats. We love them, but everyone is allergic. We also have to have non-shedding dogs, hence, Maltese at this time. Kids would LOVE a Lab.... not going to happen! Kids understand their limitations, and are happy to have the animals that have been very important to them. Nancy
  8. I think it would be great, to help new bird owners, what we do, to bird proof a home. I'm sure, we will all help each other as well. I plug all electrical outlets. I have no blinds with strings. anytime I am boiling water, doors get closed. We never use the front door. Anytime we go in or out the house, is thru the garage. Just a start, on safety. Nancy
  9. I have never used treats for praising. I agree with it, but just never did it. Sophie enjoys my praising her behavior with snuggles and praise. Just this weekend, I was in the bathroom, didn't close the door tight enough. Found two dogs, as usual, in the bathroom with me. Told them " can I ever go to the bathroom in peace?" Sophie marched in. " Ollie, Zoey, out now!" They ran out, as they listen to everything she says. She was very proud of herself! Rom had bathroom time by herself, just with Sophie! LOL Nancy
  10. Sooooo darn cute! I couldn't resist if I were you. ABSOLUTELY adorable. Nancy
  11. I keep three in the cages, three on the play gym. A basket of foot toys on top of refrig for Kiki. Popsicle sticks in a basket in family room that Sophie loves. Bells get changed out routinely for Sunny. He is bell crazy. I rotate toys out like everyone else. Sophie is more of a " search and destroy" kinda girl. More social. Wants to be with everyone. We are her toys. She IS fond of cloth books, she loves to be read to. ( regular books too!) She also enjoys younger toddler games, such as: see'n say, anything that a ball can roll down. She is easily entertained, but doesn't enjoy entertaining herself. Nancy
  12. You gotta watch out for those slow bloomers! LOL! I think they are absorbing, learning and learning. Sophie's latest saying... " I'm worried." Its not something I say, not sure where she got it. I keep telling her " don't worry! Everything is fine." Nancy
  13. Jayd... if I ever responded " I don't like that", they would look at me like I was crazy! The answer is "NO!" When the behavior is good, the answer is "Yes!" They learn quickly what behavior you approve of, or dissaprove of. Nancy
  14. I disagree about a bird not understanding the word " no". My birds all understand it! Thats not important here, since Mosley's parrent feels hurt and needs support. Your baby is groing up, will demonstrate independence. Even if the trust is there, they go thru stage of independence. Support it, continue to guide your bird. Your bird will always love you, and need you. Nancy
  15. Sophie had my heart the moment I interviewed to adopt her at age two. It was love at first site for both of us. Ultimately, as many families interviewed to adopt her, more experienced ( I had none), Sophie's owner decided to interview me again. STILL couldn't answer any of his questions! Sophie was all over me, I had eyes only for Sophie. I interviewed poorly both times, since Sophie and I were carrying on back and forth! She and I are very bonded to this day. Nancy
  16. Whistling is not just an opportunity to bond... but Sophie can do a whistle, that show's she is " NOT pleased!" When I go to change, she wants me to come see her first, as Kiki can fly up and land on my bed while I do so. Sophie will whistle her " displeasure", while I am changing. I tell her... " I'm coming!" Usually that has always worked, but now Sophie is feeling she needs to fly up to my room as her flying abilities are becoming great. She made it up the stairs the other day. Walked down the hallway calling " Rom?" I was sooooo proud of her! Kiki was on my bed. I think Kiki was as proud of her as I was! It was all about Sophie and her accomplishment. Nancy
  17. Ten in my opinion, is still young. They are capable of learning no matter what age they are. Take Sophie for instance. Adopted at age two, always clipped as a baby until we got her. Her flying ability has always been a C average. Several weeks ago, she decided to adopt our Amazon's flight patterns. Amazing! Totally different, ( I use to be able to tell who was flying into the kitchen based on the wing pattern.) Now I have no idea. She has replicated Kiki the Amazon's flight pattern to perfection, and now has true airlift! Able to land on my shoulder perfectly as well as in windows she has only desired to hang in.I'm sure it took her alot of time to replicate Kiki's flight pattern. ( it didn't hurt that Kiki took time to fly and wait for Sophie). Normally kiki would have been flying around and around, would never have stopped. Nancy
  18. Greys will throw their food, paint the walls. Its what they do. !2 years later... I can tell you, raspberries are tough to scrub off. BUT.... Sophie loves fruits and veggies, and that was the goal. As far as training, thats what you are doing. Biting needs to be dealt with, and they need guidance which you are doing. The biting needs to be a firm NO! Return to cage, try again in ten minutes. Always be consistent with the behavioral issues. They are like little kids. Just need the guidance. You are doing great! Nancy
  19. Luna looks great! Using fine motor skills well. Kiwi... " its NOT about you! Its about Luna! LOL! Kiwi is a ham. I LOVED the picture and got quite a chuckle over it. Nancy
  20. So excited for you having a bird starting to talk. I found it fascinating! I got as excited for Sophie to say a new word, as I did when kids were toddlers. Its amazing. Reading, singing and whistling. Very important to Sophie. I was left behind, when teenagers started rapping with her. ( clean songs only!) She still raps with them. They give her a head motion and sound, she goes crazy. Its a thing between the kids and Sophie, I'm not a part of it. I'm okay with that. Nancy
  21. Talon... LOL! It reminds me of Zoey my dog. She sleeps in my arms. I rub her belly constantly until I fall asleep. ( pretty quickly!) If she feels I need to rub her tummy longer she scratches at my hand. If I am sound asleep, she gets up and smacks me in the face! Nancy
  22. Great responses everyone! I recall how when I had my kitchen redone how much Sophie wanted to be part of the action! I was working... but one worker in particular became fascinated by Sophie. I would let her hang out with him when I was off when he wasn't doing anything dangerous. She was thrilled, he was thrilled.Going thru any home renovation is so hard on parents and birds. Nancy
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