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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Of course it will!Be consistent with return to cage, let him know you are unhappy with the behavior. Consistency and repitition is important. We were lucky when Sophie came home at age two, he was already experienced with other birds as well as being around for many guinea pigs. He was the master of our home, loved new animals, but didn't take crap from Sophie the moment they met. He also liked her immediately. He also trained Ollie and Zoey as new pups to love and respect the birds. Sophie, never messed with Max. She new her place the moment they met. Within a few months of her arrival, they were best friends. Nancy
  2. I LOVE listening to Sophie on her " make believe phone!" She dials a seven digit number... ( obviously local), has a conversation with herself. " hello!" oh HI! How are you? Laughing, laughing Babbles in baby talk. Then... alright, okay, goodbye. CLICK Once in awhile I remind her she forgot to say goodbye. Starts from scratch! LOL Nancy
  3. Always satisfy the oral stage. A simple oatmeal mix with a spoon, goes a long way. It took Kiki six months. Always satisfy the " oral" stage, no matter how long it takes. You will find in the end a bird that " loves and trusts you".
  4. Kiki loves to shower! She doesn't care whom she showers with. As kids are off to college, I'm it. Every weekend, we shower together. Blowdrying is even more important.
  5. Thanks Jayd. I broke a rib, and was quite miserable past few weeks.Thanks for worrying about me, as I always worry about you and your health. Nancy
  6. Tyson, sounds amazing! He is already demonstrating trust. I believe his previous owner, needed to learn a few things. Ignore what you were told. Listen to Tyson. He will tell you what his needs are, and I think he is a trusting bird. I think you have an amazing bird and has sooo much potential. Nancy
  7. Welcome! we look forward to more information about your new gang!MoonRock.. kudos to you. You have alot of natural energy and care about your bird. You have lots to offer this site, and look forward to learning more about you Nancy
  8. Sophie at age 12, continues to be a jibber jabber girl. Has LOTS to saY, and makes sense. She is always welcome when I have girlfriends over. All my friends know Sophie is a big part of my life, so if she wants to hang with us, she is welcome. Nancy
  9. Sophie is a complete snuggle muffin. "Pet my chin, now pet my neck!" She dictates my pets. She doesn't like her body petted, but when she gets herself in a unusual situation that requires my help to get her out of it,she knows I;m annoyed,,, " what are you doing?:" She will have to " drop" into my hands and trust me. She does. Nancy
  10. So now you say hello back, act like everything is normal. Secretly... you plan a party, do a celebration dance. Nancy
  11. I guess I'm lucky that the dogs and birds have worked it out. My two pups were babies when Sophie came home. My senior lhasa apso was age 18 when Sophie walked in the door. He gave her one sniff and liked her immediately. He spent a ton of time training new pups to respect her. When she walked out, pups would run to meet her. Max would cut them off. " NO! Walk and meet her! Pups learned. Now a decade later, they are best friends. Max taught them well. Nancy
  12. Timbersome... I agree with Jayd. Total different circumstances. Nothing is bothering him about his family dynamics. He's bonding to you, and has that extra special something, his previous owner is part of your family. Jayd... we have GOT to do a poop contest with our greys and amazons! LOL! Not so bad with Sophie, but Kiki the amazon poops like nothing I have ever seen! LOL! Nancy
  13. So sorry about echo. It could have happened to anyone. I hope you and storm are doing okay. Nancy
  14. All had great advice. I agree, your wife is suffering the punishment I think your Charlie wanted to " dish out", to his original owner. Back to square one... but you'll get there again, I promise! Nancy
  15. Wulfgeist.. you need to take care of yourself. What is your support system? What can we do to assist you? Nancy
  16. I LOVE my birds, but there is no way I am going to get Kiki's cholesterol checked. She is fully flighted, and flies like crazy. The majority of her diet, is veggies and fruits. I agree... activity is important. This is as far as I will take it. Nancy
  17. I prefer, a bird to pick you. We have done so... for all our birds. I know it sounds crazy, but ALL of our birds, picked us. STOP... LISTEN... let your bird pick you. Nancy
  18. Gotcha! I have only had to give my birds antibiotics rarely over past ten years. As they trust me... they take any syringe I give them.Don't try to put med in food or water. Must be delivered directly by syringe. Worse scenerio... do as vet said... towel your bird, deliver the medication. Be careful to give a small amount at a time. Important for bird not to aspirate.I think it stinks that parrents have to give a medication to a bird. They have no idea about complications of aspiration. I'm lucky that I am a nurse and know what to do. I would be more than happy to talk you thru it. Nancy
  19. paleale... Youve got one! LOL!Pearl is truly a girlie girl! I can tell. Nancy
  20. Welcome Deke... we are all excited for you to join us. Nancy
  21. Supervision, is number one when introducing birds of different origins! ( birds of same as well!). We can socialize them all we want, but they ultimately make the decision to accept each other or not. We can't change that, no matter what we do. Nancy
  22. SterlingSL I hope your bird is coming back to you also! Whats best for Odie, is the most important thing. Dan and Jayd... you guys are awesome! You both love deeply, and we all respect you for that. Nancy
  23. I think she needs an exotic name. Nancy
  24. paleale... how cute! She looks like a girl! How about Sophia, Annabelle. We could do a thread on names for her if you would like! That would be fun! Nancy
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