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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. So my Rom.... was having a hard time cleaning our cage, lifting our food bowls, generally taking care of us, BUT.... she did! I didn't know what was going on! I heard she had a broken rib!( whats that?) I saw Ollie and Zoey plowing thru the snow, as Rom couldn't lift the shovel! She told them, they had to dig in the snow, create their path! They did an awesome job! I love Ollie and Zoey. They are my best friends. Sophie
  2. Sounds like all is going well! A very good first vet visit! Nancy
  3. Everyone has different experiences with birds of different origins. I am happy to have a sunconure, amazon and african grey that all get along. Nancy
  4. Mix the Zupreems and Harrison together. Your bird will NOT change their mind. Focus now on fruits and veggies. they are important in a diet. Nancy
  5. Even after bedtime, they will imitate the microwave or a certain sound. I don't cover my birds, but am strict on bird bed time. While I may wake them at times, I always say " shhh!" time for bed, they settle down. Sometimes during the night, they wake me. Again.... SHHHH time for bed. Nancy
  6. LOL! Thats why everyone curses in the garage! I have a very clean mouth except the word SH--! Sophie has said it a few times, but luckily forgot it. Nancy
  7. Gracie is a favorite of mine. I think she is a true smartiepants!I LOVE to watch her progress! There will come a time, that I think I will be watching his parent's progress. LOL Nancy
  8. Oscar is going to be a great friend! Nancy
  9. I LOVED the video of Solomon! What I LOVED the most, was not just his accomplishment, was the trust he had with you. He desired to be with you, felt the enviroment you provided was safe. Always watch the eyes. He desired to be with you, knew you provided him a safe enviroment and would meet his needs. THATS what makes a great parrent! Nancy
  10. Just a reminder to all new parrents. They growl, are territorial. It is completely normal! Nancy
  11. spinner... I'm sorry your blood pressure went up! The majority of us knew this was a form of regurg. don't scare elliemae. Good though, you reminded many new owners, the quarantine is important. nancy
  12. Oh they can be sooo bratty! Patience DOES payoff! I promise. You will go thru biting, establishing parenthood, terrible two's, hating the rest of the family. Stick to your guns, be patient, establish behavioral guidelines, you will find yourself with the most adorable grey, who loves everyone. We got there at age 4, Sophie adopted at age two.My kids are both at college now. Call frequently.... I get a quick " Hi mom! I'm good! Can I talk to Sophie? LOL! I'm thrilled! My goals and expectations for her are beyond what I thought I could ever expect. She is one happy grey who thinks the world revolves around her. Yes... it does. Nancy
  13. Chenliu85.. I would suggest covering your birdcages for now. See how that works. As far as your bird and Nibbler hating each other right now, I think it is more about them establishing dominance.Who is the leader of the flock? My birds include the dogs. Sophie rules.Once they have worked it out, you may find them best friends! Nancy
  14. Always listen to your bird. If their not happy, they will let you know. Sure I can tell you what to do...but it won't help you, because your BIRD didn't tell you what was their concern! Even my rescue Sunconure, who can't speak a word, lets me know his complaint. Obviosly I get it, fix the issues, and he is happy! He knows I understand his complaints. LISTEN to your bird. Nancy
  15. Sophie is 12 now. Adopted at age two. Went thru the terrible two's. By 3.5. I had a new Sophie. Went thru biting, her learning to accept our family. The thing I try to talk about the most, is Sophie doesn't behave any differently than when she was two. They are ageless! It makes sense, since they live a very long time. Nancy
  16. Steve... you are such a brat! Yes... laughing sucks! I laugh alot... and told everyone at work, " if you crack a joke, make me laugh, I WILL get even! They know it. Everyone has been great! Including birds and dogs. Ollie and Zoey have digged their own path in the snow, Sean came home from college to clean bird cages, I couldn't ask for more. Sophie has been sitting quietly on my shoulder... she knows something is wrong. Nancy
  17. Absolutely! Gibberish always progresses to words! What you think you heard? You probably did! Even though Sophie is 12 now and talks up a storm.... when she wants to continue to talk but doesn't have the words, she falls back on baby talk. Of course some people talk alot, and some don't. Our family talks WAY too much and she tries to keep up. If she isn't sure about what words to use, she breaks into gibberish! Nancy
  18. I too can't imagine my birds being ready and active at 5am. They go to bed around 8pm. When I get up at 5 once in awhile, depending on my work schedule, I have to feed them early. Sophie will stepup and be a slug, but she wants to be with me every morning for one on one. Sometimes our bonding is very quiet, just some snuggling. I have ignored snuggling in the past at such an early hour, and she freaks out when she has learned I'm leaving. Nancy
  19. I get such a " tickle" out of what all you new parents experience.Keep them coming! We've all been there and LOVE to hear stories. ( as well as pictures!) Nancy
  20. You seem to have an excellent relationship with Oscar. Truly on the right track. You are putting alot of time and effort with training, and everything is going well. Nancy
  21. I am a firm believer in satisfying the oral stage. If Gracie is trying to regurg, she may need a few extra feedings off a spoon. Always satisfy the oral stage, if you don't, they may chew their feathers in my opinion. Satisfying the oral stage, is probably the most important stage to satisfy. Its not being aggressive, or sexual, its a simple stage in life that needs to be met.
  22. I get up at different times. Sometimes I get up at 5am. They are sound asleep. Sophie needs time to snuggle with me, so she will get up no matter what time I do. Very little stimuli, we snuggle, she gets her 1 on 1 time. I put her back to bed. Feed them, but they don't eat until I'm long gone. Nancy
  23. Biting can change to snuggling! Give them time to mature and understand what your expectations are.We've all been thru the bad behavior and biting stage. Sophie now snuggles like crazy. If I fall asleep on the couch, she will walk or fly in, tuck her beak under my left eye( always on the left) and start snoring. I can't ever nap without her. She sticks her butt up in the air, and settles in for a nap.I LOVE my lazy weekend with Sophie. Nancy
  24. I believe it is also important to " confuse them" as to pick one person to love. Greys tend to pick one person. It doesn't need to be so. Sophie loves all of us, and will stepup to all of us. It was thru games, where we passed Sophie around. Books... as Sophie LOVES to be read too, as well as Sophie's interests. She LOVES music... thats Ryan. She LOVES playing hiding seek. Thats Sean. Complaint department, or being afraid, thats me.We all fill her needs, so she goes to any of us. Nancy
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