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Everything posted by Wingy

  1. I did consider replacement filters when I bought the unit and at the time all of my local stores carried them for about $15 each. The type of filter required was standard for many model types so I thought I was good. Now no one is carrying it. The stores are barely carrying the units now. A year ago Target had an entire aisle, both sides, dedicated to them and the filters and now they only offer 2 models and only carry the prefilters for those models.
  2. I talked to my kid and am going to bring the filter to him to measure. He thinks I might be able to use an automotive air filter. I would still need to buy 2 and stack them but at least they would be available locally and probably less expensive.
  3. Amazon is where I finally found them for $35 each and I need 2 or $85 for an off brand full size replacement. I tried navigating through Walmart.com and didn't see any but their search leaves a lot to be desired sometimes. Its a shame because I really like this unit. It is quiet and low to the floor so it picks up a lot of bird dust.
  4. I need new a new filter for my Honeywell and I'm having trouble locating them at a reasonable price. Target is now only selling the prefilter. According to everything I'm reading online I need to stack 2 short filters even though the unit came with 1 large filter and they are about $35 each. That is almost what I paid for the unit.
  5. The who idea that he purposely walked his ball up 2 ladders to put it in water, had a conversation with me and showed me where the ball was and then shook out the pellets. That shows planning, and actions in a series to solve a complex problem that is unfamiliar. I knew he was intelligent and understood some simple language but I do believe he may understand much more than I though.
  6. There is now more to the story of the foraging wiffle ball. I did push some large pieces of pellet into the ball and placed it back on the cage top. Jake went to it to investigate and took a nibble. I turned my back to do something and when I turned around about 10 or 15 minutes later the ball was missing. I looked inside the cage, inside all the toy containers both on and in the cage, around the cage, under the cage and finally started looking behind furnature that is near by. Jake said to me "whatcha doin?" I said I am looking for your ball. He answered me with a "what?". In all seriousness and with a bit of frustration I said "Jake, where is your ball? Where did it go?" Do you know he ran up to his water bowl, pulled up his ball and then let it go back in the water. That water bowl is at the top perch on his play top, which is much taller than I am so I never would have seen it until I went to change out the water at dinner time. Here is where it gets more weird. I fished out the ball and handed it to him and do you know what that little monkey did. He shook it until every last pellet came out and only then did he go after that pistachio and remaining portion of pea. Coincidence?
  7. Thanks. I will have to look for it. Jake has a really big ball but it is that hard plastic so he can only play with it on the floor.
  8. There is a trick to getting video of camera shy birds. Turn the camera on then place it on a stand and walk away or sit across the room. You can always edit the video later. If you have a pc Windows Movie Maker is easy to use. It isn't included in all versions of Windows but it is still a free Windows download. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/get-movie-maker-download
  9. Jake is smaller than Timber and I am using a baseball sized wiffle ball. I have never seen one larger than baseball size. Do you have one bigger?
  10. What if you were to include a nutriberry or 2 along with some other goodies? If Timber doesn't like it rolling you could attach a quick link, plastic baby link or even a leather lace with beads through the holes. This will keep it from rolling.
  11. I had been meaning to ask you. Are you still using the rescue remedy or did you stop?
  12. We are now going on close to an hour that Jake has been working the wiffle ball. He has gotten bites of the pistachio and the sugar snap pea pod but has not managed to get it all. Ok he just got mad and threw it on the floor. I think next time I will add a few of the large pellets that he doesn't usually eat along with the other yummies. They will make a nice noise in the ball and maybe he will even eat a little. Edited to add: Jake is now in his favorite sleeping corner, chattering quietly to himself and settling in for a nap. He didn't throw a tantrum and toss everything so I think he just tossed the ball because he was done and not out of frustration.
  13. I read about this on foragingforparrots.com http://foragingforparrots.com/ideas/wiffle-ball-foragers/ and Jake is having a great time. I took his wiffle ball and stuffed it with a sugar snap pea that poked out a bit, a sugar snap pea completely inside, a fat cinnamon stick, a dried pepper out of his food bag, and a in shell pistachio also out of his food bag. I really had to work to get the cinnamon stick and pistachio through the holes. I showed it to him and placed it on his cage top. The easy stuff grabbed Jakes attention and he made short work of it but now he has spent the last 30 minutes working on trying to get that pistachio and the last sugar snap pea pod (he hasn't gotten it yet but he isn't giving up). It is fascinating to watch him think and work the problem out. The package of wiffle balls only cost me a few dollars and most of the goodies to stuff it are part of his normal food. ***The article mentions hanging with a shoe lace but I really don't care for them. IMHO nails can get caught to easily. If your going to hang this use a piece of bird safe rawhide or a kabob. My guy is loving this as a foot toy.
  14. I am very sorry but so very glad you were able to spend the time with him before he left this earth.
  15. The phrases Jake says most often is what a good boy and your such a good boy.
  16. For the future you could get some sturdy cotton strapping sewn on the outside of the harness especially around areas that could be chewed. You want uncolored natural heavy weight cotton webbing, preferably marine grade (thats what life jacket straps were made from before the USCG approved the use of nylon). You will need to find someone with a heavy duty machine and needle that can stitch it on. This is not something that most people can stitch on themselves.
  17. Lady Pym that sounds yummy. Did you know that you can substitute cooked mashed sweet potato for the banana and/or replace half the apple sauce with steamed zuchini? The zuchini will take on the flavor of the applesauce and when steamed is very similar in texture. I wish my guy would eat birdie bread but he doesn't like the texture of breads.
  18. I thought this was very interesting http://www.geeksaresexy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/1276_influ-venn-za6.jpg
  19. Try putting a simple set of stainless only measuring spoons on a quick link and hang. They clang, they bang and they flop. Be prepared to laugh until you cry.
  20. I did a little research into imping and it is done mostly for birds who were clipped and have a history of breaking emerging flights to offer support of the new feather on either side. My guy had what the vet called a severe clip. At just over a year he has lost and replaced 2 sets of flights and just lost another pair the other day. Thankfully his new ones grew in fine, with no breakage.
  21. I tried placing containers of toys on the cage bottom and my guy wants nothing to do with them, even when he can see a beloved treat resting on the top. I have also tried placing perches in low spots with treat topped toy boxes near by and still no go. I have had the most success with a wooden bucket that hangs and I try to rotate the objects weekly. Now if only I could correctly guess the toys that he wants to play with today since the ones he wanted yesterday are now deemed unworthy of his attention and the one that he has ignored for the past 6 months is now the greatest thing ever.
  22. If you bought foot toys you can try putting them into a food bowl. I would start with 1 and see how it goes.
  23. That is an interesting idea. Something like that would be very handy in the bathroom where I would only need a play place once and a while.
  24. Jake does this too. He goes back, across his boing and hops onto his short perch before going to his food bowl. He could take the short route on the long perch that goes end to end and is right there but instead he goes the long way. My guess is that he is checking to make sure there is nothing hiding in the corners or behind toys/objects before he puts his head in the bowl.
  25. I wasn't given the option but Jake has molted out and grown in 2 flights on each side and and dropped a clipped flight from each side yesterday. If he can continue staying away from the varnished wood he will be allowed to be fully flighted. The new flight feathers have allowed him to go greater distances and yesterday he learned to hover.
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