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Everything posted by pikachu

  1. pikachu

    Free Flight

    Jocelyn, I know this isn't really what you asked about, but wanted to share my experience… The one and only time my CAGs wings were trimmed was by the place where I got her before I brought her home. A year and a half later, she was still missing feathers. I mentioned this to my avian vet and he made a note of each flight feather on her wings & which was missing, so we could compare at a later date to see if they were growing back in. We were wanting to figure out in the mean time if she was breaking them off or if the person who clipped them did a poor job and basically cut them so far back that they couldn't grow back in. Since there was a chance that she was doing it, I wanted to give her a chance to use her wings and enjoy the feel of flying. In my mind, I thought that it might distract her from breaking them, if that was indeed what she was doing. (When we got her, she was able to fly, but lost the ability to do so.) I started working with her by first taking her out and holding her on my hand. I would say "fly" while slowly moving her downward so that she would flap her wings. Eventually, she would flap them every time I took her out and just said the word "fly". I also said "fly" every time she vigorously flapped her wings in the cage. Then, I started standing very close to the cage and enticing her with a favorite treat. Every time she would take off (very poorly I must say), I would say "fly". This served as a dual purpose. I was hoping that if she ever became flighted and accidentally got outside, maybe by giving her the command she would come to me. Anyways after the course of many months, slowly moving further away, giving her the command & rewarding her with a treat, I can happily say that not only has she regrown those feathers but she also flies to me on command and will fly back to her cage. (Now the problem is her flying to just anyone & landing on their heads!) Hope this helps! I know that it made me very sad to know she couldn't fly. I hope that yours regains his ability as well. (Note: In this post, I am just describing how I helped my CAG learn to fly again. I wasn't trying to teach her free flying and recall in the outdoors.)
  2. So, do most people post their videos on youTube and then post a link on here?
  3. Thanks birdhouse, I woke up this morning to "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!" and her shouting with glee, "Wheee!" while swinging on her triangle.
  4. SterlingSL, GoPro has a free photo/video software that you can download for free.
  5. Now I'll be able to tape Maui & her daily show. I'll probably never be able to figure out how to post the videos though.
  6. After her doing it a couple times, I simply took out the bowl and put it on the outside next to the cage. It irritated her.
  7. Well, someone is apparently in her terrible twos. Maui has always been able to pull one of her food bowls out. I just leave it out. But, yesterday she started pulling out her actual food bowl out and dumping it. These are supposed to be locking. The little snot can get them out. Any suggestions? I just started filling it with less food so that she doesn't waste so much. TIA!
  8. My Maui coughs like she's a smoker. It's funny, because no one around here coughs like that.
  9. Thanks Judy. I have been looking at that. I wish they would make it easier to get & interpret information. It looks like a short quarantine period, but it doesn't say where it needs to be. Or did I miss that? What I mean is, where is it kept? And, I was looking for forms, but didn't find those either. I found greys on a conditional list, but I didn't see what "conditional" means. So confusing!
  10. Thanks. I haven't been able to find the info yet. That's why I asked here.
  11. Hello all! We have been talking more lately about moving to Hawaii when we retire. Do any of you have a resource that might have some answers about: 1. Can greys be brought into Hawaii? 2. What is the protocol? 3. Quarantine time? Also may consider Costa Rica? I'm just trying to plan ahead. I will not make the move if I can't bring Maui with me.
  12. Jeff, my Maui was two in April. It has been interesting "watching" Gracie grow up. Just yesterday, I was wondering how much longer I'll be able to keep kissing her. I am always cautious. I've gotten in the habit of hooking my index finger under her top bill and then giving her a kiss. It seems to keep her beak occupied. Although she doesn't bite me, I have never allowed her on my shoulder. Having her there where I can't see her scares me.
  13. In our household, tv on must mean constantly talk as loudly as she can and be as irritating as possible. I give up and turn it off. Or, sometimes, I have to move her into a cage in another room. Sometimes turning off the lights helps.
  14. Okay, I had to google this to see what it looks like. My CAG would definitely be terrified.
  15. I just love Dayo. I am continually amazed at how much he sounds like you Dan!
  16. I try to use positive reinforcement. Whenever she is whistling or singing something pretty, I tell her how pretty it is. When she gets obnoxious, I ask her to sing something pretty. She usually switches. Sometimes, we try to distract her by singing something different and it helps. Sometimes she is just plain obnoxious.
  17. : ( I have been using hand sanitizer.
  18. Piggy backing off the video Luvparrots posted, who has a grey that sings and what do they sing? My CAG Maui is 1 1/2 years old and sings Happy Birthday, Jingle Bells, & How Much is That Doggie in the Window. She whistles many tunes as well. If I ever figure out how to post a video, I'll put one up here.
  19. I have no doubt that my golden wouldn't think twice about eating my birds. Our dogs are always locked up if the birds are out.
  20. Timbersmom, I sent you a PM earlier today.
  21. Timbersmom - I live in Illinois, but take my birds to the vet in StL. Feel free to PM me about any questions. Overall, I am very happy, but this is the vet who didn't recommend blood tests a couple days ago.
  22. Hmmm. I was just in Monday with my two and the doctor didn't even mention having any bloodwork.
  23. I appreciate you posting it here, because I wouldn't have seen it in "food".
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