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Everything posted by Cupid

  1. Answer to your question, YES an indoor grey CAN live outdoors just fine....
  2. IMO dont get rid of you grey. Make it work, if you move him outside, make sure to cover him well, hell be fine as long as you love him... Good luck.
  3. I always think of Gilbert when Aristotle lures me over to try to take a bite, but Ill always love him anyhow.
  4. Thanks Doug, shes about 2 years old. I remember when my cousin first got her and hewr eyes were dark, now they have a light touch of grey. Shes been a real sweeetheart, & mumbles something everytime I get close. She lets me stroke her, I know that Im in LOVE. Aristotles happy to have her home too. Hows Elegua?
  5. DNA came back, and Im a proud papa of a little girl! Shes getting sweeter everyday with me. Thanks for all your kind replies, I appreciate all of you.
  6. A little while later, nice and clean.
  7. Thanks TWIX, im glad you bought Dj, and not a wild caught african grey at the market. your lucky too. good luck with Dj.
  8. PalomaPicasso and Aristotles cages
  9. Thanks luvparrots, this was my cousins CAG that she had gotten from a local breeder. She was loved, but their family was going through tough times and my cousin felt she wasnt giving Paloma the attention she deserved. She knew how passionate I am about our birds and decided it would be best for the bird if I took her in. I am so grateful and humbled by her generosity, and look forward to making Paloma as happy as can be.
  10. We will be DNA testing "her" next week at her vet check up. I though Aristotle was a female until the DNA, so well see what sex is the bird then. For now shes a girl to me.
  11. Heres Aristotle. hes very happy that he has PalomaPicasso as his new flockmate.
  12. This was after her morning shower today and her cage next to Aristotles...
  13. Hi friends, Aristotle has been a good boy bird, & has shown a new interest for my wife. Were a happy flock and have news to share. . . The great news is that I was surprised to get a new addition to the flock. I have been blessed with a CAG named Paloma Picasso. We got home last night and I am so happy to have her in our home.
  14. Elegua is beautiful thanks for the pics.
  15. Greyt advice so far, your in the right place. Be kind and have lots of patience. Good luck.
  16. Very proud of you and gilbert. What a journey youve had! any new pictures youd like to share?
  17. Beautiful voice! Merry Christmas to you too...
  18. I concur Elvenking, i love having Aristotle in my life! We are so very blessed indeed.
  19. Doug, you really should think about possibly making a couple of these to sell. If the price was right Im sure some of our less handy members would love to have one of your PVC creations. You do a great job doing what you do.
  20. Post up some pictures of your new grey please
  21. Welcome to grey forums, your birds are beautiful, thanks for the pics!
  22. So happy to read your update, Ive been MIA also since my employers have deciaded to monitor all internet usage, I cant afford to be on computer like before. Have a great weekend!!!
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