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Everything posted by Tagtastic

  1. Hello, I am new to the board and love reading about Gilbert! I was curious, is Gilbert the cute TAG you have as your avatar or is he another bird? Looking forward to reading more!
  2. Got the Aloe Vera Juice! I do have a couple of questions. It says refrigerate after opening, so do you warm it up before misting? It seems if it is refrigerated it would be too cold to mist her with it. Also, do you have any suggestions on misting. So far she has tried to bathe twice in her water bowl but if I provide a bowl big enough or take her in the shower she acts scared. I want to make it a good experience. -Thanks!
  3. As I was writing this she fixed the broken tail feather herself but I think the shaft is still in there....so I need to do anything about this or will it fall out on its own? Also, her wings were tattered like this when I got her. I am not sure if it is because of a bad clip job or what because it is only the 3 or 4 of the primary flight feathers. Any suggestions? I don't think she is chewing on them because they look the same as when I got her a month a go. Thanks!
  4. She will be 6 months on the 27th! How old is yours? Thanks for the comments....I am happy to find a site where I can learn and grow with my little fidlet. =) Yeah, we sing the Lolliepop song a lot! She likes the "pop" sound =)
  5. Introducing................... We like to sing the Lollie-pop song together!! I just love her!! PS....I know its Lolli-pop but I like it better as Lollie :rolleyes:
  6. GIRL!! I really thought she was a boy!! Now I can't think of any names so suggestions would be great! I do have questions though as I have never had a female bird. I have read that females usually prefer male owners...is this true? At present, she loves me and dislikes my husband and boys but will tolerate my daughter. I guess I am just a little concerned she will change. She is really sweet to me but will bite everyone else especially males. I am not sure how to correct that. I really wanted her to go to anyone. I mean, I am glad she has chosen me but I was hoping to have a "family" bird. Also, any advice on egg issues? When do I need to worry about that (she is a little over 5 months) Any other things with females I need to know about?? Thanks!!!
  7. I feel your pain. We are moving from our luxury home in a upper class neighborhood (we are not upper class but we got a good lease deal and wanted the kids in top schools) to a much smaller older home (luckily still in the same area so the kids don't have to change schools) so we can save approximately $495 a month. Gas is killing us because we both travel quite a distance to work everyday. My husband has a hybrid but I have a hemi Dodge Durango aka Gas Guzzler!! I have to fill up weekly and it is about $69-73 dollars each time and is only going to get worse. My husband is planning on getting a motorcycle for him to drive and I will be driving the civic hybrid.....well at least most of the time. I can't imagine he is going to want to ride a motorcycle when it gets 100+ here or when it is raining, so we'll see. What's worse is we have 2 kids of driving age (15(permit) 16(license)) and they are going to want a car! So alas, that is why we made the family decision to move. The boys even agreed even though they will be sharing a bedroom. Hopefully we won't regret the move! I will miss my big bathtub!!!
  8. Thanks! Actually...I had already read an article on this and immediately threw them away! Why oh why do the pet stores sell them!?!?! Kind of frustrating, I may have never known! I know, a closet sounds bad LOL! I do have a night light, its a large closet that has outlets. Oh yes, he has more toys! That picture was taken the same day I set up the cage. I am slowly adding more toys, perches etc. He is a little slow at accepting things LOL!
  9. Hi all, Going on 2 weeks since I got my Timneh who is a little over 5 months. Still waiting on DNA to name him/her. I sent it in on Wednesday, the wait and anticipation is TORTURE!! Anyway! How many of you guys use sleepy cages for your grey? When I got him the breeder gave me a small cage approx 17x17x27..which is quite small but I knew it would take a bit to buy a new cage so he used it for a little over a week. Well his new cage came last Friday. http://www.petco.com/product/112987/Marvelous-Pet-Supplies-Veranda-Open-Top-Bird-Cage.aspx?CoreCat=MM_BirdSupplies_CagesStands (which I totally love by the way, I got the black/gray...quite roomy!! VERY well made, I was impressed! I did not get one with a play top because I am planning on having several tree's for each room) So far he LOVES the cage but the first night I was afraid to leave him sleep in it and I did not have anything to cover it. Plus I was thinking since the cage is located in the living room and usually someone is awake watching tv till 10-11pm. I decided to place the smaller cage in my closet(large walk-in) where he could sleep and where it is more quiet because I know these birds need 10+ hours of sleep. Is this a good plan? Anyone else do this? I have been doing this for a week and he seems to like the routine. I usually put him to bed at 8:45 and get him up at 6:45(I leave for work at 7:15) Just curious what others do!!
  10. Thanks guys. Anyone have any advice on the scritches, toys? He seems to be settling in nicely!
  11. Hello, I brought home a baby TAG almost a week ago. He(or she!) is 5 months old. He is good at stepping up and will step up for just about anyone in the family however, he seems more attached to me. He will bite my 2 boys (16 &15) and my husband if he does not want to comply...and they walk away which I think is rewarding the behavior. Would this be true? I am trying to teach them they have to be just as stubborn back and then he will learn to come to them. He usually will step up for my daughter(13) because she stands her ground. He almost never bites me....just a couple of times the first few days. One funny thing is he has just(last 2 days) started letting me scritch his head and neck ONLY in the morning just before I get him out of his cage. The rest of the time he will complain if I try to do it....what is that all about?? I am just thankful the last to days he has given me that pleasure, I just hope he will continue. He will also give kisses. I am not sure how well he was socialized at the breeder......I know he never will be cuddly but I just hope he is a little more accepting of scritches. The breeder only fed him pellets(good ones) so I was a little worried he would not take to fresh foods....but I was wrong!! He loves just about everything I give him. Unfortunately....I think he was clipped too early. The feathers that were clipped look rather tattered. He is very quiet....but I am pretty sure he is starting to talk because today when I was doing the dishes he was muttering things but as soon as I would stop to listen he would clam up. He is mostly afraid of toys but has accepted a few things I have put in his cage. Any advice on getting him to like toys? I am sending the DNA sex kit in on Monday....then I will give this little squirt a name. I don't care if he is a boy or girl, just like to pick appropriate names. I have nothing picked out though....so suggestions would be grand!! Thanks! PS...was going to add a picture but I can't figure out how!
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