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Everything posted by Butttaxi

  1. Oh Marcus you smart silly bird lol trying to kill the evil water bottle My god they are so smart I lol'd at Corky keeping Bacon off the furniture. I guess he can never catch a break now with that pesky bird yelling at him haha Rorschach is starting to dislike the spray bottle he has always seemed to have fun when we spray him but now he runs away *sigh* I try to make it fun allowing him to beak the nozzle which he loves to do but he doesn't like getting too wet. We had some plumbing issues with our tub backing up so I refused to take him in the shower because it wasn't safe but now that it's all fixed up I am going to pick up a shower perch the next time Im at the pet store then maybe we can get him to have a better shower.
  2. yup the Red-Factor, I agree it's like a happy accident that they grew where and how they did
  3. So sorry for your loss :`( a tribute if I may, "Free bird" This song was sung at my friends funeral and now every time I hear it I think of him and all the sunshine he brought to me and everyone who knew him. I hope it can do the same for you
  4. I love how every bird has their own personality! I know this has been posted for those who have had their birds over a year and I have only had Rorschach for about 6 months but as we sit now I would have to admit that he would have the nickname of Bratty or Saucy Face lol Mainly because you can tell he is purposely being a mischievous brat lol Maybe it will change in a few months, I'll get back to you after he's owned us for a year.
  5. I usually try to water down juice if I know he is going to have some but of course fruit you can't water down and he LOVES him some oranges lol
  6. I watched this a while ago and it is very sad. It also made me sad that I was selfish about wanting to own a grey or any parrot for that matter.
  7. So beautiful when they fly! Thanks for sharing
  8. Poor Dear It really would be like losing a human family member. Sending virtual hugs to you and your family
  9. his red feathers are really cute he has them on his back too but we can only see them when he drops his wings. I will definitely try to get more photos up I think I have too many and it is really crazy to go through them all lol
  10. We have different types of perches and since I moved the cement perch to where he prefers to sleep his nails have been more rounded which you can clearly see by looking at my hands they are no longer scratched up. I looked like I mutilated myself and I was starting to worry that other people would question it lol I don't want to have Rorschachs beak dremelled unless he needs it, like if I notice any over growth. Does this make me a bad parront or is it ok to leave it alone?
  11. We thought the name was perfect because of the colouring and the third day he was here we knew it was a great pick because we played a youtube video of the character "Rorschach" from the Watchmen and it was the first time he made noise for us. I was afraid he wouldn't learn the name, we changed it after we re-homed him because he was named after a hockey player and I don't even remember what it was but he picked it up and says it all the time The only words he had picked up from previous owners was "Hello" but he had a lot of different whistles and a cell ring. He loves to try and get the camera but I'm pretty careful to keep my distance... Thank god for zoom lenses lol
  12. Strawberry juice (I think) lol He doesn't get this all too often because of the sugar but of course it's hard to deny him what he wants.
  13. I would love to someday get an amazon I love their voices lol
  14. Sorry about this to anyone who had clicked on it prior to me figuring out how to do this. Pics of Rorschach
  15. Love these!! Rorschach doesn't like being on his back either but he loves those little whiffle balls he likes to throw them because they bounce on the floor and he loves watching mommy fetch lol
  16. Some people are just sick, no animal or person should ever have to go through any forum of abuse. What a lovely world we would live in if there was no violence or greed. I hope karma steps in and the abuser gets what he/she deserves...but then again they may have been abused as child which would explain this lack of compassion or need to hurt something smaller then them, still doesn't make it right.
  17. I think I would feel cheated as well if I was provided with pictures of one bird and given another, I would really be more upset with the dishonesty ... I just hope the deformity doesn't affect the bird we all know how much they are on their feet, poor little thing. Rorschach has a deformity with his spine and I am glad that it doesn't seem to bother him. I am not sure how the deformity happened because I didn't get him from a breeder and neither did the person who we got him from. As for loving less, I agree how could you not love them?? lol I love other peoples birds that I haven't even met haha
  18. We don't have an avian specific vet around here but there is a vet who apparently does minimum check ups and does clipping and dremmiling. I guess what I want to know is it necessary or is it mainly cosmetic? The vet I was speaking with (she had no bird experience) said that it is only necessary if the birds beak is over growing but other then that it is mainly for appearance... like you said "manicures" lol I just don't want to force Rorschach into this because I want him to have a pretty beak.
  19. Rorschach usually has a powdery beak too, it is more after he preens. I usually help him and wipe it after he is done. On the topic of beaks, does anyone get their beaks dremmiled? I don't know how comfortable I am with the idea of taking Rorschach to get this done but I am concerned with the chipping. I have read about beak problems if something gets stuck under a crack.
  20. I have seen pictures of the backpack, we fell right in love and I really hope we can get one before the summer gets here I would so love to take Rorschach for walks
  21. From what we are told he will be 2 in June. I just read your post on biting, we had only gotten Rorschach in August and has always been a nipper. He bit me pretty bad the first day he was home I had the imprint in my ear for about a week. Since we didn't have him since he was a baby I don't know if he always did this or if it was learned. I think I am mainly at fault though because I find it very hard to contain myself from saying ouch, he now finds it fun to bite me. When he bites David it is usually because he doesn't want him to touch him, when I am around he only wants his mom. He has showed a bit of aggression towards David a few times since February so I think it may be the time of year.. but usually David is asking for it because he fails to read his body language. It is touch and go with Rorschach, he can be the sweetest bird one second and then the next he is chewing on your hand. We deal with his mood swings, if it gets too much I will put him away the last thing I want is to get super frustrated with him.
  22. lol awesome, I love the song and the name! I usually sing the Love Shack song to Rorschach but I replace the "Love Shack" with his name.
  23. All I can really say is welcome to the club, we get bitten daily, Rorschach isn't vicious or territorial he is just moody like a lot of grey's can be. Now we don't have any kids to worry about but when anyone visits with their children we take extra precaution so they don't get their little fingers bit. The biting was one of the main things we were expecting when we decided to get a grey. It would be nice to never get bitten but I don't think that was in the cards. I can't really suggest anything more then what everyone else had said, be patient and pay attention to body language. If they don't want to interact they will let you know prior to biting so you could avoid a bite. OR you could have a saucy brat like we have and just get nipped just because he thinks it's fun. lol
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