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Everything posted by Butttaxi

  1. haha yeah I guess he really is ringing for service. I am trying to get Rorschach to say "wanna come out" so every time I see him do this I will go to him and say "wanna come out" and then let him out. Hopefully he will pick it up, not that I mind his quiet begging It is better then screaming or screeching. it is really cute though especially the time he was begging the cats to let him out lol I hope I can get a clear video to share some day.
  2. Hello Everyone, Rorschach has this cute way of asking to come out of the cage, he doesn’t vocalize it or scream for attention, he will either cling to the side of the cage or sit at the bottom and kick his foot until one of us gets up to let him out. I have tried getting a video but when I get close to the cage to get a better shot he stops because I just provided him with what he wanted, attention. We often joke about getting him a cup, like someone in jail, he can bang it on the bars. I am not sure if this is a personality trait or common behaviour. Do any of your fids do this or have any cute personal traits? Cheers Theresa & Rorschach
  3. LOL I was going to say the same thing, "you don't" Luckily Rorschach has his designated poop spots, he will usually fly to one of these places if he has to go (usually on David's chair) but I am happy to report that he pooped in my hair last night, the little bugger, and it was right after I had washed my hair.
  4. I really like this idea I think I will be crafting when I am off work next
  5. I suck at toy making but I try. Toys can get pretty pricy and since the main purpose is for them to destroy it really feels like you are throwing away money so I try my best and using whatever I can find cheap or recycle whatever I can in the house that could be fun to shred or break. w A little shredable toy I made that was loved was made with things I found around the house: paper rolls shredded paper coffee filters string or yarn treats I stuffed the paper rolls with shredded paper and treats, tied coffee filters around the ends to close them up using yarn. Made 3 of these and then tied them together and hung them in the cage. He had them shredded in no time and loved every minute of it. It cost me nothing to make I did have to be careful with the yarn so he wouldn't get it tied around his leg so when he finished with the toy I removed the yarn right away. Also fill a coffee filter with treats, tie it with string or a bendy straw to the cage is a very easy and cheap foraging toy. Allowing them to help you read your "junk" Mail haha they LOVE ripping and shredding paper. I was over my moms one day and they have Lovebirds. I had them out of the cage but they didn't interact with me so much until I picked up some paper that I pretend to read. The lovebirds jumped off the cage onto the arm of the chair I was in and started chomping the edges of the paper lol they were so cute. These are just a few ideas, there are sooo many other things you can do and find to help entertain your bird.
  6. Thanks so much Dave, It worries me more because it is natural and I don't want to be the cause of frustrating him later when he does hit sexual maturity and I am not the right partner lol So basically keep calm, ignore unwanted behaviour and do not touch any no-no spots!
  7. Dave, I think you may have nailed it about needing more attention, he loves human contact and wants to be with us all of the time. If he wants to be alone he will usually fly to the water cooler. I think what I am concerned about is what appears to be a mating dance, I don't have to touch him to get this behavior all I need to do is talk to him and when I walk away he will fly to me which results in me placing him in the cage because I do not want to encourage anything sexual and then later have a monster on my hands that I created. I want to have him out of the cage as often as possible so what I wanna know is what would you do about the panting and dropped wings at this point in age when walking away does not work?
  8. The last 2 weeks Rorschach has been spending more time in his cage then not. I feel super bad about this but I am not sure what I can do. If I take him out the first thing he does is starts regurgitating then drops his wings and starts panting. If I tell him “no thank you” and walk away he just flies to me and decides it’s a good time to start biting. He is fine with David as long as I am not home, he will just chill on David’s arm and there is no aggression or mating rituals with him. Unfortunately David has been working a lot the past few weeks so he isn’t home 24/7 like usual so the only real time Rorschach can come out is in the morning before I go to work or when David gets off work, and most times he is way to tired and sore so it wouldn’t be safe to leave the baby out if there is a risk of David falling asleep leaving Rorschach unattended with cats lurking around. Yesterday was a good day though, I took him out he flew around the apartment a few times and then flew to me while I was laying on the couch. He would get a bit of snuggles and scratches then fly over to David, get a few kisses, chew on the chair then fly back to me. He did this for a while without getting testy or hormonal. I can’t continue to keep him caged up, does anyone know if this sounds like spring hormones? I started reading about spring behaviour a few months back and it seems that it typically starts around February and could go on for a few months. Also I have read that 2 years old may be a bit young for hormones, anyone else have any insight to on this or maybe some tips on how to address the issue? Am I being horrible? Is it best to have him in the cage more during this time rather then encourage mating behaviour? He still seems happy and talkative so he doesn’t seem to be offended by being locked in, I can’t help feel like a horrible parront. Cheers Theresa
  9. When talking to Rorschach I refer to us as "The Momma" and "The Dad" he does not call us this. He calls me by a whistle in the tone of "Youu hoo" He has done this with in the first week of coming home and he would do it when I would leave the room to go to the bathroom lol We did not teach him this whistle he picked it up from one of his previous homes but it is still cute and funny.
  10. When I read the first post the first thing I though of was mytoos.com David wants a Cockatoo, I think they are great but I wanted to do my research first. I have been to the site mytoos.com a few weeks back and I thought it was VERY insightful and helped a lot. I have also found videos on the screeching to let David hear it prior to him actually getting a 'TOO. I asked him if he could handle that noise and he was pretty confident that he could. I have also told him how much more attention they require and that they can easily turn or more sensitive which can lead to plucking. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to talk him out of it, I would also love one but I just want to make sure we can be the best for the bird. There are already too many birds out there being abused and/or needing a forever home, I do not want to add to the pile. We are not settled yet and we are not about to run out and get a new bird tomorrow. These plans are for way down the road and we own our own home and maybe when we can both truly provide attention to multiple birds but we would like to add at least 2 others, he still wants the 'TOO and I want an Amazon The we will be all set with the talker (CAG), the dancer ('TOO) and the singer (ZON) LOL
  11. teehee we live in an apartment building but luckily we are upstairs so no one can actually look in our windows but we did have neighbors complain to our landlady about the bird, they claimed that we had several birds and they were waking them up. We have one bird, he isn't THAT loud and he has a bed time so he isn't up all hours of the night annoying other people in the building. My landlady of course sided with me and those people were eventually evicted for their own noise issues and lack of paying rent. I could understand if they worked nights and needed to sleep during the day but they didn't work at all, they just smoked weed all the time and took naps and at night would run in and out of the apartment slamming doors and fighting and they had the nerve to complain about my single funny bird...pfft I hope karma gets them and every seagull poops on their heads lol
  12. hahaha I know what you mean, David thinks I am obsessing over Rorschach's poop too much he thinks I should calm down because I am always freaking if it's too watery or an off colour then he reassures me that he had a lot of water or he ate something brightly coloured. We were both freaking out when his poop went from being green to being a brownish colour, this was when we first got him and when researched we discovered that what he eats affected his droppings.
  13. ahahaha totally cute I know the movie well, my nieces name is Eva so I have quoted the movie a lot
  14. interesting that this subject had been brought up because I was reading to Rorschach the other day
  15. I am not sure if they all do this, I would assume they would because they need to learn where all the best places are to land especially when in a new place and since your little guy is still a baby he still has to learn. Again I am not sure if its a grey thing but Rorschach eats a lot too he's a little piggy. When I get him his meals he doesn't usually gobble it all up right away, he will pick a while and then later go back and finish it all off. I think he is waiting for me to give him something better and when I don't, he decides it's good enough.
  16. A video with actual Spix Macaws totally cute
  17. eeek the crash landings freaked me out so much too I really had no idea what to do about them and if he was going to fly he would have to learn to land. I am not sure if this was what did the trick but he did get better at landing after the training. I would encourage the flight but be where he was going to fly and then sort of catch him. I would move my hand to the direction he was coming in so it would be easier to land on my hand. This helped him with landing on his feet and not smash into a wall. After a few times he would just fly and aim for my hand. Once he was good with that I started making him fly to his perch so he would get comfortable with landing on other things. He now flies around the apartment and has several landing spots, he had to learn where the best places were to land and then he stopped flying aimlessly.
  18. OMG I love love love this movie!!!! I saw it twice already and will definitely be a movie to add to our HD collection Thanks for the information on the type of bird because I thought they looked so much like a cockatoo and was a bit confused myself but after seeing the pictures of an actual Spix Macaw I can see it.
  19. vote vote::: Nilah: "HEY, don't forget under my tail!"
  20. it is definitely something that needs investigation lol
  21. I pretty much do the same thing when I place Rorschach on his perch I will tell him to poop and then tell him he is a good boy. He will not fly to his perch to do his business though, I am sure after taking him there over time he may get the hint. It's good to know they will still go inside the cage when you are not home, that would be my only fear really.
  22. oh how can you not love these guys?? It's like you can tell they all have different personalities just by looking at their pictures
  23. What a cutie and I am not sure if the roll would be safe from any of our fids lol looks like Zak is going to have a blast ripping that apart! I considered potty training Rorschach but I have read the cons to it about how they may hold it until they can get to their designated spot. Usually if he is hanging with me and I notice his little squat I will pick him up and move him to the top of his cage but I am not with him all day so his mess is usually during the day when he spends it hanging with his daddy
  24. Hey Deucypher the "one person bird" means your bird will choose its favorite person despite who spends more time with him/her. Rorschach our CAG has chosen me as his favorite even though David (bf) is home with him all day every day. He does spend time with Rorschach but as soon as I came home he would fly to mommy. There are times when Rorschach would get nasty to David when I was around but with a lot of time and Patience Rorschach loves David just as much as he loves me. Fid is a feathered Kid
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