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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Morana

    Need help

    Lol! Dave, you are doing wonderfully indeed;-) An international cooking advise service :-D I'm not paranoid, I'm just a lot lazy and a bit confused. Lazy because I hate closing the door all the time, no matter that Zak doesn't come into the kitchen (we have very small apartment). Lazy about opening the window when outside is below freezing or just below boiling and I would much rather like a safe kitchen cookware because I often do not have time to do whole put -a -bird -away -and -secure -everything thing. Also, I hate being confused. Being confused made me do mistakes that I shouldn't have done in the past and I wouldn't want Zak to pay the price-again. I'm glad that I told everything that was on my mind because I would buy that silicon coated cookware because I didn't find anything wrong with silicon in all my search. The language you do not understand because it is Croatian and it is about only ceramic coated cookware that I could find at all here in Cro. And I am fine with the little scrubbing;-) Tnx Dave:-)
  2. Morana

    Need help

    Well thank you for trying so hard:-) Means a lot! :-) This is what I had in mind. http://www.delimano.hr/pekac/pekac.html What is it called? It has some kind of some kind silicon enamel on the outside and ceramic coating on the inside and they advertise that because of that coating it is great non stick, environment friendly (can't find something on PFOA yet) cookware. It has a 5 year guarantee. And guys, did anyone see ceramic coated round performance cake pan or some other safe alternative?:-)
  3. Morana

    Need help

    We kinda solved my problem with cooking on the stove and non stick cookware. That would be that link you put. Have no idea what is a metal pan but I'm talking about safe ceramic coated "thing"/dish in which to bake cakes and which goes into own. Do you know what I'm talking about now? I'm asking how is that "thing" called and whether the ceramic coating variation would be safe for the birdies + whether it has Teflon or other bad substances in it that I should be aware off?
  4. Morana

    Need help

    They do not ship to my end of the planet:-(((((( ..and I can't find a store in Europe either...
  5. Morana

    Need help

    Tnx Dave. I already saw that some time before and that is precisely why I ask. I was under the impression that all non stick cookware is bad no matter what it is and how to differentiate stuff here in Croatia. Also, when you already provided this link;-), can you point and redirect me to some cookware in which I can bake cakes or cookies? How do you say that in English?
  6. Morana

    Need help

    I went through the whole sticky. One thing is still not clear. Are ceramic coated pans also a non stick cookware? Can a ceramic coated pan have Teflon in it? So ceramic coated pans are safe?
  7. Morana

    Need help

    Hi guys. If there is somewhere a post on a topic that is same/similar to mine I apologize. If that is the case, please redirect me to it. So the problem is that I am searching the net for ceramic coated pans and I don't know what do I need to look out for. I saw something "without PTA, Non-PTFE, Non-PFOA and Aluminum Alloy Die Casting" and I have no idea what all those things mean. I google the letters/phrases and it still isn't all that clear. To simplify the question, what kind of ceramic pans can I use? What for does those letters stand for? I need to translate it to my language and send to manufactures here in Croatia so I can buy a decent bird friendly pan and something to bake cakes/cookies in it. So please put me out of my misery and please explain what exactly I should be looking for.
  8. This one Zak watches with interest..:-p The woman/owner sings beautifully and the funny thing is her bird is here and there trying to accompany her in singing and says a line in sync and at other times it sounds as though the bird is singing in canon. Bird is really persistent,blabbing her mouth off, and the best thing is that although the owner has so much ear for singing the bird is just plain horrible! Lool Totally tone death. I just love it! :-D
  9. Completely true :-D Glad you like it guys;-) Mistyparrot: What is a Salvation Army bird?
  10. This video made me laugh so much!! I just love it and wanted to share. The Cag is making such a stand, like- I'm so cool and making my moves. Lol Tell me what you think:-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oCHj_XpS_s&feature=relmfu
  11. Lol! :-) But what she says in the end?-it is a horrible way to _____?
  12. I can't find bird butlers with possibility of being shipped worldwide:-(
  13. Thank you chezron:-) Well, progress is being made. Zak is playing with Planet pleasures pinata toys so I'll be ordering new contingent soon ;-) Zak is not allowed anywhere near paper so he is stocking my papers/materials for school whenever I am working..:-S He seems frustrated with me being away. Some days it is really bad when I have to leave to work:-( His holder and reflector came and we will be installing them in a few days time. There are some adjustments to be made before installation;-) Guys, if you have info about people/stores selling manzanita/java perches in Europe please let me know because trying to find someone in EU who would be willing to ship here is proving to be impossible:-S And shipping from US EXTREMELY expensive:-(((
  14. Wow, so much different answers.. Tnx guys for answering:-) I'm asking about this specific bottle because I heard many good things about it but then the woman I wanted to buy it from told me that it isn't so peachy. With regular bottles, I also experienced water dripping, and stuff getting clogged on nipples and Zak actually hasn't been using it really. The Lixit one is supposed to have fixed those problems, at least I was under that impression. I thought about Lixit as the top bottle for birds. Am I wrong? Does anyone has that bottle home? Have you all been writing about that bottle or maybe ones for rabbits or something?
  15. I was under the impression that there couldn't be slime or debris in the bottle because that is kinda the whole point of it, right? That should be the advantage before usual water cups. Zaks cup gets slimy in about 1 day (in the summer) if he drops fruit/veggies in it (and he does) and I wished that would stop with this Lixit Water Bottle. So, guys, advise me before I start shopping.
  16. The suggestions are absolutely great!:-D I thank you all once more:-) I like the Nori suggestion. I read about positive effects on humans quite a while ago, but don't know anything about how would it affect parrots. It will have to wait a little bit tho, till I check it out and till I find somewhere to buy it (if it is ok for Zak and not too expensive). -Zak got a kiss, thank you MarcusCAG;-) I'm not so sure about him realizing how much I love him. Today he flipped when I went to work:-((( He was positively nervous and the worst thing is that this week I work till really late:-S I'm so sad to see him like this. He is a nervous wreck. I know he is not doing anything on purpose, but that just makes it worse. I feel so helpless and guilty. Now, I made tents from blankets and I hid myself in one (obviously the biggest one) and he would usually run to play with me or to stuck his head into one of the tents but today-nothing! He wouldn't even come to me:-( And as the school year progress I'll work more and more:-( I just hate it!
  17. We'll be trying this this weekend! :-D
  18. What do you do with a coconut/carrot? Do I dry it, bake it? What is Fruit or veggie leather? Thank you wingy, you're giving me hope and ideas! :-D Lately I don't see the forest from the trees.
  19. Wow, you are full of good advices:-) Thank you:-) I already contacted a nearby university and I'm waiting for a reply:-)
  20. I already asked my vet about what trees I can use so I know the safe ones, it just I didn't know how to get it. Still don't but you gave me a push which I needed so I'll be contacting whoever I can find ;-) Tnx:-)
  21. Yes, I contacted her already but she is not sure why is this happening. She said it is not good for him to swallow (obviously) but she also says (because she knows me quite well) that this isn't a malnutrition thing. She is guessing whether it is boredom. I'm really puzzled but as I already mentioned, I think it is stress related. Maybe Zak is bored (when I'm not home) regardless of his toys. I'll be buying more toys very soon. Not eatable ones tho. Maybe a bit of sun and me trying to spend even more time with him will make a difference but till then I want to try everything. Different food, toys...so mention what ever comes in your mind.. I'm really having problems with parts for my manzanita foraging tree, so if anyone has a recommendation where to buy,it would mean a lot. Lots of people doesn't ship worldwide or the prices are preposterous and I must have in mind that shipping it here will cost a fortune. I thought about using some local tree but i first need to find one, than sandblast it,..-it would take ages.. Any suggestions..?
  22. Zoom, I already did. Now, we'll see. He started to play with his planet pleasures pinata toy:-) My plan exactly ;-) Lovethatgrey, I'll checkout the treats you mentioned :-) Tnx :-) For now, I figured he may start being less depressed/stressed if I introduce more sunlight-for he hasn't got it enough. Since we moved in our new apartment I can't use the lamp I had anymore so today I bought a holder and a reflector (from UK) for his full spectrum bulb and now we''ll see how that goes. -If there will be any changes.. And another thing I'm gonna do is buy manzanita perches and make a foraging tree. If someone knows a store from which to order, with reasonable prices please let me know. Any other ideas what could influence him?
  23. I just saw Zak eating his TOWEL!!!! What the f*** is going on!?! Hi is breaking away little peaces (the rim of the towel), making a ball out of it and swallowing it! I'm really, really in shock right now. What else!?! I can't put everything away.. What to do..:-((((
  24. I wouldn't worry if he would eat paper/cardboard occasionally. Like you said, they/we all do stupid things once in a while, but problem is that now eating seems constant. What ever he picked up he ended up swallowing and I don't know what is going on in this little pretty head of his. i don't wish to risk it. The thing that is somewhere in the back of my mind is that maybe something else is wrong and this eating is just a consequence-like some people eat much more when they are nervous, bite their nails... I'm thinking something else is going on.. It did turn out that he had more of Escherichia coli in his bowls but we fixed it very quickly (that is why I haven't mentioned it). And the vet said it also can happen due to stress and I'll say, not being home those last 3 weeks is stress all right. I was working so much and so long that he wouldn't see me for 10-12 hours and in the end he wouldn't eat all his food, he was waiting for me. So that is a big deal. Of course when I came he ate everything. I stayed up late just to be with him, to play, cuddle, feed him... But that has passed and he is still doing this paper thing. Could it be the echo of the problem? Maybe he didn't quite get over the stress from that period? It is funny how I connected all this things into one just now.. Should have thought of that sooner:-S And Lovethatgrey, I just figured, thanks to your link, that he already has pine nuts in his diet but I didn't know they were pine nuts! When I wanted to order pine nuts separately, they were always put in some bags and I haven't seen them in shells so I didn't figure out that I saw them before! :-) Unfortunately, Zak throws all kinds of nuts away:-S Haven't quite figure out what to do about it.. What do you guys think of Nutri -Berries? Good for offering like a treat or not?
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