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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Plucking doesn't have to be their single response to stress. For example, not all humans bite their nails when they are anxious/stressed, but many do bite them. And if she has been deprived of attention, it is somewhat natural that she enjoys others people company more and faster that she would if she wasn't neglected. Again, not a rule, but somewhat logical. About outdoors.. I figure it is like giving me a good chocolate bar. I don't have to taste it several times before I know I like it more than some other chocolate or candy bar;-) And in the end, your grey may be more stable then common grey, or not. Maybe she just have better coping ability with that particularly kind of stress. For example, when I go into the classroom, and kids in my school are certainly not a creme of society, they provoke, they are loud, they do not want to do anything, let alone mathematics. Some people are not cut out for this kind of stress. They would maybe freak out and leave the school, maybe they would try to bring order to the class but with much effort and get frustrated, etc...but me...it comes natural. I have much more patience for this kind of situation than I would when my computer brakes down. I would pull my hair out if I would be left alone fixing my computer too long. But walking into this kind of classroom is very easy to me. So, maybe you had the luck to get a bird that could cope more easily with that particular type of situation she was in.
  2. I know. And there are some people on this forum who have that problem. Can't imagine why. Maybe a personality issue or some parent overdid the potty training... Have no idea.. Someone should look into this;-)
  3. I remove him from there before he shreds it;-) He used to do it while I wasn't looking but now I am extra careful. About pooping... I never had any problem with Zak holding it in. He prefers to poop outside his cage but he wont hesitate to poop in it if he doesn't have a choice (e.g. when I go to work). And when sitting on the sofa or on my shoulder, if he doesn't go by himself and I see his squat, I'll put him where he's supposed to go and say: you poop here Zak. Poop Zako poop. Good boy. It sounds kinda retarded when translated to English;-P And every time he goes by himself on a designated place and I see him, I say: Poop Zako poop. Good boy. And that's it;-)
  4. I hope we'll be moving in another apartment soon enough, and this place has a balcony so I am very excited about sitting with Zak out in a sun:-)
  5. Hahahahaga! This is hilarious!! I adore your stories!:-) Tnx for sharing!
  6. Wow! This is amazing! Tnx for sharing:-)
  7. Uh, I am glad Zak doesn't poop everywhere. He learned that he is supposed to go on his t-perches, then he does his business and comes back. Very rarely he poops somewhere else. I really do not fancy that :-P And bout the toys....he prefers shreddable toys so if one isn't available at the moment, he finds himself one...- see the paper towel role above him?...that won't be there for much longer.. ;-) PS: Uh! Sorry for the big picture:-S
  8. I asked those questions because, I don't know if you know, but even clipped birds can get carried away very far with a gush of wind. This way, your bird can easily get in a harms way.
  9. Yes. They bring memories and experiences with them into a new home so sometimes you have to be really patient with them and help them go through their issues, fears and other problems. To gain their trust can sometimes take a lot of time, I imagine, especially if the bird was abused before.. You are obviously doing great;-) However, I have a question. What do you mean you take you bird outside? Wearing the harness, or she is in the cage? Is your bird flighted?
  10. Wow, great endeavor! I think I'll be spelling out to my Zak too:-)
  11. Loooooooool! Funny, funny little mischief! Lol Not so funny to you tho :-P Hope you keep your fingers! ;-) Tnx for sharing:-)
  12. Well, judging by your questions, even if they wanted to breed, IMO, I don't think it is wise for someone without really vast knowledge of Greys to go into breeding "business".Also, others gave you good advices. If you wanna have pets, get separate cages, interact and play with them a lot, train them and you'll develop a beautiful friendship. And about your birds..- to me it does seem they are friends (since they lived for 7 years together). Keep us posted and pictures please:-)
  13. I obviously missed much, and probably didn't read all the other posts of this user (if they exist, except thread Mawnee put a link to, and this one) so maybe I am lacking a big piece of the puzzle.. Never the less, I wanted to implore Kodoo not to run from this forum and to keep us informed. I'll admit there is something fishy about some parts of the story, and I know all other posts here are said with nothing less than best intentions (and I do agree with a lot), but people, let's ease up just a bit, and not scare away this one, or any other user. We don't know how this person will react to your/our posts and we may end up with contra effect. Baby grey is in trouble. It is another life we are talking about here so we do want updates and no matter (for now) what is really going on here, we want to help out because of the bird! If Kodo sticks with us, we'll all have time to smooth all the bumps on the rode. I'll give the credit where credit is due. Yes, authorities should be notified and this situation taken extremely seriously. Maybe there was a noble note involved in rescuing the bird in distress, but taking so huge responsibility when you don't know anything about taking care of one is a lack of judgment. The bird could be in even greater danger now. Without feeding, there are still so many variables that could contribute to death of a Grey, even a healthy one at that. I beg of you, Kodoo, do try to find a good avian vet to check out the bird immediately and please let us know how did it go. Another thing. Even with all good intentions about saving this Grey, you said you borrowed money to buy him (and you've mentioned you have kids). How do you expect to care for him without money? Vet checkups cost a lot, not to mention other necessities. It is the same as having a child. I'm not judging because I am (still) learning a great deal how to care about a Grey myself and I too had money issues not so long ago. I made a lot of mistakes, still do, but without this forum and a great support of all the people here on it, my birdie would have a (much) lower quality of life. So, stay with us, don't let us scare you too much and do write again soon. Best to you and your Grey! :-)
  14. Does, those feathers you found, have blood at the end?
  15. Can someone please explain to me what is a "crock-pot"?
  16. Yea, they'll clean what fell down all right, but unless some bird escapes again and blows away all the remaining dust down on the floor, I don't think it will get much cleaner;-)
  17. Zakica is not coughing at all so it makes me wonder whether that was induced with the shock he endured while going three times to the vet almost 3 days in a row... The first time, technician on the X-ray department couldn't take Zak from the carrier without incident (have no idea why was there any problem this time) and Zak flew away. He flew across the big room landing wherever he could and on the high places there was so much dust that when he landed, a cushions of the dust flew all around:-S It was reasonable to assume that that and the stress was the cause for his coughing, but since he did cough like that three times before I panicked. Labs confirmed that there is nothing Wrong with Zak but I am still watching him like a hawk. We discontinued calcium-Lux till today and also the Tinkmash. I'll be gradually bringing that back so we'll see whether there was some kind of allergy involved too.. Keep your fingers crossed. PS: his leg is fine too:-)
  18. IMO it would be better to take some time to mourn your little feathery friend and once you realize your heart can be open once more for some other birdie, then you'll also know whether a CAG is a right choice or some other. When my first bird died and I bought my Zak just two months afterwards, I felt kinda guilty for having and caring for another bird. It took a while till I overcame the feeling I wasn't respecting the memory of my dead friend long enough. I was happy because of my new bird and kinda angry at myself that I am already happy when my previous birdie died just two months ago. Of course I never forgot my first birdie and I never will, but back then it wasn't so plain for me. I was really devastated about that loss. You may not experience that guilt at all and that would be the much healthier version, but do take some time. You'll know when the time comes for a new friend. To rescue a bird and give her/him a new forever home would be a brilliant idea!:-) A worthy way to honor a departure of your baby. Do think about it..:-)
  19. I am so immensely sorry about your tremendous loss :-(((
  20. Here's the update. There is nothing wrong with Zak. He sure as hell doesn't have aspergiloses. More so... he doesn't have fungi,..anything really.. His leg is better. Have no idea how this happened tho. He got antibiotics, more for the stress endured than anything else.. So, he is walking fine, but he is still coughing a bit and we don't know why. He looks great. He also started to talk and play but there is still that annoying cough! Grrrrrrr!!!! We are waiting for it to subside till the next week... But I can tell you, he had been fine with the "all going to the vet thing" till this Monday. Then he freaked out and I had to chase him all over the place to put him in the carrioer and it was horrible for us both. He is recuperating now. We are fine again but it was barely endurable! I was torturing him and he was biting me back!:-( Hope this coughing stops and we'll be all fine again... Talk to you soon;-)
  21. I'm so sorry you all are going through such a terrible situation. Hope your Grey makes it and recover completely!:-) Hang on there, she needs you all to be with her no matter what. Fingers crossed!!
  22. Zak had another fit of cough about an hour ago!! This one was the longest and the worst. I'm out of my mind right now! He was making all sorts of sounds while it lasted, it was really bad:-(((((((((((((((((((((( I'm definitly taking him to the vet tomorrow morning:-( Guys, keep your fingers crossed for us.
  23. Not specifically. We did all sorts of tests and if any of them had been even a bit off we would go in direction in which it pointed, but since that wasn't the case, we ruled out the aspergosis at the time. Of course, that was over a month ago. But I was paranoid about everything,among other, about aspergosis too so I'm sure we didn't miss anything then. I'll make sure we don't miss anything now. And Dave, maybe my rambling is misleading but I feel safer when I share my troubles with you all. At that note, now Zak want's to cuddle 100% of the time which is the case when he is not feeling himself. He is cuddly at normal times too, sometimes exceedingly so, but it doesn't last very long-at least not long as "all day, every day"...if that answers your question. Also, I'm sure what I need to mention to my vet but saying all that in English, so it makes sense is not my strongest suit, so hence the strange sentences ;-) I'm taking good care of him-he is not flying around, I'm not spooking him with anything. I'm helping him t go where he wants to go. I'm cleaning his bowls all the time, putting all sort of various food so he eats a bit of everything that I think he needs and so on.. And of course, I'm cuddling him all the time:-)
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