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Everything posted by Morana

  1. Guys, I think Zak might have a big problem. I was puking most of the afternoon so Zak wasn't in my primary focus and in that time e managed to eat at least 20 little pieces of my zipper. The worst part is that the zipper is the old, yellow kind so I think it might have some zinc in it! He is not experiencing anything right now but I am very worried of what might happen! And yes, I'm sure he ate it because there isn't a single piece anywhere on the floor or anywhere else. What should I do!? The only avian vet (in Croatia) that I even know of, or that I would trust to touch him is probably home on a weekend. Have sent her an email but nothing yet. Anyone has any ideas how dangerous this might be? Thanks guys!
  2. Well people, I have it documented!-this is Zak begging for beak rubs:-) What is special about it is that we are outside sunbathing because last two days are very unusually warm and sunny for this time of year. We are enjoying ourselves just a bit longer before the winter setts in. So sunny hellos from our part of the world!! Thinking about you guys! :-)
  3. I want to chime in;-) I actually want to say just two things since you already got so great advice. First. If you had your female for a time know, treat her in the same manner from this point on: bring her food first, give her water first, let her out first...so she would keep her status and IMO that may help prevent jealousy. Second thing, with all do respect, please do not breed greys if you haven't mastered the basics, which you obviously haven't (don't feel bad, I haven't either). IMO you should spent educating yourself constantly and observing the greys for a long time before you should even think about breeding them because it is a highly sensitive process. I get chills just thinking about all the things that may go wrong. Do find all the threads which talk about baby greys (since you have a baby). It is a good place to start as any;-) Good luck and all the best! :-)
  4. Yes I am, but its puzzling me why he hates to go so much in the first place. I tried offering him food he loves, juices he adores but nothing.. Have no idea how to fix this:-(
  5. Zak hates to go into the shower cabin when he knows he's gonna get a shower. He also hates showering first few minutes. Than he just LOVES bathing and flaps his wings, makes cute noises and get's me completely wet in the process, but for some odd reason it isn't enough to get him into the shower cabin next time with a smile on his face (obviously I don't mean literally;-)) Good luck!
  6. Thanks. I haven't really thought about escaping issues because I have a lock on every door and Zak never escaped (because I put the locks everywhere) so thanks! Already thought about the tray. As food goes I would love to have a freedom buffet feature but I'm not sure how would I make it. Especially the plastic thingies. Any clue about that? Thought of the big door. This is a problem right now so that was my first idea but good ideas are always welcome so thank you! :-) I'm actually asking more about the folding feature. How can I fold sides but not have a safety issues-toe nails stuck in the hinges, or feathers...things like that..?
  7. And today has been a really good day. he spend last two hours at my shoulder playing but every time he needs to poop he goes to his t-perch, poops and in a few moments comes back. hope this one lasts;-P Really don't like when he poops on the floor, I just washed it yesterday.. :-/
  8. ..well, obviously I'm not gonna make it with my own bare hands..I'll find someone to do it for me;-) I just want to be sure what to look out for since I haven't done it before. I want my cage to be able to "fold" just as to fit through every door (if I ever want to move). Also I want it to be on wheels. Wider more than taller because I notice birds perch on the upper perches more than on the lowers so there is no need for a tall cage. There are a lot more i want but it is not so important for the cage on its own (closed cabinet for some toys and other Zaks things under the cage..). Any thoughts, advices?:-)
  9. Love the pictures! Ivan looks like a hawk. Very handsome and what a pose! :-)
  10. Didn't want to open a new thread....just wanted to share news.. Zak started to love beak rubs!! he newer wanted it but know he asks for it every day before bed time. He puts his head close to the bars of his cage, tilt his head, position his beak to the bars and looks at me significally as to say: I'm ready, you may proceed! Lol I just love it! and when we are done, or better to say, when he has enough he climbs to his sleeping perch and then says good night, and sometimes, sleep tight:-) Just love that little bugger! :-)
  11. Morana

    Wish Us Luck!

    Congrats! Romeo is a gorgeous boy! :-) Love the pictures! Could you maybe call the previous owners and warn them about this horrible clipping? Maybe they don't know how bad it is and maybe if they knew they wouldn't clip their other bird. Just a thought.. Well, I think Romeo will come around. A honeymoon period may be over or it just wasn't his day. Just try not to push him out of his comfort zone. You are doing great, it just takes time to get to know each other. Get back to the things you already know he likes.. Good luck! :-)
  12. For how long have you tried ignoring him? I put few months work into it before Zak started to change. It took even longer to stop completely. IMO, if you answer while he is screaming you are reinforcing the behavior. Zak now screams only if he is hungry because he is a lazy little spoiled brat who sometimes likes to get carried to his cage to have a snack rather than going himself. So when he starts to scream and I'm ignoring him and it doesn't stop I just put him to eat and that is it. He basically trained me to be his valet. So, i think "normal" screaming for attention (not food related or any other kind of need) should never be reworded and should stop after a while if not reinforced. You just need to be persistent.
  13. Would love to see a video! :-) Zak barks, meows, clucks like a chicken, does the microwave sound, air condition turning on/off, phones,..just name it;-)
  14. Sorry for going of topic, but what does it mean: twos?
  15. Buahahahahahaha! I think some banks are not as quite secured as some of the birds here! :-D Lol
  16. This video goes to my favorites! Biscotti is hysterical!:-D Great bird, great video!:-)
  17. Oh yeah, I just remembered! I also didn't know that Zak could open his rooftop so now he has a lock with a key on it :-P
  18. Looool! Too funny! Guess the new cage is not that great either! Lol You have a really smart little bird there!:-D Great story Ray! Fortunately, I know where my birdie is...-he is munching away behind me. He has been at it for a while now;-)
  19. Morana


    Well, I wouldn't won't get rid of my grey can opener either:-( It is a tough decision. I watched my Zak not eat because I was working all day long last school year. He was biting me more than usual, got sick from stress and I wouldn't want that again. I knew I won't be working like that forever but I also didn't know that I would be home so little and working all the time. Literally. At some point Zak began to lounge when he would see a test and a red pencil because he knew that for few hours I'll be as good as gone:-( So, I'm trying to say..if U know that you'll stay in this working arrangement for a longer period+if you'll live in the place you live now for a longer period (since U can't let them out more than 1hour) maybe it would be a good idea to consider a new forever home for them.. :-((( PS: my Zak spent more than 1 hour every day out of the cage but it sure didn't seem enough. On the other hand, I live alone so he was really totally alone when I would leave. He refused playing with toys for longer periods of time. I think the poor bird was depressed. Didn't quite realized the extent of OUR depression because of that situation till I wrote this lines.. :-/ Good luck and please keep us posted!
  20. ..and sometimes I hide under the blanket and "run" after Zakica and then he hides with me under the blanket;-) It is even better if I am in the bed so I lift a part of the sheet. He will always get under it;-)
  21. And another great hit for Zakica! http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd240/evilzlo/?action=view&current=MOV02352.mp4
  22. It is a blanket ;-) I have a BIG bed and while there is just Zak and me he gets the other side of the bed for playing. He is scared of going inside boxes, carriers,tents but he still likes it very much if I'm around. He won't play by himself but if I supervise he will play for hours.. I'll take a picture so U can see what I mean;-) And I'm very happy if U got an idea for your fid:-)
  23. Thank you guys! :-) Photobucket is working today again for no apparent reason, so here's the video: http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd240/evilzlo/?action=view&current=MOV02686.mp4 This is Zak playing but usually he throws all the blocks around. Yesterday I put a towel with buttons underneath the blocks and it is a hit, as it seams;-) PS: katana600. I got my schedule but somehow I have all these extra things to do for school so for now it is not working for us that great but it just the first week of the school so that is probably the reason;-) Other than that, I have a pretty nice schedule:-)
  24. So here are few pictures from today.. First one was just an attempt because Zak ran away as he saw the light from the camera! :-P He was still a bit fritefull but he posed anyway.. ..and this is Zak..the king of my bed.. (..well the whole apartment too, but never mind;-)) PS: Could someone help. Photobucket is not working and I have problems uploading the video on Imageshack. Don't know where the problem is, really :-/
  25. I agree with others. Zak had that problem and he was screaming very loud. I didn't know what to do. The screaming would occur when I would leave the room or even more so when I would go outside of the apartment. Finaly I read something about distracting a bird. I have to say that I also did the ignoring part but it worked only so far for me. So with that strategy when I knew I would leave the apartment I would leave a favorite fruit in Zaks cage which he wouldn't get during the day unless I was going out. Zak got quickly preocupied with his treat so he "forgot" to scream when I go out. Not to asociate his favorite fruit with me leaving I began to put his favorite fruit even when I was home but I would close the cage and go into another room. Sometimses close the cage but stayed in the room. And eventually sometimes I would even leave his cage door open but leave the room so I think he doesn't have a negative association with getting the fruit. And about ignoring.. if I would ignore him he would sometimes scream louder. At that point I would close my door (for him to see) so there wasn't much for him to do. Really soon he realized that good sounds and calling my name would result with me comming or saying something to him. In another words, good sounds=attention
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