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Everything posted by Coral&Andrew

  1. ive been in your situation, but you have to be careful with vets, i took our cockatiel a month ago to get his wings clipped, we went to the vets and he said now they only clip the one wing, not both of them, and when he lands, he will land in like a spiral i thought it was strange cause ive always known it to be the 2 wings that get clipped, but obviously you suppose to trust a vet and i thought he did the right thing, i had loads of doubts in my mind about it though when we got home, and we looked it up on forums,websites,videos on youtube. and they all came up with the same answer its Dangerous to only clip the one wing, cause obviously when there flying all the pressure is on the one wing, and when they land in like a spiral shape, they could be at risk of braking a bone. it annoyed me cause i payed £15 and i know for a fact if i went back he would want another £15 for the other wing to be done, plus i didnt really trust him and didnt wanna go back. so me and my BF did our research on the net looked at videos and we decided to do his other wing ourself, we found it difficult at first cause we havent had him long plus he isnt tamed, but we did it and made sure both wings were clipped the same on each wing, and when he needs it doing again, were either doing it ourselfes or just leaving him im not saying to do the wing clipping yourself we wouldnt dare do our african grey's wings lol my dad whos bred Zebra Finches and other birds, hes never owned a parrot though, hes one of them people who dont believe in wing clipping and dont think it should be done. Our budgie Lenny we have decided to leave unclipped and also Georgia our Grey its completely your choice what you decide if you leave her unclipped just make sure obviously she cant get out any doors or windows, Georgia seems fine, her favourite place to go is on her curtain pole, and like to fly and explore the kitchen and go onto our cupboard lol it does seem a hard decision wherever you want them clipped or unclipped, it took me a while to thing about our cockatiel and i learnt the hard way about the vet doing the wrong thing but its completely your decision, what you want to do with Echo
  2. Couldnt of said it better myself thanks for sharing - so sweet !!
  3. im in the same sort of situation as you i have a african grey,cockatiel and budgie, i let the budgie out on its own, but our cockatiel isnt tamed and dont like being let out the moment, cause he just goes mad, so in away this thread has helped me too, for when he does come out his cage, cause i dont want them fighting.
  4. hey i was mailing to you about this earlier, i like your pick of cages, i didnt see the 3rd one, there all very nice, good choice! i agree you need a cage where your grey is gonna have enough room to spread there wings, and enough room for toys, and branches/perches all 3 cages are suitable for African Greys, i would decide which one is gonna be best for you, also price wise, the one your going to be able to afford i see why your worried about shipping but just go for the one you think is going to be best i look forward to seeing pictures soon and i love your cages KimKim and birdhouse there very nice!
  5. haha same i thought it was too, untill i clicked on it lol.. nice video thanks for sharing
  6. ive got the second book Maggie's top selling African Grey book Its good, and very useful!
  7. awwww thats brilliant, glad hes gonna have a brilliant new home haha aww thats so cute
  8. i agree, i hate that too ^ What irks me most is people saying ill be back in a minuite then come in hours later.
  9. hahahaa omg you will need a tone of seed, not to mention the perch and they cage, and him stomping round your house hahaa, hes cute though!
  10. Thanks guys for all the comments, heres two more of Georgia one on our curtain pole, and the other one on top of our kitchen cupboard first time shes flew into the kitchen lol
  11. another game if your bored lol ill start Birds
  12. Posting on here, and watching EastEnders
  13. What Irks Me Most is when your trying to talk/have a conversation the person isnt listening to what your saying so you have to repeat yourself again, argghhh lol !
  14. i never knew that lol. Thanks guys for the great comments
  15. Thanks thats great advice! ill have to try that with her, and when shes in the cage try playing round with them infront of her, and when she next comes out ill try teasing her with them so she gets curious to what they are. Yeah my dad said hes gonna get some branches for me to put in her cage and on the playstand and also a friend of ours, works at a plastic place, so we managed to make her base out of green plastic! Thanks for the great advice!
  16. Great video! there stunning, love your pictures Ray P there beautiful
  17. Great perch, he seems to be having a good time with that
  18. awwww love the pictures, great video, and i think diesel looks soo cute watching Lily i love that perch where she can see herself in the mirrow its great
  19. awww there all really cute and funny will have to post some of georgia soon (:
  20. awwww Emma's a lil stunner, great video, thanks for sharing!
  21. glad he likes it i havent tried coconut with Georgia yet, ill have to try it !
  22. he may need abit longer till you hear him talking, talking to him may get him to say some words. He sounds very tamed though thats great!
  23. when i lived with my mum, our 2 cats had caught fleas they were everywhere in every room, upstairs,downstairs,and even in the attic, there discusing things we used frontline on the cats, but it dont seem to really work properly, and my mum used tons of sprays, and we tried to wash the cats it was so hard though when there so scared of water, but she managed to get rid of them in the end, hot summer weather surpose to be the worst for fleas. and they both wore flea collars for years - they surpose to work, but they don't and ive also heard there not safe, well the 2 cats that had fleas, live with my mum at the moment and they just wear normal collars
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