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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. My CAG will be eleven in December and my amazon is going to be or is 17 years old.
  2. Did you not know that when you get a grey you become their servant ??
  3. Ray P

    Wish Us Luck!

    I think a hardy welcome for Romeo is in order. GO ROMEO
  4. Corky loves ice and she likes it in her bath water.
  5. That was very interesting. Do you think they name their owners too.
  6. In your picture it looks like all your fids have gentle eyes.
  7. They do find enjoyment with some strange things.
  8. YEP, they do think they are helping.
  9. I can just see the wheels turning in that little head
  10. Hay Aerial, Corky and Cricket want to plant their own pumpkin patch next spring. They want me to dig the hole and they will eat the seed and poop them into the ground just like in the wild. They said they will not share them with me. For them only. Great thread Thanks, Ray
  11. Ivan looks great. Glad things are going well
  12. All my fids love their swing. Good looking flock.
  13. Friends from the start.
  14. OH boy, All to my self.
  15. The wife will call up to me from the kitchen and yell RAY and being the good obedient husband that I am I ALWAYS come to the balcony that over looks the family room and say WHAT ! So Cricket will yell RAY and look up to see if I will come out to the balcony. My son is always calling MA MA. So when the wife calls me I always say WHAT and when my son yells MA answer from Cricket is always What..SOOO when Cricket yells RAY or MA she waits for the What. SO when the wife yells RAY or my son yells MA Cricket will say WHAT. Its a who is on first thing like Abbott and Costello.
  16. Its early, its dark out side as I get ready to leave for my 40 hour, part time, retirement job. Cricket was calling my name this morning as she always dose and I let her out for some me and her time. She climbed to my shoulder, lifted one foot, put her body tight to my head, closed her eyes and went to sleep. Now and than she would lower her head for a head scratch. I would scratch and rub her head for a bit and she would go back to sleep on my shoulder. It came time to put her back in her cage so I could leave for work. I kissed the top of her head and said, see you later and put her back in her cage. I know when I get home she will be all excited and be all over me to welcome me home. Just a Cricket and me morning.
  17. I can see the family history in that picture.
  18. I love it. And as far as the spelling, I knew what you ment.
  19. Shows you what they can do even with a clip. Clipping can lull some people into a false sense of security. Its so much fun to watch them fly and enjoy them selfs.
  20. When mine get a chicken bone, they leave the woodwork alone.
  21. It sounds to me like there were lessons learned by both sides and that you both found neutral ground to build a relationship. I can tell you the day and hour that Cricket and I first bonded and that time will always be special to me and I beleve for Cricket too. I love all my fids, but Cricket is special because she turned out to be what every one said she would never be. My turn around girl
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