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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Great video of alfie. He is so relaxed,
  2. Dee just think what it will be like at 10 years, 15 years and so on. Gilbert is a part of you and you are a part of Gilbert. Always remember day one.
  3. In 1995 a budgerigar named Puck was certified by Guinness World records as having the largest vocabulary of any bird at 1728 words.
  4. Enjoy the extra red feathers on your grey as they may leave.
  5. Love your pictures and glad to have shard them with us. Like kids they grow up so fast but greys never leave home and that's a good thing
  6. Glad you stopped by the welcome room to introduce yourself and meet some of our great members. Again welcome.
  7. An up date on the terrible twos., There will be the horrible threes. the miserable fours. the devastating fives and so on. Corky is at 12 years and later this year she becomes a teenager. Boy is that going to be fun.
  8. They do know how to forgive. Just treat him like the king of the world for a day or two. This shall pass.
  9. Tooka loves to play and Tooka loves to eat. Let Tooka play, as long as he has fresh food and water in his dish he will not starve.
  10. I have a pair of bookends, One side of the bookends is a very spoiled Congo African grey named Corky and the other side is a very spoiled Blue fronted Amazon named Cricket and both are AKA as brats. Why do we spoil them ? Is it because they are so smart that we look for their approval ? As we try to take control of our life we know they are in charge and we bend to their wishes. How can something so small lead us around by the nose ?. At what point did they take over ? My wife and I have had birds for over 40 years and no matter how hard we try, nothing changes, They still come out on top. At one point I thought it was us but after being a member of parrot forums I think it`s an affliction. I think we need a forum counselor so we can take control of our life and let our parrots spoil us. Any takers ?
  11. Hi Haggy. First I would like to welcome you to the grey forum. Stop by our welcome and introduction room and introduce yourself to the membership. Greys take time to come around so take it slow. Never use gloves as this could set back your progress in building trust with your TAG. It sounds like you are doing ok as your TAG has stopped plucking. For now just take it slow, talk to it and it will come around when ready. There has been given to you some great advice by our members.
  12. OH the baby face and the dark eyes, just makes me melt.
  13. May it be the best day ever. (BIRD)
  14. Hi gangustahn and welcome to the grey forum. Jay has just given you a great post that is full of truth and wisdom.
  15. Thanks for jumping in Janet. What I would like to see in this thread is a real look into the truth and myth about amazons. Until I got Cricket I thought every thing I read about zons was the truth. I know better now. Lets look at the male, female amazons and address the truth, myth and fiction about our loved zons.
  16. Your play stand looks great and you can size it to fit the birds you have. The round sled as a poop pan and seed tray is awesome.
  17. I think the point I was trying to make is that a amazons reputation seam to come from their early hormonal years and as they age they mellow out. The male amazon may take longer than the female but they too mellow a bit. The hot three males I believe are the foundation for their reputation more than the female although the females do their part. Most amazons are rehomed in the early hormonal years. It may be better to rehome an older amazon than deal with the first 12 years. (Just an observation) I think I would like to start some dialogue on this subject
  18. And some of the things they come up with makes you wonder where they heard it.
  19. Loved your video of Jake and his motor mouth. He was having a great time.
  20. I have some observations about Amazons so the long time zon care givers can help on this and Jay jump in any time. Many of the things that I have read seam to point to Amazons becoming mellow or more mellow as they age. Cricket has had a very checkered past as she went through her hormonal years as I have been told by the people that had her from a year old to about 12 or 13 when I got her. When she came home with us she has never shown sings of aggression and has become very affectionate the longer she is with us. She has a very strong bond with me and also with my wife and son. They however will not pick her up because of her past but Cricket wants to go to them. My wife goes in and out of her cage and they both talk back and forth and they enjoy each others company. She when out of her cage will go to the wife and son and take food very gently from their fingers and than try to climb to their shoulders. Cricket has been on their shoulders a time or two with no problem but they remember stories about her. When it comes to relationships with all of us Cricket has always made the first move to the next step. We seam to be playing catch up all the time. What`s your input.
  21. Oh the waiting, for the DNA test and the home coming, its wait wait wait.
  22. Hi Marik87 and welcome to the grey forum. You have only just started when it comes to African Greys. They are always full of surprise when it comes to things they can do and say. 12 is still young for a grey so you have a lifetime of enjoyment in front of you.
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