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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Yoy do not have to apologies because you want a TAG. I have a congo and I won`t apologies for that. Every bird on earth has some one that wants them and that the way it should be
  2. Welcome to the forum family of greys. You can find old timers and new timers that get together to share their life with greys
  3. Welcome to the forum and it`s great that you have a breeder with a support system to help you if you ever need it. And you also have all of us.
  4. Welcome to the forum and enjoy the time you spend here.
  5. There is something in your future that may be more important.
  6. As always a great video. I enjoy them so much.
  7. Morgan sounds like he is the main clown and that is his place in the flock. It`s great to see when they find their own way.
  8. Corky and Cricket both will kick your butt to get to a chicken bone.
  9. Welcome to the forum both you and your tag. Look around and enjoy.
  10. Cricket has always been able to melt my heart and is a walking contradiction of a amazon and a reminder that a background does not always tell the out come of a rehomed amzon. I have to remind myself that her background almost stoped me form taking her and how much I would have missed had I not taken her. I don`t have to remind myself of the joy she has brought me in the 2 years plus that she has been with us and the big part of the family she has become. I do understand that it`s not what you get but what you make of of the relationship and to bring around a sad zon to a happy zon and to feel a conection between the two of you and enjoy your time together. This little green bird has made me understand more about myself in 2 years than I did in all my life. If I were asked if I think some one should take a amazon I would say only if you want to change your life for the better. Look inside your self and you may see a zon.
  11. If you have a bird for over a year(the age of the bird does not matter)Other than you haveing it more than a year and you start to know it`s personality what would you nickname your bird and why. I will start with my cag Corky Corky is my Congo African Grey and she is 10 years and 3 months old and we have had her all her life. Her nickname would be Queen Bee. She has no trouble letting anybody know she is #1 and she is willing to prove it in no uncertin terms. Cricket is my Blue Front Amazon and she is about 15 years old and a rehome and has been with us for 2 years and 3 months. Her nickname would be Contradiction because she is a walking contradiction of what a amazon should be. She is very sweet and gentle and loves to play and be around me. Little One is my Pied Cockatiel and she is about 7 years old and we have had her about 6 years and she is a rehome. Her nickname would be Floozy because she is very sweet and will go to anybody that comes close to her Willie is my normal grey cockatiel and he has been with us for over 21 years His nickname would be Old Man of the North he just sits back and takes every thing as it comes. He does not like to be bothered much. Each is their own and they have a special place in our heart and they each bring something to our home.
  12. Do you think it could be that it`s spring and she is going through the (H) thing ? Cricket starts in Jan.thru April but she does not get aggressive just needy and wants to be with me allll the time and she just clings to me. It`s been that way for the two years she has been with us
  13. When I joined this forum it was because I had a african grey and also because there was a room just for amazons that was fun to read and I also have a BFA. You paved the way for a group of us that had both greys and zons and we could share our good times and bad times. We share a common goal with our zons and our greys and it`s because of you. Welcome back.
  14. When you take the time to know them they can get under your skin forever
  15. It was a little over 10 years ago that we brough Corky home and I still remember it like it was yesterday and you will to.
  16. Amazons are always a work in progress
  17. We mimick corky all the time in her in her language and she will mimick us back in her or our language depending on how she feels. Now this is always at home because it`s bad enought we have bird streeks down the back of our shirts if we forget to check before going out.
  18. My kind of place but we have a log cabin and when they come out of their cage they think they died and went to heaven and all that wood drives them nuts.
  19. She is probably over qualified.
  20. Hay Spock you take real good care of Jay now and tell them we miss them both and thanks for the up date.
  21. As the family grows so does the heart.
  22. Your grey may just like sitting with you and to enjoy your company and watch what you are doing and are content just doing that and thats not bordeom it`s called bonding. If they have toys to play with can come and go as they want and places to check out and at times want to be with you and want to enjoy your company than it`s sounds like you have a happy fid.
  23. And after the splatter they look over the edge as if to say did I do that
  24. For the most part a closed band is put on by the breader and has the hatch day and year bird# or what ever the breader wants to ID the bird. A close band is a domestic bird and a split band is a import. You can not import pet birds into the US as of 1993. I beleave thats the year.
  25. Welcome to the forum and we have a great amazon room. Along with my congo grey we also have a blue front zon who is a rehome
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