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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. OH what they can do when they trust you. Love the picture.
  2. A lot of greys are like that so I guess I`m lucky as Corky dose not mind change.
  3. You can always share your story's here and we will enjoy them with you.
  4. You have to remember that Pepper is still very new to your home and is still observing whats going on in your home. Even with their eyes closed they listen to whats going on. It sounds like Pepper is adjusting very well to your home. There will come a day when you will wish for some peace and quiet. Maybe not with one bird, but you could end up with MBS.
  5. He is photogenic. Don`t let it go to his head !
  6. They are all different and walk to the beat of their own drummer. Welcome to grey land.
  7. I went for the camera, but the batteries needed to be charged
  8. Don`t they all like things they should hot have. In our house any thing we eat, they are there for their share.
  9. It just takes time. Progress for our fids is one step at a time.
  10. We already had a thread about greys and amazons poop and who pooped more a grey or a zon and I think the greys won. The amazon had bigger poops than the grey, but the grey pooped more often so at the end of the day the grey had a bigger pile.
  11. I think Judy said it best. It takes time for them to settle in and some do it faster than others. Spend as much time as you can talking to them and talk to them like you would talk to a child so they will come to understand what you are saying.
  12. Hi Dusty Grey I have a Congo African grey and a blue fronted amazon and they have learned to tolerate each other. They get along with each other and will eat off the same plate at the same time. They are always supervised when they are out at the same time
  13. The difference between my grey and my amazon getting into trouble is. My amazon will get into trouble as I watch her. My grey will wait until I turn my back. Its a no win.
  14. Nice set up and their own room. OH, CLB childproof outlet covers did not stop my heathens.
  15. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  16. Some of the most awful looking toys I ever made for my parrots were their favorites. They did not care if they were cut striate or square as long as they were fun. No paint for color, no Fancie cut for looks just this ugly string of wooden cut offs. In about two hours it did not make a difference if they looked good or not, they were tore up. Wood splinters every place and a bird with a smile on its beak
  17. Leave it to a grey to test intelligence of your contractors workers. Who mimics who ?
  18. One of the things I do is go to the lumber yard and go to the cut off bins and pick out cut offs that I could use. At most lumber yards they are free. Just make sure the lumber is untreated.
  19. Only on the grey forum can poop be a long running thread. You can post pictures of your grey and pictures of their poop to. And the members will stop and take the time to look at it.
  20. If you can`t take the heat, than stay out of the kitchen.
  21. The other night I started a post "For the love of zons" and I was having brain farts and it was not coming out like I wanted it to. I had a number of paragraphs written, and as I reread them, It did not say what I wanted it to, so I deleted the post, I thought. The next day when I came home I was surprised to see part of the post was not deleted, but I had a number of nice replies. So maybe my post are too long. So any way when I get it right, I will repost it. Parrots bring so much more to our life than what you see on the surface, Even Amazons They say amazons are not for new parrot care givers. Is this not true of all parrots. Its a matter of degree as their needs are not so different. Proper diet, housing, interaction and socializing. Comments welcome.
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