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Posts posted by Loki'sMinion

  1. loki's monion i think im going to go with your advice and leave him in his hell hole next to his mansion for those few days and when we get home we will leave that door open and also the door open to his new cage. I hope he takes to us pretty quick! i know we will be better owners!!!


    Please keep us all posted and if you have any questions I am sure we will be able to offer some tips and advice.


    I can't wait for you to go get him and bring him home :)

  2. Another option is to go ahead and keep him in his current cage since it is only going to be a little less than a week till the vet appointment anyway. Allow him time out while your getting to know each other over the initial first week of course, but at least this way you will have a cage that is easy to transport him in to the vet and not have to worry about it so much since the morning of the vet visit, you could simply just not let him out.

  3. whoa!!! that made me nervous!!! Im going to see if my husband can be off work with me for that day!!


    Nah, don't be nervous. Just go at it like everything is going to go smoothly because if you are indeed nervous when you try, he will know and will react to that. I am sure everything will be OK. I would suggest the out of cage and cover up with a soft towel method.... that is of course if this doesn't turn out to be a sweetheart of a bird who steps up on cue (Which it very well might) :)

  4. remember if you git bit, make no reaction, no sounds, just put him down safely, walk to another room, put a towel in your mouth and scream!, come back right away, say calmly, "don't bite" and try again...


    Sometimes that is easier said than done :P Hahaha

  5. I don't see the bump you are referring to. That poor bird stuck in that little cockatiel cage! I feel so bad for him. He isn't going to know what to do once he gets moved into that nice big cage you got for him :) I am sure he is going to love having all that space and more than one perch to rest his tired feet on. I suggest LOTS of toys. That poor guy only has one toy right now :( You can change his name if you like, I am guessing he hasn't had much interaction and isn't exactly sure what his name is anyway.


    Bless you for adopting him, he surely needed rescuing from the looks of it

  6. Welcome! What a cute lil darling you have there! :)


    My lil Loki (TAG) is 10 weeks old tomorrow and is not weaned yet, so don't be surprised if yours isn't and you have to wait an extra week or so. Some are weaned by that age and others are not. My lil girl is still on 1 feeding per day right now.

  7. Some Greys are cuddly forever but more often than not Greys are more of a intellectual type of bird in my opinion. I am not saying they won't allow some snuggles and you loving on them. All I am saying here is that I wouldn't expect to be able to cradle your Grey in your arms and treat it like a baby, rocking it to sleep and such LOL The true "cuddly birds" are your Cockatoo's.

  8. About 16 years ago my Step father had a Congo named Napoleon who would toss food onto the floor to lure in his two Jack Russels. Once the dogs were there cleaning up, Napoleon would rush down his cage and chase the dogs off, biting and yelling at them. He would do this over and over again..... the dogs never learned.

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